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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --verbosity info --package hledger-lib
-- Run this script from inside the hledger source tree, so that it
-- will use the corresponding source version of hledger, which is the
-- version it is tested with.
-- You can compile these scripts by running compile.sh in this directory.
-- The compiled executables can be run from anywhere, so you could add
-- this directory to your $PATH and see them in hledger's command list.
-- You could make this a standalone script that runs from anywhere and
-- recompiles itself when changed, by replacing "runghc" above with
-- "script --compile --resolver lts-16" (eg). However this uses the
-- hledger version from that stackage resolver, so in this case you
-- should check out the corresponding release-tagged version of this
-- script for compatibility (eg: git checkout 1.18.1).
-- This setup is adapted for some current limitations of stack's
-- ghc/runghc/script commands. Unfortunately it requires repeating
-- package dependencies, to the extent they are required, in multiple
-- places.
-- Keep synced: compile.sh, scripts*.test, hledger-*.hs ...
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
Usage: hledger-check-fancyassertions
[-f|--file FILE] [--alias OLD=NEW] [--ignore-assertions]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
[-b|--begin DATE] [-e|--end DATE] [-C|--cleared]
[--pending] [-U|--unmarked] [-R|--real] [--sunday]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
[-D|--daily ASSERT] [-W|--weekly ASSERT]
[-M|--monthly ASSERT] [-Q|--quarterly ASSERT]
[-Y|--yearly ASSERT] [ASSERT]
Complex account balance assertions for hledger journals.
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-f,--file FILE use a different input file. For stdin, use -
--alias OLD=NEW display accounts named OLD as NEW
--ignore-assertions ignore any balance assertions in the journal
-b,--begin DATE include postings/txns on or after this date
-e,--end DATE include postings/txns before this date
-U,--unmarked include only unmarked postings/txns
-P,--pending include only pending postings/txns
-C,--cleared include only cleared postings/txns
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-R,--real include only non-virtual postings
--sunday weeks start on Sunday
-D,--daily ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the day
-W,--weekly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the week
-M,--monthly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the month
-Q,--quarterly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the quarter
-Y,--yearly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the year
ASSERT assertions that must hold after every transaction
Comparison: `<value OR account name> cmp <value OR account name>`
In the simplest form, an assertion is just a comparison between
values. A value is either an amount or an account name (both as
defined by hledger). The comparison operators are `<`, `<=`, `==`,
`>=`, `>`, and `!=` (with the obvious meanings).
Normally, the name of an account refers to the balance of that account
only, without including subaccounts. The syntax `* AccountName` refers
to the sum of the values in both that account and its subaccounts.
hledger-check-fancyassertions -D "budget:books >= £0"
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
"At the end of every day, the books budget is greater than or equal to
£0", implying that if I overspend, I need to take the money out of
some other account. Note the double space after `budget:books`, this
is because account names can contain single spaces.
Combination: `<assertion> op <assertion>`
Assertions can be combined with logical connectives. The connectives
are `&&`, `||`, `==>`, and `<==>` (with the obvious meanings).
Assertions can also be wrapped inside parentheses.
hledger-check-fancyassertions "(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checking == £0)"
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
"If I have taken money from my overdraft, then I must have no money in
my checking account (including subaccounts)."
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
module Main where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (mplus, mzero, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runStateT)
import Data.String (fromString)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor (($>))
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (foldl', groupBy, intercalate, nub, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (mondayStartWeek, sundayStartWeek, toOrdinalDate)
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
import qualified Hledger.Data as H
import qualified Hledger.Query as H
import qualified Hledger.Read as H
import qualified Hledger.Utils.Parse as H
import Lens.Micro (set)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
import Options.Applicative
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath (FilePath)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- Don't know how to preserve newlines yet.
helptxt = unlines [
"ASSERTIONS can be:"
,"In the simplest form, an assertion is just a comparison between"
,"values. A value is either an amount or an account name (both as"
,"defined by hledger). The comparison operators are <, <=, ==,"
,">=, >, and != (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Normally, the name of an account refers to the balance of that account"
,"only, without including subaccounts. The syntax `* ACCT` refers"
,"to the sum of the values in both that account and its subaccounts."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions -D 'budget:books >= £0'"
,"\"At the end of every day, the books budget is greater than or equal to"
,"£0\", implying that if I overspend, I need to take the money out of"
,"some other account. Note the double space after budget:books, this is"
,"because account names can contain single spaces."
,"Assertions can be combined with logical connectives. The connectives"
,"are &&, ||, ==>, and <==> (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Assertions can also be wrapped inside parentheses."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions '(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checking == £0)'"
,"\"If I have taken money from my overdraft, then I must have no money in"
,"my checking account (including subaccounts).\""
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser args
journalFile <- maybe H.defaultJournalPath pure (file opts)
ejournal <- runExceptT $ H.readJournalFile (set H.ignore_assertions (ignoreAssertions opts) H.definputopts) journalFile
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
case ejournal of
Right j -> do
(journal, starting) <- fixupJournal opts j
let postings = H.journalPostings journal
b1 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsAlways opts) (groupByNE ((==) `on` H.ptransaction) postings)
b2 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsDaily opts) (groupByNE sameDay postings)
b3 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsWeekly opts) (groupByNE (sameWeek (sunday opts)) postings)
b4 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsMonthly opts) (groupByNE sameMonth postings)
b5 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsQuarterly opts) (groupByNE sameQuarter postings)
b6 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsYearly opts) (groupByNE sameYear postings)
unless (b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && b5 && b6)
Left err -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
-- Assertions
-- | Check assertions against a collection of grouped postings:
-- assertions must hold when all postings in the group have been
-- applied. Print out errors as they are found.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
checkAssertions :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(Text, Predicate)] -> [NonEmpty H.Posting] -> IO Bool
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
checkAssertions balances0 asserts0 postingss
| null failed = pure True
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
| otherwise = T.putStrLn (T.intercalate "\n\n" failed) >> pure False
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
(_, _, failed) = foldl' applyAndCheck (balances0, asserts0, []) postingss
-- Apply a collection of postings and check the assertions.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
applyAndCheck :: ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-> NonEmpty H.Posting
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
-> ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
applyAndCheck (starting, asserts, errs) ps =
let ps' = toList ps
closing = starting `addAccounts` closingBalances' ps'
checked = map (\a -> (a, check (last ps') closing a)) asserts
asserts' = [a | (a, Nothing) <- checked]
errs' = [e | (_, Just e) <- checked]
in (closing, asserts', errs ++ errs')
-- Check an assertion against a collection of account balances,
-- and return an error on failure.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
check :: H.Posting -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> (Text, Predicate) -> Maybe Text
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
check lastp balances (pstr, p)
| checkAssertion balances p = Nothing
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
| otherwise = Just . T.unlines $
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
let after = case H.ptransaction lastp of
Just t ->
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
"after transaction:\n" <> H.showTransaction t <>
"(after posting: " <> T.pack (init $ H.showPosting lastp) <> ")\n\n"
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
Nothing ->
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
"after posting:\n" <> T.pack (H.showPosting lastp)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- Restrict to accounts mentioned in the predicate, and pretty-print balances
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
balances' = filter (flip inAssertion p . fst) balances
maxalen = maximum $ map (T.length . fst) balances'
accounts = [ a <> padding <> T.pack (show m)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
| (a,m) <- balances'
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, let padding = T.replicate (2 + maxalen - T.length a) " "
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
in [ "assertion '" <> pstr <> "' violated", after <> "relevant balances:"] ++ map (" "<>) accounts
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- | Check an assertion holds for a collection of account balances.
checkAssertion :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> Predicate -> Bool
checkAssertion accounts = checkAssertion'
checkAssertion' (Not p) = not (checkAssertion' p)
checkAssertion' (Connect p1 c p2) =
let p1' = checkAssertion' p1
p2' = checkAssertion' p2
in case c of
AND -> p1' && p2'
OR -> p1' || p2'
IMPLIES -> not p1' || p2'
IFF -> p1' == p2'
checkAssertion' (Compare v1 c v2) =
let v1e = evaluate v1
v2e = evaluate v2
v1' = fixup v1e v2e
v2' = fixup v2e v1e
in case c of
LLT -> v1' < v2'
EEQ -> v1' == v2'
GGT -> v1' > v2'
LTE -> v1' <= v2'
NEQ -> v1' /= v2'
GTE -> v1' >= v2'
evaluate (Account account) =
fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup account accounts
evaluate (AccountNested account) =
H.maSum [m | (a,m) <- accounts, account == a || (a <> pack ":") `isPrefixOf` account]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
evaluate (Amount amount) = H.mixed [amount]
-- Add missing amounts (with 0 value), normalise, throw away style
-- information, and sort by commodity name.
fixup m1 m2 =
let m = H.mixed $ H.amounts m1 ++ [m_ { H.aquantity = 0 } | m_ <- H.amounts m2]
as = H.amounts m
in H.mixed $ sortOn H.acommodity . map (\a -> a { H.astyle = H.amountstyle }) $ as
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- | Check if an account name is mentioned in an assertion.
inAssertion :: H.AccountName -> Predicate -> Bool
inAssertion account = inAssertion'
inAssertion' (Not p) = not (inAssertion' p)
inAssertion' (Connect p1 _ p2) = inAssertion' p1 || inAssertion' p2
inAssertion' (Compare v1 _ v2) = inValue v1 || inValue v2
inValue (Account a) = account == a
inValue (AccountNested a) = account == a || (a <> pack ":") `isPrefixOf` account
inValue (Amount _) = False
-- Journals
-- | Apply account aliases and restrict to the date range, return the
-- starting balance of every account.
fixupJournal :: Opts -> H.Journal -> IO (H.Journal, [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)])
fixupJournal opts j = do
today <- H.getCurrentDay
let j' = (if cleared opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Cleared) else id)
. (if pending opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Pending) else id)
. (if unmarked opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Unmarked) else id)
. (if real opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.Real True) else id)
$ j
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
let starting = case begin opts of
Just _ ->
let dateSpan = H.DateSpan Nothing (fixDay today begin)
in closingBalances (H.filterJournalPostings (H.Date dateSpan) j')
Nothing -> []
let dateSpan = H.DateSpan (fixDay today begin) (fixDay today end)
pure (H.filterJournalTransactions (H.Date dateSpan) j', starting)
fixDay today dayf = H.fixSmartDate today <$> dayf opts
-- | Get the closing balances of every account in the journal.
closingBalances :: H.Journal -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
closingBalances = closingBalances' . H.journalPostings
-- | Get the closing balances of every account referenced by a group
-- of postings.
closingBalances' :: [H.Posting] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
closingBalances' postings =
let postingsByAccount =
groupBy ((==) `on` H.paccount) . sortOn H.paccount $ postings
in map (\ps@(p:_) -> (H.paccount p, H.sumPostings ps)) postingsByAccount
-- | Add balances in matching accounts.
addAccounts :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
addAccounts as1 as2 = [ (a, a1 `H.maPlus` a2)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
| a <- nub (map fst as1 ++ map fst as2)
, let a1 = fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup a as1
, let a2 = fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup a as2
-- Dates
-- | Check if two postings are in the same day.
sameDay :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameDay = sameish id
-- | Check if two postings are in the same week.
sameWeek :: Bool -> H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameWeek startSunday p1 p2 =
let startWeek = if startSunday then sundayStartWeek else mondayStartWeek
d1 = H.postingDate p1
d2 = H.postingDate p2
y1 = fst (toOrdinalDate d1)
y2 = fst (toOrdinalDate d2)
w1 = fst (startWeek d1)
w2 = fst (startWeek d2)
sameYearSameWeek = y1 == y2 && w1 == w2
week0Week52 = y1 == y2+1 && w1 == 0 && w2 == 52
week52Week0 = 1+y1 == y2 && w1 == 52 && w2 == 0
in sameYearSameWeek || week0Week52 || week52Week0
-- | Check if two postings are in the same month.
sameMonth :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameMonth = sameish (\(y,m,_) -> (y,m))
-- | Check if two postings are in the same quarter.
sameQuarter :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameQuarter = sameish (\(y,m,_) -> (y, m `div` 4))
-- | Check if two postings are in the same year.
sameYear :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameYear = sameish (\(y,_,_) -> y)
-- Command-line Arguments
-- | Parsed command-line arguments.
data Opts = Opts
{ file :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Path to journal file.
, aliases :: [H.AccountAlias]
-- ^ Account name aliases: (OLD, NEW).
, ignoreAssertions :: Bool
-- ^ Ignore balance assertions while reading the journal file (but
-- still apply any given to this tool.
, begin :: Maybe H.SmartDate
-- ^ Exclude postings/txns before this date.
, end :: Maybe H.SmartDate
-- ^ Exclude postings/txns on or after this date.
, cleared :: Bool
-- ^ Include only cleared postings/txns.
, pending :: Bool
-- ^ Include only pending postings/txns.
, unmarked :: Bool
-- ^ Include only unmarked postings/txns.
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
, real :: Bool
-- ^ Include only non-virtual postings.
, sunday :: Bool
-- ^ Week starts on Sunday.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsDaily :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each day.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsWeekly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each week.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsMonthly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each month.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsQuarterly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each quarter.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsYearly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each year.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
, assertionsAlways :: [(Text, Predicate)]
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold after each txn.
deriving (Show)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- | Command-line arguments.
args :: ParserInfo Opts
args = info (helper <*> parser) $ mconcat
[ fullDesc
, progDesc "Complex account balance assertions for hledger journals."
, footer helptxt
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
parser = Opts <$> (optional . strOption)
(arg 'f' "file" "use a different input file. For stdin, use -" <> metavar "FILE")
<*> (many . fmap snd . popt (lift H.accountaliasp))
(arg' "alias" "display accounts named OLD as NEW" <> metavar "OLD=NEW")
<*> switch
(arg' "ignore-assertions" "ignore any balance assertions in the journal")
<*> (optional . fmap snd . popt' H.smartdate)
(arg 'b' "begin" "include postings/txns on or after this date" <> metavar "DATE")
<*> (optional . fmap snd . popt' H.smartdate)
(arg 'e' "end" "include postings/txns before this date" <> metavar "DATE")
<*> switch
(arg 'C' "cleared" "include only cleared postings/txns")
<*> switch
(arg' "pending" "include only pending postings/txns")
<*> switch
(arg 'U' "unmarked" "include only unmarked postings/txns")
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
<*> switch
(arg 'R' "real" "include only non-virtual postings")
<*> switch
(arg' "sunday" "weeks start on Sunday")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'D' "daily" "assertions that must hold at the end of the day" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'W' "weekly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the week" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'M' "monthly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the month" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'Q' "quarterly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the quarter" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'Y' "yearly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the year" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . parg predicatep)
(help "assertions that must hold after every transaction" <> metavar "ASSERT")
-- Shorthand for options
arg s l h = arg' l h <> short s
arg' l h = long l <> help h
-- Arguments and options from a Megaparsec parser.
parg = argument . readParsec
popt = option . readParsec
popt' = option . readParsec'
-- Turn a Parsec parser into a ReadM parser that also returns the
-- input.
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
readParsec :: H.JournalParser ReadM a -> ReadM (Text, a)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
readParsec p = do
s <- str
2021-01-01 01:43:00 +03:00
parsed <- P.runParserT (runStateT p H.nulljournal) "" s
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
case parsed of
Right (a, _) -> pure (s, a)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ unpack s ++ "': " ++ P.errorBundlePretty err)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
readParsec' :: H.SimpleTextParser a -> ReadM (String, a)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
readParsec' p = do
s <- str
let parsed = runIdentity $ P.runParserT p "" (pack s)
case parsed of
Right a -> pure (s, a)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ s ++ "': " ++ P.errorBundlePretty err)
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- Predicates & Parsers
data Predicate
= Compare Value Compare Value
| Connect Predicate Connect Predicate
| Not Predicate
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Parse a 'Predicate'.
predicatep :: Monad m => H.JournalParser m Predicate
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
predicatep = wrap predparensp <|> wrap predcomparep <|> wrap prednotp where
predparensp = P.char '(' *> spaces *> predicatep <* spaces <* P.char ')'
predcomparep = Compare <$> valuep <*> (spaces *> lift comparep <* spaces) <*> valuep
prednotp = void (P.char '!') *> (Not <$> predicatep)
spaces = void . many $ P.char ' '
wrap p = do
a <- P.try p
P.try (wrap $ do c <- lift connectp; spaces; Connect a c <$> p) <|> pure a
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
data Value = Account H.AccountName | AccountNested H.AccountName | Amount H.Amount
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Parse a 'Value'.
valuep :: Monad m => H.JournalParser m Value
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
-- Account name parser has to come last because they eat everything.
valuep = P.try valueamountp <|> P.try valueaccountnestedp <|> valueaccountp where
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
valueamountp = Amount <$> H.amountp
valueaccountp = Account <$> lift H.accountnamep
valueaccountnestedp = AccountNested <$> (P.char '*' *> spaces *> lift H.accountnamep)
spaces = void . many $ P.char ' '
data Compare = LLT | EEQ | GGT | LTE | NEQ | GTE
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
-- | Parse a 'Compare'.
comparep :: Monad m => H.TextParser m Compare
comparep = gostringsp [("<=", LTE), ("<", LLT), ("==", EEQ), (">=", GTE), (">", GGT), ("!=", NEQ)]
data Connect = AND | OR | IMPLIES | IFF
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
-- | Parse a 'Connect'.
connectp :: Monad m => H.TextParser m Connect
connectp = gostringsp [("&&", AND), ("||", OR), ("==>", IMPLIES), ("<==>", IFF)]
-- Utilities
-- | Group values in a list into nonempty subsequences.
groupByNE :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
groupByNE f = mapMaybe nonEmpty . groupBy f
-- | Check if two postings are on the sameish date, given a function
-- to convert the posting date (in (Y,M,D) format) to some comparable
-- value.
sameish :: Eq a => ((Integer, Int, Int) -> a) -> H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameish f = (==) `on` f . toGregorian . H.postingDate
-- | Helper for 'Compare' and 'Connect' parsers.
gostringsp :: Monad m => [(String, a)] -> H.TextParser m a
gostringsp ((s,a):rest) = P.try (P.string (fromString s) $> a) `mplus` gostringsp rest
2017-01-26 03:15:18 +03:00
gostringsp [] = mzero