2021-02-19 00:17:18 +00:00

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Sync Logic
The :class:`maestral.sync.SyncEngine` class provides access to the current sync state
through its properties and provides the methods which are necessary to complete an
upload or a download sync cycle. This includes methods to wait for and return local and
remote changes, to sort those changes and discard any excluded items and to apply local
changes to the Dropbox server and vice versa.
The :class:`maestral.sync.SyncMonitor` class coordinates the sync process with its
threads for startup, download-sync, upload-sync and periodic maintenance.
Processing of sync events
Remote events come in three types: :class:`dropbox.files.DeletedMetadata`,
:class:`dropbox.files.FolderMetadata` and :class:`dropbox.files.FileMetadata`.
The Dropbox API does not differentiate between created, moved or modified events.
Maestral processes remote events as follows:
1) :meth:`SyncEngine.wait_for_remote_changes` blocks until remote changes are
2) :meth:`SyncEngine.list_remote_changes` lists all remote changes since the last sync.
Those events are processed at follows:
* Events for entries which are excluded by selective sync and hard-coded file names
which are always excluded (e.g., '.DS_Store') are filtered out at this stage.
* Multiple events per file path are combined to one. This is rarely necessary,
Dropbox typically already provides only a single event per path but this is not
guaranteed and may change. One exception is sharing a folder: Dropbox does this
by removing the folder from the user's root and re-mounting it as a shared
folder. This produces at least one DeletedMetadata and one FolderMetadata event.
If querying for changes *during* this process, multiple
:class:`dropbox.files.DeletedMetadata` events may be returned.
* If a file / folder event implies a type changes, e.g., replacing a folder with a
file, we explicitly generate the necessary :class:`dropbox.files.DeletedMetadata`
here to simplify conflict resolution.
3) :meth:`SyncEngine.apply_remote_changes`: Sorts all events hierarchically, with
top-level events coming first. Deleted and folder events are processed in order,
file events in parallel with up to 6 worker threads.
4) :meth:`SyncEngine.notify_user`: Shows a desktop notification for the remote
Local file events come in eight types: For both files and folders we collect created,
moved, modified and deleted events. They are processed as follows:
1) :meth:`SyncEngine.wait_for_local_changes`: Blocks until local changes are
registered by :class:`FSEventHandler`.
2) :meth:`SyncEngine.list_local_changes`: Lists all local file events. Those are
processed as follows:
* Events ignored by a "mignore" pattern as well as hard-coded file names and
changes in our cache path are filtered out at this stage.
* Events are further cleaned up to return the minimum number of events necessary to
reproduce the actual changes: Multiple events per path are combined into a single
event which reproduces the file change. The only exception is when the entry type
changes from file to folder or vice versa: in this case, both deleted and created
events are kept. Further, when a whole folder is moved or deleted, we discard the
moved or deleted events for its children.
2) :meth:`SyncEngine.apply_local_changes`: Sorts local changes hierarchically and
applies events in the order of deleted, folders and files. Deleted, created and
modified events will be applies to the remote Dropbox in parallel with up to 6
threads. Moves will be carried out synchronously.
Before processing, we convert all Dropbox metadata and local file events to a unified
format of :class:`maestral.database.SyncEvent` instances which are also used to store
the sync history data in our SQLite database.
Detection and resolution of sync conflicts
Sync conflicts during a download are detected by comparing the file's "rev" with the
locally saved revision identifier in Maestral's index. We assign folders a rev of
``'folder'`` and deleted / non-existent items a rev of ``None``.
#. If both revs are equal, the local item is either the same as on Dropbox or newer and
the local changes haven't been uploaded and committed to our index yet. No download
sync occurs (including deletion of the local file).
#. If revs are different, we compare content hashes. If those hashes are equal, no
download occurs.
#. If content hashes are different, we check if the local item has been modified since
the last download sync. In case of a folder, we take the most recent change of any of
its children. If the local entry has not been modified since the last sync, it will
be replaced. Otherwise, we create a conflicting copy.
Conflict resolution for uploads is handled as follows:
#. For created and moved events, we check if the new path has been excluded by the user
with selective sync but still exists on Dropbox. If yes, it will be renamed by
appending "(selective sync conflict)".
#. On case-sensitive file systems, we check if the new path differs only in casing from
an existing path. If yes, it will be renamed by appending "(case conflict)".
#. If a file has been replaced with a folder or vice versa, we check if any un-synced
changes will be lost by replacing the remote item and create a conflicting copy if
#. For created or modified files, check if the local content hash equals the remote
content hash. If yes, we don't upload but update our rev number. If no, we upload the
changes and specify the rev which we want to replace or delete. If the remote item is
newer (different rev), Dropbox will handle conflict resolution for us.
#. We finally confirm the successful upload and check if Dropbox has renamed the item to
a conflicting copy. In the latter case, we apply those changes locally.