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module Transaction
import Utils
2007-07-02 18:54:36 +04:00
import Types
import AccountName
import LedgerEntry
import LedgerTransaction
2007-03-12 10:58:11 +03:00
import Amount
import Currency
flattenEntry :: LedgerEntry -> [Transaction]
flattenEntry (LedgerEntry d _ _ desc _ ts) = [Transaction d desc (taccount t) (tamount t) | t <- ts]
2007-07-04 14:59:29 +04:00
transactionSetPrecision :: Int -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionSetPrecision p (Transaction d desc a amt) = Transaction d desc a amt{precision=p}
accountNamesFromTransactions :: [Transaction] -> [AccountName]
accountNamesFromTransactions ts = nub $ map account ts
2007-07-04 14:59:29 +04:00
sumTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Amount
sumTransactions = sum . map amount
matchTransactionAccount :: Regex -> Transaction -> Bool
matchTransactionAccount r t =
case matchRegex r (account t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
matchTransactionDescription :: Regex -> Transaction -> Bool
matchTransactionDescription r t =
case matchRegex r (description t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
-- for register command
showTransactionsWithBalances :: [Transaction] -> Amount -> String
showTransactionsWithBalances [] _ = []
showTransactionsWithBalances ts b =
unlines $ showTransactionsWithBalances' ts dummyt b
2007-07-04 14:59:29 +04:00
dummyt = Transaction "" "" "" (dollars 0)
showTransactionsWithBalances' [] _ _ = []
showTransactionsWithBalances' (t:ts) tprev b =
2007-07-04 14:59:29 +04:00
(if sameentry t tprev
then [showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance t b']
else [showTransactionAndBalance t b'])
++ (showTransactionsWithBalances' ts t b')
2007-07-04 14:59:29 +04:00
b' = b + (amount t)
sameentry (Transaction d1 desc1 _ _) (Transaction d2 desc2 _ _) =
d1 == d2 && desc1 == desc2
-- we forgot the entry-txn relationships.. good enough ?
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance :: Transaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance t b =
(showEntryDescription $ LedgerEntry (date t) False "" (description t) "" [])
++ (showLedgerTransaction $ LedgerTransaction (account t) (amount t) "") ++ (showBalance b)
showTransactionAndBalance :: Transaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionAndBalance t b =
(replicate 32 ' ') ++ (showLedgerTransaction $ LedgerTransaction (account t) (amount t) "") ++ (showBalance b)
showBalance :: Amount -> String
showBalance b = printf " %12s" (showAmountRoundedOrZero b)
transactionsWithAccountName :: AccountName -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
transactionsWithAccountName a ts = [t | t <- ts, account t == a]
transactionsWithOrBelowAccountName :: AccountName -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
transactionsWithOrBelowAccountName a ts =
[t | t <- ts, account t == a || a `isAccountNamePrefixOf` (account t)]