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module Options
2007-02-10 20:36:50 +03:00
import System
2007-01-30 12:07:12 +03:00
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import Text.Printf
2008-11-22 15:37:55 +03:00
import Ledger.Parse (smartparsedate)
import Ledger.Dates
import Ledger.Utils
2007-02-16 14:51:30 +03:00
usage opts = usageInfo usagehdr options ++ usageftr
negativePatternChar opts
| OptionsAnywhere `elem` opts = '^'
| otherwise = '-'
usagehdr = "Usage: hledger [OPTS] COMMAND [ACCTPATTERNS] [-- DESCPATTERNS]\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Options (before command, unless using --options-anywhere):"
usageftr = "\n" ++
"Commands (may be abbreviated):\n" ++
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
" balance - show account balances\n" ++
" print - show formatted ledger entries\n" ++
" register - show register transactions\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Account and description patterns are regular expressions which filter by\n" ++
"account name and entry description. Prefix a pattern with - to negate it,\n" ++
"and separate account and description patterns with --.\n" ++
"(With --options-anywhere, use ^ and ^^.)\n" ++
"\n" ++
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
"Also: hledger [-v] test [TESTPATTERNS] to run self-tests.\n" ++
defaultfile = "~/.ledger"
fileenvvar = "LEDGER"
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
-- | Command-line options we accept.
options :: [OptDescr Opt]
options = [
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg File "FILE") filehelp,
Option ['b'] ["begin"] (ReqArg Begin "Y/M/D") "report on entries on or after this date",
Option ['e'] ["end"] (ReqArg End "Y/M/D") "report on entries prior to this date",
Option ['C'] ["cleared"] (NoArg Cleared) "report only on cleared entries",
Option ['B'] ["cost","basis"] (NoArg CostBasis) "report cost basis of commodities",
Option [] ["depth"] (ReqArg Depth "N") "balance report: maximum account depth to show",
Option ['d'] ["display"] (ReqArg Display "EXPR") ("display only transactions matching simple EXPR\n" ++
"(where EXPR is 'dOP[Y/M/D]', OP is <, <=, =, >=, >)"),
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
Option ['E'] ["empty"] (NoArg Empty) "balance report: show accounts with zero balance",
Option ['R'] ["real"] (NoArg Real) "report only on real (non-virtual) transactions",
Option [] ["options-anywhere"] (NoArg OptionsAnywhere) "allow options anywhere, use ^ to negate patterns",
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
Option ['n'] ["collapse"] (NoArg Collapse) "balance report: no grand total",
Option ['s'] ["subtotal"] (NoArg SubTotal) "balance report: show subaccounts",
Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this help",
Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "verbose test output",
Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version"
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
filehelp = printf "ledger file; - means use standard input. Defaults\nto the %s environment variable or %s"
fileenvvar defaultfile
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
-- | An option value from a command-line flag.
data Opt =
File String |
Begin String |
End String |
Cleared |
CostBasis |
Depth String |
Display String |
2008-11-22 12:39:58 +03:00
Empty |
2008-10-16 13:50:16 +04:00
Real |
OptionsAnywhere |
2008-11-22 12:46:57 +03:00
Collapse |
SubTotal |
2007-05-01 09:55:35 +04:00
Help |
Verbose |
deriving (Show,Eq)
2007-02-16 15:24:13 +03:00
2008-11-24 01:30:20 +03:00
versionno = "0.3pre"
version = printf "hledger version %s \n" versionno :: String
2008-10-10 05:36:21 +04:00
-- | Parse the command-line arguments into ledger options, ledger command
-- name, and ledger command arguments
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
parseArguments :: IO ([Opt], String, [String])
parseArguments = do
args <- getArgs
let order = if "--options-anywhere" `elem` args then Permute else RequireOrder
case (getOpt order options args) of
(opts,cmd:args,[]) -> return (opts, cmd, args)
2008-10-16 01:47:56 +04:00
(opts,[],[]) -> return (opts, [], [])
(opts,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage opts))
-- | Get the ledger file path from options, an environment variable, or a default
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
ledgerFilePathFromOpts :: [Opt] -> IO String
ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts = do
envordefault <- getEnv fileenvvar `catch` \_ -> return defaultfile
paths <- mapM tildeExpand $ [envordefault] ++ (concatMap getfile opts)
return $ last paths
getfile (File s) = [s]
getfile _ = []
-- | Expand ~ in a file path (does not handle ~name).
tildeExpand :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
tildeExpand ('~':[]) = getHomeDirectory
tildeExpand ('~':'/':xs) = getHomeDirectory >>= return . (++ ('/':xs))
--handle ~name, requires -fvia-C or ghc 6.8:
--import System.Posix.User
-- tildeExpand ('~':xs) = do let (user, path) = span (/= '/') xs
-- pw <- getUserEntryForName user
-- return (homeDirectory pw ++ path)
tildeExpand xs = return xs
2008-11-22 15:37:55 +03:00
-- | Get the value of the begin date option, if any.
beginDateFromOpts :: [Opt] -> IO (Maybe Date)
beginDateFromOpts opts =
case beginopts of
(x:_) -> smartparsedate (last beginopts) >>= return . Just
_ -> return Nothing
beginopts = concatMap getbegindate opts
getbegindate (Begin s) = [s]
getbegindate _ = []
defaultdate = ""
2008-11-22 15:37:55 +03:00
-- | Get the value of the end date option, if any.
endDateFromOpts :: [Opt] -> IO (Maybe Date)
endDateFromOpts opts = do
case endopts of
(x:_) -> smartparsedate (last endopts) >>= return . Just
_ -> return Nothing
endopts = concatMap getenddate opts
getenddate (End s) = [s]
getenddate _ = []
defaultdate = ""
-- | Get the value of the depth option, if any.
depthFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Maybe Int
depthFromOpts opts =
case depthopts of
(x:_) -> Just $ read x
_ -> Nothing
depthopts = concatMap getdepth opts
getdepth (Depth s) = [s]
getdepth _ = []
-- | Get the value of the display option, if any.
displayFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Maybe String
displayFromOpts opts =
case displayopts of
(s:_) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
displayopts = concatMap getdisplay opts
getdisplay (Display s) = [s]
getdisplay _ = []
-- | Gather any ledger-style account/description pattern arguments into
-- two lists. These are 0 or more account patterns optionally followed by
-- a separator and then 0 or more description patterns. The separator is
-- usually -- but with --options-anywhere is ^^ so we need to provide the
-- options as well.
parseAccountDescriptionArgs :: [Opt] -> [String] -> ([String],[String])
parseAccountDescriptionArgs opts args = (as, ds')
where (as, ds) = break (==patseparator) args
ds' = dropWhile (==patseparator) ds
patseparator = replicate 2 negchar
negchar = negativePatternChar opts
-- testoptions RequireOrder ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions (ReturnInOrder Arg) ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["foo","--","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["-?o","--name","bar","--na=baz"]
-- testoptions Permute ["--ver","foo"]
testoptions order cmdline = putStr $
case getOpt order options cmdline of
(o,n,[] ) -> "options=" ++ show o ++ " args=" ++ show n
(o,_,errs) -> concat errs ++ usage o