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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
2015-05-17 18:32:45 +03:00
Easy regular expression helpers, currently based on regex-tdfa. These should:
- be cross-platform, not requiring C libraries
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- support unicode
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- support extended regular expressions
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- support replacement, with backreferences etc.
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- support splitting
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- have mnemonic names
2014-07-08 22:50:19 +04:00
- have simple monomorphic types
- work with simple strings
Regex strings are automatically compiled into regular expressions the first
time they are seen, and these are cached. If you use a huge number of unique
regular expressions this might lead to increased memory usage. Several
functions have memoised variants (*Memo), which also trade space for time.
Currently two APIs are provided:
- The old partial one (with ' suffixes') which will call error on any problem
(eg with malformed regexps). This comes from hledger's origin as a
command-line tool.
- The new total one which will return an error message. This is better for
long-running apps like hledger-web.
Current limitations:
- (?i) and similar are not supported
module Hledger.Utils.Regex (
-- * Regexp type and constructors
-- * type aliases
-- * total regex operations
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), Value(String))
import Data.Array ((!), elems, indices)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Regex.TDFA (
Regex, CompOption(..), defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt,
makeRegexOptsM, AllMatches(getAllMatches), match, MatchText,
RegexLike(..), RegexMaker(..), RegexOptions(..), RegexContext(..)
-- | Regular expression. Extended regular expression-ish syntax ? But does not support eg (?i) syntax.
data Regexp
= Regexp { reString :: Text, reCompiled :: Regex }
| RegexpCI { reString :: Text, reCompiled :: Regex }
instance Eq Regexp where
Regexp s1 _ == Regexp s2 _ = s1 == s2
RegexpCI s1 _ == RegexpCI s2 _ = s1 == s2
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Regexp where
Regexp s1 _ `compare` Regexp s2 _ = s1 `compare` s2
RegexpCI s1 _ `compare` RegexpCI s2 _ = s1 `compare` s2
Regexp _ _ `compare` RegexpCI _ _ = LT
RegexpCI _ _ `compare` Regexp _ _ = GT
instance Show Regexp where
showsPrec d r = showParen (d > app_prec) $ reCons . showsPrec (app_prec+1) (T.unpack $ reString r)
where app_prec = 10
reCons = case r of Regexp _ _ -> showString "Regexp "
RegexpCI _ _ -> showString "RegexpCI "
instance Read Regexp where
readsPrec d r = readParen (d > app_prec) (\r' -> [(toRegexCI' m,t) |
("RegexCI",s) <- lex r',
(m,t) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) s]) r
++ readParen (d > app_prec) (\r' -> [(toRegex' m, t) |
("Regex",s) <- lex r',
(m,t) <- readsPrec (app_prec+1) s]) r
where app_prec = 10
instance ToJSON Regexp where
toJSON (Regexp s _) = String $ "Regexp " <> s
toJSON (RegexpCI s _) = String $ "RegexpCI " <> s
instance RegexLike Regexp String where
matchOnce = matchOnce . reCompiled
matchAll = matchAll . reCompiled
matchCount = matchCount . reCompiled
matchTest = matchTest . reCompiled
matchAllText = matchAllText . reCompiled
matchOnceText = matchOnceText . reCompiled
instance RegexContext Regexp String String where
match = match . reCompiled
matchM = matchM . reCompiled
-- Convert a Regexp string to a compiled Regex, or return an error message.
toRegex :: Text -> Either RegexError Regexp
2020-12-27 10:59:30 +03:00
toRegex = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (Regexp s <$> makeRegexM (T.unpack s)) -- Have to unpack here because Text instance in regex-tdfa only appears in 1.3.1
-- Like toRegex, but make a case-insensitive Regex.
toRegexCI :: Text -> Either RegexError Regexp
2020-12-27 10:59:30 +03:00
toRegexCI = memo $ \s -> mkRegexErr s (RegexpCI s <$> makeRegexOptsM defaultCompOpt{caseSensitive=False} defaultExecOpt (T.unpack s)) -- Have to unpack here because Text instance in regex-tdfa only appears in 1.3.1
-- | Make a nice error message for a regexp error.
mkRegexErr :: Text -> Maybe a -> Either RegexError a
mkRegexErr s = maybe (Left errmsg) Right
2022-07-13 04:29:36 +03:00
where errmsg = T.unpack $ "This regular expression is malformed, please correct it:\n" <> s
-- Convert a Regexp string to a compiled Regex, throw an error
toRegex' :: Text -> Regexp
toRegex' = either errorWithoutStackTrace id . toRegex
-- Like toRegex', but make a case-insensitive Regex.
toRegexCI' :: Text -> Regexp
toRegexCI' = either errorWithoutStackTrace id . toRegexCI
-- | A replacement pattern. May include numeric backreferences (\N).
type Replacement = String
-- | An error message arising during a regular expression operation.
-- Eg: trying to compile a malformed regular expression, or
-- trying to apply a malformed replacement pattern.
type RegexError = String
-- helpers
-- | Test whether a Regexp matches a String. This is an alias for `matchTest` for consistent
-- naming.
regexMatch :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatch = matchTest
-- | Tests whether a Regexp matches a Text.
-- This currently unpacks the Text to a String an works on that. This is due to
-- a performance bug in regex-tdfa (#9), which may or may not be relevant here.
regexMatchText :: Regexp -> Text -> Bool
regexMatchText r = matchTest r . T.unpack
-- new total functions
-- | A memoising version of regexReplace. Caches the result for each
-- search pattern, replacement pattern, target string tuple.
-- This won't generate a regular expression parsing error since that
-- is pre-compiled nowadays, but there can still be a runtime error
-- from the replacement pattern, eg with a backreference referring
-- to a nonexistent match group.
regexReplace :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> Either RegexError String
regexReplace re repl = memo $ regexReplaceUnmemo re repl
-- helpers:
2020-08-06 21:35:04 +03:00
-- Replace this regular expression with this replacement pattern in this
-- string, or return an error message. (There should be no regexp
-- parsing errors these days since Regexp's compiled form is used,
-- but there can still be a runtime error from the replacement
-- pattern, eg a backreference referring to a nonexistent match group.)
regexReplaceUnmemo :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> Either RegexError String
regexReplaceUnmemo re repl str = foldM (replaceMatch repl) str (reverse $ match (reCompiled re) str :: [MatchText String])
-- Replace one match within the string with the replacement text
-- appropriate for this match. Or return an error message.
replaceMatch :: Replacement -> String -> MatchText String -> Either RegexError String
replaceMatch replpat s matchgroups =
case elems matchgroups of
[] -> Right s
((_,(off,len)):_) -> -- groups should have 0-based indexes, and there should always be at least one, since this is a match
erpl >>= \rpl -> Right $ pre ++ rpl ++ post
(pre, post') = splitAt off s
post = drop len post'
-- The replacement text: the replacement pattern with all
-- numeric backreferences replaced by the appropriate groups
-- from this match. Or an error message.
erpl = regexReplaceAllByM backrefRegex (lookupMatchGroup matchgroups) replpat
-- Given some match groups and a numeric backreference,
-- return the referenced group text, or an error message.
lookupMatchGroup :: MatchText String -> String -> Either RegexError String
lookupMatchGroup grps ('\\':s2@(_:_)) | all isDigit s2 =
case read s2 of n | n `elem` indices grps -> Right $ fst (grps ! n) -- PARTIAL: should not fail, all digits
_ -> Left $ "no match group exists for backreference \"\\"++s++"\""
lookupMatchGroup _ s2 = Left $ "lookupMatchGroup called on non-numeric-backreference \""++s2++"\", shouldn't happen"
2020-09-03 19:49:28 +03:00
backrefRegex = toRegex' "\\\\[0-9]+" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
-- regexReplace' :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
-- regexReplace' re repl s =
-- foldl (replaceMatch repl) s (reverse $ match (reCompiled re) s :: [MatchText String])
-- where
-- replaceMatch :: Replacement -> String -> MatchText String -> String
-- replaceMatch replpat s matchgroups = pre ++ repl ++ post
-- where
-- ((_,(off,len)):_) = elems matchgroups -- groups should have 0-based indexes, and there should always be at least one, since this is a match
-- (pre, post') = splitAt off s
-- post = drop len post'
-- repl = regexReplaceAllBy backrefRegex (lookupMatchGroup matchgroups) replpat
-- where
-- lookupMatchGroup :: MatchText String -> String -> String
-- lookupMatchGroup grps ('\\':s@(_:_)) | all isDigit s =
-- case read s of n | n `elem` indices grps -> fst (grps ! n)
-- -- PARTIAL:
-- _ -> error' $ "no match group exists for backreference \"\\"++s++"\""
-- lookupMatchGroup _ s = error' $ "lookupMatchGroup called on non-numeric-backreference \""++s++"\", shouldn't happen"
2020-09-03 19:49:28 +03:00
-- backrefRegex = toRegex' "\\\\[0-9]+" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
-- helpers
2020-08-06 21:35:04 +03:00
-- adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9071682/replacement-substition-with-haskell-regex-libraries:
2020-08-06 21:35:04 +03:00
-- Replace all occurrences of a regexp in a string, transforming each match
-- with the given pure function.
regexReplaceAllBy :: Regexp -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
regexReplaceAllBy re transform s = prependdone rest
(_, rest, prependdone) = foldl' go (0, s, id) matches
matches = getAllMatches $ match (reCompiled re) s :: [(Int, Int)] -- offset and length
go :: (Int,String,String->String) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,String,String->String)
go (pos,todo,prepend) (off,len) =
let (prematch, matchandrest) = splitAt (off - pos) todo
(matched, rest2) = splitAt len matchandrest
in (off + len, rest2, prepend . (prematch++) . (transform matched ++))
2020-08-06 21:35:04 +03:00
-- Replace all occurrences of a regexp in a string, transforming each match
-- with the given monadic function. Eg if the monad is Either, a Left result
-- from the transform function short-circuits and is returned as the overall
-- result.
regexReplaceAllByM :: forall m. Monad m => Regexp -> (String -> m String) -> String -> m String
regexReplaceAllByM re transform s =
foldM go (0, s, id) matches >>= \(_, rest, prependdone) -> pure $ prependdone rest
matches = getAllMatches $ match (reCompiled re) s :: [(Int, Int)] -- offset and length
go :: (Int,String,String->String) -> (Int,Int) -> m (Int,String,String->String)
go (pos,todo,prepend) (off,len) =
let (prematch, matchandrest) = splitAt (off - pos) todo
(matched, rest) = splitAt len matchandrest
in transform matched >>= \matched' -> pure (off + len, rest, prepend . (prematch++) . (matched' ++))