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Various options to use when reading journal files.
Similar to CliOptions.inputflags, simplifies the journal-reading functions.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hledger.Read.InputOptions (
-- * Types and helpers for input options
, HasInputOpts(..)
, definputopts
, forecastPeriod
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Time (Day, addDays)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (BalancingOpts(..), HasBalancingOpts(..), defbalancingopts)
import Hledger.Data.Journal (journalEndDate)
import Hledger.Data.Dates (nulldatespan)
import Hledger.Utils (dbg2, makeHledgerClassyLenses)
data InputOpts = InputOpts {
-- files_ :: [FilePath]
mformat_ :: Maybe StorageFormat -- ^ a file/storage format to try, unless overridden
-- by a filename prefix. Nothing means try all.
,mrules_file_ :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ a conversion rules file to use (when reading CSV)
,aliases_ :: [String] -- ^ account name aliases to apply
,anon_ :: Bool -- ^ do light anonymisation/obfuscation of the data
,new_ :: Bool -- ^ read only new transactions since this file was last read
,new_save_ :: Bool -- ^ save latest new transactions state for next time
,pivot_ :: String -- ^ use the given field's value as the account name
,forecast_ :: Maybe DateSpan -- ^ span in which to generate forecast transactions
,reportspan_ :: DateSpan -- ^ a dirty hack keeping the query dates in InputOpts. This rightfully lives in ReportSpec, but is duplicated here.
,auto_ :: Bool -- ^ generate automatic postings when journal is parsed
,balancingopts_ :: BalancingOpts -- ^ options for balancing transactions
,strict_ :: Bool -- ^ do extra error checking (eg, all posted accounts are declared, no prices are inferred)
} deriving (Show)
definputopts :: InputOpts
definputopts = InputOpts
{ mformat_ = Nothing
, mrules_file_ = Nothing
, aliases_ = []
, anon_ = False
, new_ = False
, new_save_ = True
, pivot_ = ""
, forecast_ = Nothing
, reportspan_ = nulldatespan
, auto_ = False
, balancingopts_ = defbalancingopts
, strict_ = False
-- | Get the Maybe the DateSpan to generate forecast options from.
-- This begins on:
-- - the start date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
-- - otherwise, the later of
-- - the report start date if specified with -b/-p/date:
-- - the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal, if any
-- - otherwise today.
-- It ends on:
-- - the end date supplied to the `--forecast` argument, if present
-- - otherwise the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:
-- - otherwise 180 days (6 months) from today.
forecastPeriod :: Day -> InputOpts -> Journal -> Maybe DateSpan
forecastPeriod d iopts j = do
DateSpan requestedStart requestedEnd <- forecast_ iopts
let forecastStart = requestedStart <|> max mjournalend reportStart <|> Just d
forecastEnd = requestedEnd <|> reportEnd <|> Just (addDays 180 d)
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
DateSpan reportStart reportEnd = reportspan_ iopts
return . dbg2 "forecastspan" $ DateSpan forecastStart forecastEnd
-- ** Lenses
makeHledgerClassyLenses ''InputOpts
instance HasBalancingOpts InputOpts where
balancingOpts = balancingopts