2022-09-26 16:02:48 +03:00
# This file is part of stable-diffusion-webui (https://github.com/sd-webui/stable-diffusion-webui/).
# Copyright 2022 sd-webui team.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
# base webui import and utils.
from webui_streamlit import st
from sd_utils import *
# streamlit imports
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
from streamlit import StopException
from streamlit_tensorboard import st_tensorboard
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
#other imports
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
from transformers import CLIPTextModel , CLIPTokenizer
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
2022-09-18 05:02:30 +03:00
# Temp imports
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
import argparse
import itertools
import math
import os
import random
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
#import datetime
#from pathlib import Path
#from typing import Optional
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch . nn . functional as F
import torch . utils . checkpoint
from torch . utils . data import Dataset
import PIL
from accelerate import Accelerator
from accelerate . logging import get_logger
from accelerate . utils import set_seed
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
from diffusers import AutoencoderKL , DDPMScheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler , StableDiffusionPipeline , UNet2DConditionModel #, PNDMScheduler
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
from diffusers . optimization import get_scheduler
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
#from diffusers.pipelines.stable_diffusion import StableDiffusionSafetyChecker
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
from pipelines . stable_diffusion . no_check import NoCheck
from huggingface_hub import HfFolder , whoami #, Repository
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms
from tqdm . auto import tqdm
from transformers import CLIPFeatureExtractor , CLIPTextModel , CLIPTokenizer
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
from slugify import slugify
import json
import os , subprocess
from io import StringIO
import sys
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
# end of imports
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
logger = get_logger ( __name__ )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
imagenet_templates_small = [
" a photo of a {} " ,
" a rendering of a {} " ,
" a cropped photo of the {} " ,
" the photo of a {} " ,
" a photo of a clean {} " ,
" a photo of a dirty {} " ,
" a dark photo of the {} " ,
" a photo of my {} " ,
" a photo of the cool {} " ,
" a close-up photo of a {} " ,
" a bright photo of the {} " ,
" a cropped photo of a {} " ,
" a photo of the {} " ,
" a good photo of the {} " ,
" a photo of one {} " ,
" a close-up photo of the {} " ,
" a rendition of the {} " ,
" a photo of the clean {} " ,
" a rendition of a {} " ,
" a photo of a nice {} " ,
" a good photo of a {} " ,
" a photo of the nice {} " ,
" a photo of the small {} " ,
" a photo of the weird {} " ,
" a photo of the large {} " ,
" a photo of a cool {} " ,
" a photo of a small {} " ,
imagenet_style_templates_small = [
" a painting in the style of {} " ,
" a rendering in the style of {} " ,
" a cropped painting in the style of {} " ,
" the painting in the style of {} " ,
" a clean painting in the style of {} " ,
" a dirty painting in the style of {} " ,
" a dark painting in the style of {} " ,
" a picture in the style of {} " ,
" a cool painting in the style of {} " ,
" a close-up painting in the style of {} " ,
" a bright painting in the style of {} " ,
" a cropped painting in the style of {} " ,
" a good painting in the style of {} " ,
" a close-up painting in the style of {} " ,
" a rendition in the style of {} " ,
" a nice painting in the style of {} " ,
" a small painting in the style of {} " ,
" a weird painting in the style of {} " ,
" a large painting in the style of {} " ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
class TextualInversionDataset ( Dataset ) :
def __init__ (
self ,
data_root ,
tokenizer ,
learnable_property = " object " , # [object, style]
size = 512 ,
repeats = 100 ,
interpolation = " bicubic " ,
set = " train " ,
placeholder_token = " * " ,
center_crop = False ,
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
templates = None
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
) :
self . data_root = data_root
self . tokenizer = tokenizer
self . learnable_property = learnable_property
self . size = size
self . placeholder_token = placeholder_token
self . center_crop = center_crop
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
self . image_paths = [ os . path . join ( self . data_root , file_path ) for file_path in os . listdir ( self . data_root ) if file_path . lower ( ) . endswith ( ( ' .png ' , ' .jpg ' , ' .jpeg ' ) ) ]
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
self . num_images = len ( self . image_paths )
self . _length = self . num_images
if set == " train " :
self . _length = self . num_images * repeats
self . interpolation = {
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
" linear " : PIL . Image . LINEAR ,
2022-09-25 04:06:24 +03:00
" bilinear " : PIL . Image . Resampling . BILINEAR ,
" bicubic " : PIL . Image . Resampling . BICUBIC ,
" lanczos " : PIL . Image . Resampling . LANCZOS ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
} [ interpolation ]
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
self . templates = templates
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
self . cache = { }
self . tokenized_templates = [ self . tokenizer (
text . format ( self . placeholder_token ) ,
padding = " max_length " ,
truncation = True ,
max_length = self . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
return_tensors = " pt " ,
) . input_ids [ 0 ] for text in self . templates ]
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
def __len__ ( self ) :
return self . _length
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
def get_example ( self , image_path , flipped ) :
if image_path in self . cache :
return self . cache [ image_path ]
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
example = { }
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
image = Image . open ( image_path )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
if not image . mode == " RGB " :
image = image . convert ( " RGB " )
# default to score-sde preprocessing
img = np . array ( image ) . astype ( np . uint8 )
if self . center_crop :
crop = min ( img . shape [ 0 ] , img . shape [ 1 ] )
h , w , = (
img . shape [ 0 ] ,
img . shape [ 1 ] ,
img = img [ ( h - crop ) / / 2 : ( h + crop ) / / 2 , ( w - crop ) / / 2 : ( w + crop ) / / 2 ]
image = Image . fromarray ( img )
image = image . resize ( ( self . size , self . size ) , resample = self . interpolation )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
image = transforms . RandomHorizontalFlip ( p = 1 if flipped else 0 ) ( image )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
image = np . array ( image ) . astype ( np . uint8 )
image = ( image / 127.5 - 1.0 ) . astype ( np . float32 )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
example [ " key " ] = " - " . join ( [ image_path , " - " , str ( flipped ) ] )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
example [ " pixel_values " ] = torch . from_numpy ( image ) . permute ( 2 , 0 , 1 )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
self . cache [ image_path ] = example
return example
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
def __getitem__ ( self , i ) :
flipped = random . choice ( [ False , True ] )
example = self . get_example ( self . image_paths [ i % self . num_images ] , flipped )
example [ " input_ids " ] = random . choice ( self . tokenized_templates )
return example
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
def freeze_params ( params ) :
for param in params :
param . requires_grad = False
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
def save_resume_file ( basepath , args , extra = { } ) :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
info = { " args " : st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] }
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
info [ " args " ] . update ( extra )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
with open ( f " { basepath } /resume.json " , " w " ) as f :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
json . dump ( info , f , indent = 4 )
class Checkpointer :
def __init__ (
self ,
accelerator ,
vae ,
unet ,
tokenizer ,
placeholder_token ,
placeholder_token_id ,
templates ,
output_dir ,
random_sample_batches ,
sample_batch_size ,
stable_sample_batches ,
) :
self . accelerator = accelerator
self . vae = vae
self . unet = unet
self . tokenizer = tokenizer
self . placeholder_token = placeholder_token
self . placeholder_token_id = placeholder_token_id
self . templates = templates
self . output_dir = output_dir
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
self . seed = seed
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
self . random_sample_batches = random_sample_batches
self . sample_batch_size = sample_batch_size
self . stable_sample_batches = stable_sample_batches
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
@torch.no_grad ( )
def checkpoint ( self , step , text_encoder , save_samples = True , path = None ) :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
print ( " Saving checkpoint for step %d ... " % step )
with torch . autocast ( " cuda " ) :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if path is None :
checkpoints_path = f " { self . output_dir } /checkpoints "
os . makedirs ( checkpoints_path , exist_ok = True )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
unwrapped = self . accelerator . unwrap_model ( text_encoder )
# Save a checkpoint
learned_embeds = unwrapped . get_input_embeddings ( ) . weight [ self . placeholder_token_id ]
learned_embeds_dict = { self . placeholder_token : learned_embeds . detach ( ) . cpu ( ) }
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
filename = f " %s_%d.bin " % ( slugify ( self . placeholder_token ) , step )
if path is not None :
torch . save ( learned_embeds_dict , path )
else :
torch . save ( learned_embeds_dict , f " { checkpoints_path } / { filename } " )
torch . save ( learned_embeds_dict , f " { checkpoints_path } /last.bin " )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
del unwrapped
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
del learned_embeds
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
@torch.no_grad ( )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
def save_samples ( self , step , text_encoder , height , width , guidance_scale , eta , num_inference_steps ) :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
samples_path = f " { self . output_dir } /samples "
os . makedirs ( samples_path , exist_ok = True )
#if "checker" not in server_state['textual_inversion']:
#with server_state_lock['textual_inversion']["checker"]:
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " checker " ] = NoCheck ( )
#if "unwrapped" not in server_state['textual_inversion']:
# with server_state_lock['textual_inversion']["unwrapped"]:
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " unwrapped " ] = self . accelerator . unwrap_model ( text_encoder )
#if "pipeline" not in server_state['textual_inversion']:
# with server_state_lock['textual_inversion']["pipeline"]:
# Save a sample image
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] = StableDiffusionPipeline (
text_encoder = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " unwrapped " ] ,
vae = self . vae ,
unet = self . unet ,
tokenizer = self . tokenizer ,
scheduler = LMSDiscreteScheduler (
beta_start = 0.00085 , beta_end = 0.012 , beta_schedule = " scaled_linear "
) ,
safety_checker = NoCheck ( ) ,
feature_extractor = CLIPFeatureExtractor . from_pretrained ( " openai/clip-vit-base-patch32 " ) ,
) . to ( " cuda " )
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] . enable_attention_slicing ( )
if self . stable_sample_batches > 0 :
stable_latents = torch . randn (
( self . sample_batch_size , server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] . unet . in_channels , height / / 8 , width / / 8 ) ,
device = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] . device ,
generator = torch . Generator ( device = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] . device ) . manual_seed ( self . seed ) ,
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
stable_prompts = [ choice . format ( self . placeholder_token ) for choice in ( self . templates * self . sample_batch_size ) [ : self . sample_batch_size ] ]
# Generate and save stable samples
for i in range ( 0 , self . stable_sample_batches ) :
samples = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] (
prompt = stable_prompts ,
height = 384 ,
latents = stable_latents ,
width = 384 ,
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
guidance_scale = guidance_scale ,
eta = eta ,
num_inference_steps = num_inference_steps ,
output_type = ' pil '
) [ " sample " ]
for idx , im in enumerate ( samples ) :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
filename = f " stable_sample_%d_%d_step_%d.png " % ( i + 1 , idx + 1 , step )
im . save ( f " { samples_path } / { filename } " )
del samples
del stable_latents
prompts = [ choice . format ( self . placeholder_token ) for choice in random . choices ( self . templates , k = self . sample_batch_size ) ]
# Generate and save random samples
for i in range ( 0 , self . random_sample_batches ) :
samples = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ] (
prompt = prompts ,
height = 384 ,
width = 384 ,
guidance_scale = guidance_scale ,
eta = eta ,
num_inference_steps = num_inference_steps ,
output_type = ' pil '
) [ " sample " ]
for idx , im in enumerate ( samples ) :
filename = f " step_%d_sample_%d_%d.png " % ( step , i + 1 , idx + 1 )
im . save ( f " { samples_path } / { filename } " )
del samples
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " checker " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " unwrapped " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ]
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
2022-09-27 21:51:17 +03:00
@retry ( RuntimeError , tries = 5 )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
def textual_inversion ( ) :
print ( " Running textual inversion. " )
2022-09-27 21:51:17 +03:00
if " pipeline " in server_state [ " textual_inversion " ] :
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " checker " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " unwrapped " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ]
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
global_step_offset = 0
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ " resume_from " ] :
basepath = f " { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_from ' ] } "
print ( " Resuming state from %s " % st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_from ' ] )
with open ( f " { basepath } /resume.json " , ' r ' ) as f :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
state = json . load ( f )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
global_step_offset = state [ " args " ] . get ( " global_step " , 0 )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
print ( " We ' ve trained %d steps so far " % global_step_offset )
else :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
basepath = f " { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' output_dir ' ] } / { slugify ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] ) } "
os . makedirs ( basepath , exist_ok = True )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
accelerator = Accelerator (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
gradient_accumulation_steps = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] ,
mixed_precision = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' mixed_precision ' ]
# If passed along, set the training seed.
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' seed ' ] :
set_seed ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' seed ' ] )
#if "tokenizer" not in server_state["textual_inversion"]:
# Load the tokenizer and add the placeholder token as a additional special token
#with server_state_lock['textual_inversion']["tokenizer"]:
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' tokenizer_name ' ] :
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] = CLIPTokenizer . from_pretrained ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' tokenizer_name ' ] )
elif st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' pretrained_model_name_or_path ' ] :
server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] = CLIPTokenizer . from_pretrained (
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' pretrained_model_name_or_path ' ] + ' /tokenizer '
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Add the placeholder token in tokenizer
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
num_added_tokens = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] . add_tokens ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
if num_added_tokens == 0 :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . error (
f " The tokenizer already contains the token { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] } . Please pass a different "
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
" `placeholder_token` that is not already in the tokenizer. "
# Convert the initializer_token, placeholder_token to ids
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
token_ids = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] . encode ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' initializer_token ' ] , add_special_tokens = False )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Check if initializer_token is a single token or a sequence of tokens
if len ( token_ids ) > 1 :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . error ( " The initializer token must be a single token. " )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
initializer_token_id = token_ids [ 0 ]
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
placeholder_token_id = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] . convert_tokens_to_ids ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Load models and create wrapper for stable diffusion
text_encoder = CLIPTextModel . from_pretrained (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' pretrained_model_name_or_path ' ] + ' /text_encoder ' ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
vae = AutoencoderKL . from_pretrained (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' pretrained_model_name_or_path ' ] + ' /vae ' ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
unet = UNet2DConditionModel . from_pretrained (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' pretrained_model_name_or_path ' ] + ' /unet ' ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
base_templates = imagenet_style_templates_small if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' learnable_property ' ] == " style " else imagenet_templates_small
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' custom_templates ' ] :
templates = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' custom_templates ' ] . split ( " ; " )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
else :
templates = base_templates
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
slice_size = unet . config . attention_head_dim / / 2
unet . set_attention_slice ( slice_size )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Resize the token embeddings as we are adding new special tokens to the tokenizer
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
text_encoder . resize_token_embeddings ( len ( server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] ) )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Initialise the newly added placeholder token with the embeddings of the initializer token
token_embeds = text_encoder . get_input_embeddings ( ) . weight . data
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if " resume_checkpoint " in st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] :
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_checkpoint ' ] is not None :
token_embeds [ placeholder_token_id ] = torch . load ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_checkpoint ' ] ) [ st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] ]
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
else :
token_embeds [ placeholder_token_id ] = token_embeds [ initializer_token_id ]
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Freeze vae and unet
freeze_params ( vae . parameters ( ) )
freeze_params ( unet . parameters ( ) )
# Freeze all parameters except for the token embeddings in text encoder
params_to_freeze = itertools . chain (
text_encoder . text_model . encoder . parameters ( ) ,
text_encoder . text_model . final_layer_norm . parameters ( ) ,
text_encoder . text_model . embeddings . position_embedding . parameters ( ) ,
freeze_params ( params_to_freeze )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
checkpointer = Checkpointer (
accelerator = accelerator ,
vae = vae ,
unet = unet ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
tokenizer = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] ,
placeholder_token = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] ,
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
placeholder_token_id = placeholder_token_id ,
templates = templates ,
output_dir = basepath ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
sample_batch_size = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' sample_batch_size ' ] ,
random_sample_batches = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' random_sample_batches ' ] ,
stable_sample_batches = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' stable_sample_batches ' ] ,
seed = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' seed ' ]
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' scale_lr ' ] :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' learning_rate ' ] = (
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' learning_rate ' ] * st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [
' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] * st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' train_batch_size ' ] * accelerator . num_processes
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Initialize the optimizer
optimizer = torch . optim . AdamW (
text_encoder . get_input_embeddings ( ) . parameters ( ) , # only optimize the embeddings
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
lr = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' learning_rate ' ] ,
betas = ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' adam_beta1 ' ] , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' adam_beta2 ' ] ) ,
weight_decay = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' adam_weight_decay ' ] ,
eps = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' adam_epsilon ' ] ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# TODO (patil-suraj): laod scheduler using args
noise_scheduler = DDPMScheduler (
beta_start = 0.00085 , beta_end = 0.012 , beta_schedule = " scaled_linear " , num_train_timesteps = 1000 , tensor_format = " pt "
train_dataset = TextualInversionDataset (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
data_root = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' train_data_dir ' ] ,
tokenizer = server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] ,
size = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resolution ' ] ,
placeholder_token = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' placeholder_token ' ] ,
repeats = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' repeats ' ] ,
learnable_property = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' learnable_property ' ] ,
center_crop = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' center_crop ' ] ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
set = " train " ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
templates = templates
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
train_dataloader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( train_dataset , batch_size = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' train_batch_size ' ] , shuffle = True )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Scheduler and math around the number of training steps.
overrode_max_train_steps = False
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
num_update_steps_per_epoch = math . ceil ( len ( train_dataloader ) / st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] )
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] is None :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' num_train_epochs ' ] * num_update_steps_per_epoch
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
overrode_max_train_steps = True
lr_scheduler = get_scheduler (
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' lr_scheduler ' ] ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
optimizer = optimizer ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
num_warmup_steps = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' lr_warmup_steps ' ] * st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] ,
num_training_steps = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] * st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] ,
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
text_encoder , optimizer , train_dataloader , lr_scheduler = accelerator . prepare (
text_encoder , optimizer , train_dataloader , lr_scheduler
# Move vae and unet to device
vae . to ( accelerator . device )
unet . to ( accelerator . device )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
# Keep vae and unet in eval mode as we don't train these
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
vae . eval ( )
unet . eval ( )
# We need to recalculate our total training steps as the size of the training dataloader may have changed.
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
num_update_steps_per_epoch = math . ceil ( len ( train_dataloader ) / st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
if overrode_max_train_steps :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' num_train_epochs ' ] * num_update_steps_per_epoch
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Afterwards we recalculate our number of training epochs
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' num_train_epochs ' ] = math . ceil ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] / num_update_steps_per_epoch )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# We need to initialize the trackers we use, and also store our configuration.
# The trackers initializes automatically on the main process.
if accelerator . is_main_process :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
accelerator . init_trackers ( " textual_inversion " , config = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Train!
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
total_batch_size = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' train_batch_size ' ] * accelerator . num_processes * st . session_state [
' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ]
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
logger . info ( " ***** Running training ***** " )
logger . info ( f " Num examples = { len ( train_dataset ) } " )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
logger . info ( f " Num Epochs = { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' num_train_epochs ' ] } " )
logger . info ( f " Instantaneous batch size per device = { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' train_batch_size ' ] } " )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
logger . info ( f " Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = { total_batch_size } " )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
logger . info ( f " Gradient Accumulation steps = { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' gradient_accumulation_steps ' ] } " )
logger . info ( f " Total optimization steps = { st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] } " )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
# Only show the progress bar once on each machine.
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
progress_bar = tqdm ( range ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] ) , disable = not accelerator . is_local_main_process )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
progress_bar . set_description ( " Steps " )
global_step = 0
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
encoded_pixel_values_cache = { }
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
try :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
for epoch in range ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' num_train_epochs ' ] ) :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
text_encoder . train ( )
for step , batch in enumerate ( train_dataloader ) :
with accelerator . accumulate ( text_encoder ) :
# Convert images to latent space
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
key = " | " . join ( batch [ " key " ] )
if encoded_pixel_values_cache . get ( key , None ) is None :
encoded_pixel_values_cache [ key ] = vae . encode ( batch [ " pixel_values " ] ) . latent_dist
latents = encoded_pixel_values_cache [ key ] . sample ( ) . detach ( ) . half ( ) * 0.18215
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
# Sample noise that we'll add to the latents
noise = torch . randn ( latents . shape ) . to ( latents . device )
bsz = latents . shape [ 0 ]
# Sample a random timestep for each image
timesteps = torch . randint ( 0 , noise_scheduler . num_train_timesteps , ( bsz , ) , device = latents . device ) . long ( )
# Add noise to the latents according to the noise magnitude at each timestep
# (this is the forward diffusion process)
noisy_latents = noise_scheduler . add_noise ( latents , noise , timesteps )
# Get the text embedding for conditioning
encoder_hidden_states = text_encoder ( batch [ " input_ids " ] ) [ 0 ]
# Predict the noise residual
noise_pred = unet ( noisy_latents , timesteps , encoder_hidden_states ) . sample
loss = F . mse_loss ( noise_pred , noise , reduction = " none " ) . mean ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) . mean ( )
accelerator . backward ( loss )
# Zero out the gradients for all token embeddings except the newly added
# embeddings for the concept, as we only want to optimize the concept embeddings
if accelerator . num_processes > 1 :
grads = text_encoder . module . get_input_embeddings ( ) . weight . grad
else :
grads = text_encoder . get_input_embeddings ( ) . weight . grad
# Get the index for tokens that we want to zero the grads for
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
index_grads_to_zero = torch . arange ( len ( server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " tokenizer " ] ) ) != placeholder_token_id
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
grads . data [ index_grads_to_zero , : ] = grads . data [ index_grads_to_zero , : ] . fill_ ( 0 )
optimizer . step ( )
lr_scheduler . step ( )
optimizer . zero_grad ( )
# Checks if the accelerator has performed an optimization step behind the scenes
if accelerator . sync_gradients :
progress_bar . update ( 1 )
global_step + = 1
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if global_step % st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' checkpoint_frequency ' ] == 0 and global_step > 0 and accelerator . is_main_process :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
checkpointer . checkpoint ( global_step + global_step_offset , text_encoder )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
save_resume_file ( basepath , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] , {
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
" global_step " : global_step + global_step_offset ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
" resume_checkpoint " : f " { basepath } /checkpoints/last.bin "
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
} )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
checkpointer . save_samples (
global_step + global_step_offset ,
text_encoder ,
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resolution ' ] , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [
' resolution ' ] , 7.5 , 0.0 , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' sample_steps ' ] )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
logs = { " loss " : loss . detach ( ) . item ( ) , " lr " : lr_scheduler . get_last_lr ( ) [ 0 ] }
progress_bar . set_postfix ( * * logs )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
accelerator . log ( logs , step = global_step )
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
if global_step > = st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' max_train_steps ' ] :
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
accelerator . wait_for_everyone ( )
# Create the pipeline using using the trained modules and save it.
if accelerator . is_main_process :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
print ( " Finished! Saving final checkpoint and resume state. " )
checkpointer . checkpoint (
global_step + global_step_offset ,
text_encoder ,
path = f " { basepath } /learned_embeds.bin "
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
save_resume_file ( basepath , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] , {
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
" global_step " : global_step + global_step_offset ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
" resume_checkpoint " : f " { basepath } /checkpoints/last.bin "
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
} )
accelerator . end_training ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
if accelerator . is_main_process :
print ( " Interrupted, saving checkpoint and resume state... " )
checkpointer . checkpoint ( global_step + global_step_offset , text_encoder )
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
save_resume_file ( basepath , st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] , {
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
" global_step " : global_step + global_step_offset ,
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
" resume_checkpoint " : f " { basepath } /checkpoints/last.bin "
2022-09-24 15:28:54 +03:00
} )
quit ( )
2022-09-22 11:44:35 +03:00
2022-09-18 05:02:30 +03:00
2022-09-16 21:50:22 +03:00
def layout ( ) :
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
with st . form ( " textual-inversion " ) :
#st.info("Under Construction. :construction_worker:")
#parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple example of a training script.")
set_page_title ( " Textual Inversion - Stable Diffusion Playground " )
config_tab , output_tab = st . tabs ( [ " Textual Inversion Config " , " Ouput " ] )
with config_tab :
col1 , col2 , col3 , col4 , col5 = st . columns ( 5 , gap = ' large ' )
if " textual_inversion " not in st . session_state :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] = { }
if " textual_inversion " not in server_state :
server_state [ " textual_inversion " ] = { }
if " args " not in st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] = { }
with col1 :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " pretrained_model_name_or_path " ] = st . text_input ( " Pretrained Model Path " ,
value = st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . textual_inversion . pretrained_model_name_or_path ,
help = " Path to pretrained model or model identifier from huggingface.co/models. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " tokenizer_name " ] = st . text_input ( " Tokenizer Name " ,
value = st . session_state [ " defaults " ] . textual_inversion . tokenizer_name ,
help = " Pretrained tokenizer name or path if not the same as model_name " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " train_data_dir " ] = st . text_input ( " train_data_dir " , value = " " , help = " A folder containing the training data. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " placeholder_token " ] = st . text_input ( " Placeholder Token " , value = " " , help = " A token to use as a placeholder for the concept. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " initializer_token " ] = st . text_input ( " Initializer Token " , value = " " , help = " A token to use as initializer word. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " learnable_property " ] = st . selectbox ( " Learnable Property " , [ " object " , " style " ] , index = 0 , help = " Choose between ' object ' and ' style ' " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " repeats " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Number of times to Repeat " , value = 100 , help = " How many times to repeat the training data. " ) )
with col2 :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " output_dir " ] = st . text_input ( " Output Directory " ,
value = str ( os . path . join ( " outputs " , " textual_inversion " ) ) ,
help = " The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " seed " ] = seed_to_int ( st . text_input ( " Seed " , help = " A seed for reproducible training. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " resolution " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Resolution " , value = 512 ,
help = " The resolution for input images, all the images in the train/validation dataset will be resized to this resolution " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " center_crop " ] = st . checkbox ( " Center Image " , value = True , help = " Whether to center crop images before resizing to resolution " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " train_batch_size " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Train Batch Size " , value = 1 , help = " Batch size (per device) for the training dataloader. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " num_train_epochs " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Number of Steps to Train " , value = 100 , help = " Number of steps to train. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " max_train_steps " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Max Number of Steps to Train " , value = 5000 ,
help = " Total number of training steps to perform. If provided, overrides ' Number of Steps to Train ' . " ) )
with col3 :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " gradient_accumulation_steps " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Gradient Accumulation Steps " , value = 1 ,
help = " Number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " learning_rate " ] = float ( st . text_input ( " Learning Rate " , value = 5.0e-04 ,
help = " Initial learning rate (after the potential warmup period) to use. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " scale_lr " ] = st . checkbox ( " Scale Learning Rate " , value = True ,
help = " Scale the learning rate by the number of GPUs, gradient accumulation steps, and batch size. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " lr_scheduler " ] = st . text_input ( " Learning Rate Scheduler " , value = " constant " ,
help = ( " The scheduler type to use. Choose between [ ' linear ' , ' cosine ' , ' cosine_with_restarts ' , ' polynomial ' , "
" ' constant ' , ' constant_with_warmup ' ] " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " lr_warmup_steps " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Learning Rate Warmup Steps " , value = 500 , help = " Number of steps for the warmup in the lr scheduler. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " adam_beta1 " ] = float ( st . text_input ( " Adam Beta 1 " , value = 0.9 , help = " The beta1 parameter for the Adam optimizer. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " adam_beta2 " ] = float ( st . text_input ( " Adam Beta 2 " , value = 0.999 , help = " The beta2 parameter for the Adam optimizer. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " adam_weight_decay " ] = float ( st . text_input ( " Adam Weight Decay " , value = 1e-2 , help = " Weight decay to use. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " adam_epsilon " ] = float ( st . text_input ( " Adam Epsilon " , value = 1e-08 , help = " Epsilon value for the Adam optimizer " ) )
with col4 :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " mixed_precision " ] = st . selectbox ( " Mixed Precision " , [ " no " , " fp16 " , " bf16 " ] , index = 1 ,
help = " Whether to use mixed precision. Choose " " between fp16 and bf16 (bfloat16). Bf16 requires PyTorch >= 1.10. "
" and an Nvidia Ampere GPU. " )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " local_rank " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Local Rank " , value = 1 , help = " For distributed training: local_rank " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " checkpoint_frequency " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Checkpoint Frequency " , value = 500 , help = " How often to save a checkpoint and sample image " ) )
# stable_sample_batches is crashing when saving the samples so for now I will disable it util its fixed.
#st.session_state['textual_inversion']["args"]["stable_sample_batches"] = int(st.text_input("Stable Sample Batches", value=0,
#help="Number of fixed seed sample batches to generate per checkpoint"))
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " stable_sample_batches " ] = 0
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " random_sample_batches " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Random Sample Batches " , value = 2 ,
help = " Number of random seed sample batches to generate per checkpoint " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " sample_batch_size " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Sample Batch Size " , value = 1 , help = " Number of samples to generate per batch " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " sample_steps " ] = int ( st . text_input ( " Sample Steps " , value = 100 ,
help = " Number of steps for sample generation. Higher values will result in more detailed samples, but longer runtimes. " ) )
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " custom_templates " ] = st . text_input ( " Custom Templates " , value = " " ,
help = " A semicolon-delimited list of custom template to use for samples, using {} as a placeholder for the concept. " )
with col5 :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " resume_from " ] = st . text_input ( label = " Resume From " , help = " Path to a directory to resume training from (ie, logs/token_name) " )
#st.session_state['textual_inversion']["args"]["resume_checkpoint"] = st.file_uploader("Resume Checkpoint", type=["bin"],
#help="Path to a specific checkpoint to resume training from (ie, logs/token_name/checkpoints/something.bin).")
#st.session_state['textual_inversion']["args"]["config"] = st.file_uploader("Config File", type=["json"],
#help="Path to a JSON configuration file containing arguments for invoking this script."
#"If resume_from is given, its resume.json takes priority over this.")
if " resume_from " in st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] :
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " resume_from " ] :
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_from ' ] , " resume.json " ) ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ ' args ' ] [ ' resume_from ' ] , " resume.json " ) , ' rt ' ) as f :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] = json . load ( f ) [ " args " ]
#elif st.session_state['textual_inversion']["args"]["config"] is not None:
#with open(st.session_state['textual_inversion']["args"]["config"], 'rt') as f:
#args = parser.parse_args(namespace=argparse.Namespace(**json.load(f)["args"]))
env_local_rank = int ( os . environ . get ( " LOCAL_RANK " , - 1 ) )
if env_local_rank != - 1 and env_local_rank != st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " local_rank " ] :
st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " local_rank " ] = env_local_rank
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " train_data_dir " ] is None :
st . error ( " You must specify --train_data_dir " )
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " pretrained_model_name_or_path " ] is None :
st . error ( " You must specify --pretrained_model_name_or_path " )
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " placeholder_token " ] is None :
st . error ( " You must specify --placeholder_token " )
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " initializer_token " ] is None :
st . error ( " You must specify --initializer_token " )
if st . session_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " args " ] [ " output_dir " ] is None :
st . error ( " You must specify --output_dir " )
# add a spacer and the submit button for the form.
st . session_state [ " textual_inversion " ] [ " message " ] = st . empty ( )
st . session_state [ " textual_inversion " ] [ " progress_bar " ] = st . empty ( )
st . write ( " --- " )
submit = st . form_submit_button ( help = " " )
if submit :
if " pipe " in st . session_state :
del st . session_state [ " pipe " ]
if " model " in st . session_state :
del st . session_state [ " model " ]
st . session_state [ " textual_inversion " ] [ " message " ] . info ( " Textual Inversion Running. For more info check the progress on your console or the Ouput Tab. " )
try :
try :
textual_inversion ( )
except RuntimeError :
if " pipeline " in server_state [ " textual_inversion " ] :
2022-09-27 21:51:17 +03:00
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " checker " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " unwrapped " ]
del server_state [ ' textual_inversion ' ] [ " pipeline " ]
2022-09-27 21:36:48 +03:00
textual_inversion ( )
except StopException :
print ( f " Received Streamlit StopException " )
st . session_state [ " textual_inversion " ] [ " message " ] . empty ( )
with output_tab :
#st.info("Under Construction. :construction_worker:")
# Start TensorBoard
st_tensorboard ( logdir = os . path . join ( " outputs " , " textual_inversion " ) , port = 8888 )