[package] notarise dmg instead of app

This commit is contained in:
Sam Schott 2020-05-20 11:57:49 +02:00
parent 0765f19d74
commit 2a8cb0cd8c
2 changed files with 81 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ echo "**** COPY CLI ENTRY POINT ******************************"
cp bin/maestral_cli dist/Maestral.app/Contents/MacOS/maestral_cli
echo "**** SIGN AND NOTARIZE *********************************"
echo "**** SIGNING APP ***************************************"
echo "removing xattr"
xattr -cr dist/Maestral.app
echo "signing app"
codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Sam Schott" \
--entitlements entitlements.plist --deep -o runtime dist/Maestral.app
./macos-notarize-app.sh dist/Maestral.app
echo "**** CREATING DMG **************************************"
test -f dist/Maestral.dmg && rm dist/Maestral.dmg
@ -64,7 +66,11 @@ create-dmg \
"dist/Maestral.dmg" \
echo "signing dmg"
codesign --verify --sign "Developer ID Application: Sam Schott" dist/Maestral.dmg
md5 -r dist/Maestral.dmg
echo "**** NOTARISING DMG ************************************"
./macos-notarize-dmg.sh dist/Maestral.dmg
echo "**** DONE **********************************************"

package/macos-notarize-dmg.sh Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Specify dmg as first parameter"
exit 1
if [ -z "$APPLE_ID_USER" ] || [ -z "$APPLE_ID_PASSWORD" ]; then
echo "You need to set your Apple ID credentials with \$APPLE_ID_USER and \$APPLE_ID_PASSWORD."
exit 1
APP_BUNDLE=$(basename "$1")
APP_BUNDLE_DIR=$(dirname "$1")
cd "$APP_BUNDLE_DIR" || exit 1
# Submit for notarization
echo "Submitting $APP_BUNDLE for notarization..."
RESULT=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app --type osx \
--file "${APP_BUNDLE}" \
--primary-bundle-id com.samschott.maestral \
--username $APPLE_ID_USER \
--password @env:APPLE_ID_PASSWORD \
--output-format xml)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Submitting $APP_BUNDLE failed:"
echo "$RESULT"
exit 1
REQUEST_UUID=$(echo "$RESULT" | xpath \
"//key[normalize-space(text()) = 'RequestUUID']/following-sibling::string[1]/text()" 2> /dev/null)
if [ -z "$REQUEST_UUID" ]; then
echo "Submitting $APP_BUNDLE failed:"
echo "$RESULT"
exit 1
echo "$(echo "$RESULT" | xpath \
"//key[normalize-space(text()) = 'success-message']/following-sibling::string[1]/text()" 2> /dev/null)"
# Poll for notarization status
echo "Submitted notarization request $REQUEST_UUID, waiting for response..."
sleep 60
while :
RESULT=$(xcrun altool --notarization-info "$REQUEST_UUID" \
--username "$APPLE_ID_USER" \
--password @env:APPLE_ID_PASSWORD \
--output-format xml)
STATUS=$(echo "$RESULT" | xpath \
"//key[normalize-space(text()) = 'Status']/following-sibling::string[1]/text()" 2> /dev/null)
if [ "$STATUS" = "success" ]; then
echo "Notarization of $APP_BUNDLE succeeded!"
elif [ "$STATUS" = "in progress" ]; then
echo "Notarization in progress..."
sleep 20
echo "Notarization of $APP_BUNDLE failed:"
echo "$RESULT"
exit 1
# Staple the notary ticket
xcrun stapler staple "$APP_BUNDLE"