2024-11-03 22:15:39 +09:00

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Overall, the performance of this library is positioned roughly in the middle between the fast (effectful, eveff, etc.) and slow (polysemy, fused-effects, etc.) libraries, and can be considered average. In all benchmarks, the speed is nearly equivalent to freer-simple, only slightly slower.

In the State benchmark, it is about 3-6x faster than polysemy and about 2-7x slower than effectful.

In the Throw/Catch benchmark, it is slightly faster than effectful in the fastest case, and at least 2x as fast as polysemy in the other cases.

In the Ask/Local benchmark, it still outperforms polysemy and fused-effects in deep effect stack cases.

Non-deterministic computations are somewhat slow; in cases with a shallow effect stack, they are about 5x slower than fused-effects. However, because their performance in terms of stack depth is better than that of fused-effects, they catch up to fused-effects in speed at around a depth of 5. Since among the practical extensible effects libraries, only fused-effects and freer-simple support non-deterministic computations, this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The coroutine performance is on par with freer-simple, maintaining similar speed without any noticeable degradation compared to other effects. Moreover, the other libraries such as eff and mpeff, aside from this library and freer-simple, likely suffer from the O(n^2) issue mentioned in the "Reflection without Remorse" paper. In comparison, these libraries are significantly slower, approximately 50x slower with n=1000 (as shown in the measured results) and about 500x slower with n=10000.

Furthermore, since there are differences among libraries in their support for higher-order effects and continuations, please note that, for example, in the Throw/Catch benchmark, only libraries that support higher-order effects are included in the comparison.

Below is a table showing the speedup factor of heftia when mtl is set to 1x (mtl's computation time divided by heftia's computation time). Larger values indicate that heftia is faster.

Benchmark Speedup
state, shallow 2.0x
state, deep 6.6x
throw/catch, shallow 0.3x
throw/catch, deep 1.2 - 6.5x
nondet, shallow 0.2x
nondet, deep 0.7x


The benchmark code is available at heftia-effects/bench. To run the benchmarks, move your working directory to the root directory of the heftia repository and execute ./benchmark/bench.sh.

Benchmark Results

The code was compiled with GHC 9.8.2 and run on a Ryzen 9 3900XT.

  • State Effect Benchmark (Shallow Effect Stack): countdown.shallow

  • State Effect Benchmark (Deep Effect Stack): countdown.deep

  • Throw/Catch Effect Benchmark (Shallow Effect Stack): catch.shallow

  • Throw/Catch Effect Benchmark (Deep Effect Stack): catch.deep

Note: Here, the 5 + (5 - N) + N corresponds to the interpretation stack of catchHeftiaDeepN represented below:

catchHeftiaDeep0, catchHeftiaDeep1, catchHeftiaDeep2, catchHeftiaDeep3, catchHeftiaDeep4, catchHeftiaDeep5 :: Int -> Either () ()
catchHeftiaDeep0 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ programHeftia n
catchHeftiaDeep1 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ run $ programHeftia n
catchHeftiaDeep2 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ run $ run $ programHeftia n
catchHeftiaDeep3 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ run $ run $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ run $ run $ run $ programHeftia n
catchHeftiaDeep4 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ run $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ run $ run $ run $ run $ programHeftia n
catchHeftiaDeep5 n = Heftia.runPure $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ Heftia.runThrow $ Heftia.runCatch @() $ run $ run $ run $ run $ run $ programHeftia n

run :: Heftia.Eff eh (Heftia.Ask () ': ef) a -> Heftia.Eff eh ef a
run = Heftia.runAsk ()
  • Ask/Local Effect Benchmark (Shallow Effect Stack): local.shallow

  • Ask/Local Effect Benchmark (Deep Effect Stack): local.deep

  • NonDet Effect Benchmark (Shallow Effect Stack): nondet.shallow

  • NonDet Effect Benchmark (Deep Effect Stack): nondet.deep

  • Coroutine Benchmark (Shallow Effect Stack): coroutine.shallow

  • Coroutine Benchmark (Deep Effect Stack): coroutine.deep