2008-10-03 06:04:15 +04:00
2009-04-05 03:15:42 +04:00
A 'TimeLogEntry' is a clock-in, clock-out, or other directive in a timelog
file (see timeclock.el or the command-line version). These can be
2009-12-16 11:07:26 +03:00
converted to 'Transactions' and queried like a ledger.
2008-10-03 06:04:15 +04:00
2010-05-20 03:08:53 +04:00
module Hledger.Data.TimeLog
2007-03-12 10:40:33 +03:00
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
import Data.Time.Format
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Data.Time.LocalTime
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Utils
2010-05-20 03:08:53 +04:00
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Commodity
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
2007-03-12 10:40:33 +03:00
instance Show TimeLogEntry where
2008-11-11 15:34:05 +03:00
show t = printf "%s %s %s" (show $ tlcode t) (show $ tldatetime t) (tlcomment t)
2007-03-12 10:40:33 +03:00
2009-04-04 00:04:51 +04:00
instance Show TimeLogCode where
show SetBalance = "b"
show SetRequiredHours = "h"
show In = "i"
show Out = "o"
show FinalOut = "O"
instance Read TimeLogCode where
readsPrec _ ('b' : xs) = [(SetBalance, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('h' : xs) = [(SetRequiredHours, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('i' : xs) = [(In, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('o' : xs) = [(Out, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('O' : xs) = [(FinalOut, xs)]
readsPrec _ _ = []
2010-07-13 10:30:06 +04:00
-- | Convert time log entries to journal transactions. When there is no
2009-01-26 23:22:42 +03:00
-- clockout, add one with the provided current time. Sessions crossing
2009-03-15 15:42:03 +03:00
-- midnight are split into days to give accurate per-day totals.
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
timeLogEntriesToTransactions :: LocalTime -> [TimeLogEntry] -> [Transaction]
timeLogEntriesToTransactions _ [] = []
timeLogEntriesToTransactions now [i]
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now [i',o]
2009-03-15 15:42:03 +03:00
| otherwise = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o]
2009-04-04 00:04:51 +04:00
o = TimeLogEntry Out end ""
2009-04-01 09:00:08 +04:00
end = if itime > now then itime else now
2009-03-15 15:42:03 +03:00
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
timeLogEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now rest
2009-01-26 23:22:42 +03:00
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
2007-03-12 10:40:33 +03:00
2010-07-13 10:30:06 +04:00
-- | Convert a timelog clockin and clockout entry to an equivalent journal
-- transaction, representing the time expenditure. Note this entry is not balanced,
2008-10-15 23:11:06 +04:00
-- since we omit the \"assets:time\" transaction for simpler output.
2009-12-16 11:07:26 +03:00
entryFromTimeLogInOut :: TimeLogEntry -> TimeLogEntry -> Transaction
2008-12-11 04:35:07 +03:00
entryFromTimeLogInOut i o
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
| otime >= itime = t
2008-12-11 04:35:07 +03:00
| otherwise =
2010-09-05 22:18:50 +04:00
error' $ "clock-out time less than clock-in time in:\n" ++ showTransaction t
2007-03-12 10:40:33 +03:00
2009-12-16 11:07:26 +03:00
t = Transaction {
2009-12-16 20:58:51 +03:00
tdate = idate,
teffectivedate = Nothing,
tstatus = True,
tcode = "",
tdescription = showtime itod ++ "-" ++ showtime otod,
tcomment = "",
2010-11-14 01:17:32 +03:00
tmetadata = [],
2009-12-16 20:58:51 +03:00
tpostings = ps,
2008-12-11 04:35:07 +03:00
2009-01-25 10:06:59 +03:00
showtime = take 5 . show
2008-10-09 01:08:42 +04:00
acctname = tlcomment i
2009-01-25 10:06:59 +03:00
itime = tldatetime i
otime = tldatetime o
itod = localTimeOfDay itime
otod = localTimeOfDay otime
idate = localDay itime
hrs = elapsedSeconds (toutc otime) (toutc itime) / 3600 where toutc = localTimeToUTC utc
amount = Mixed [hours hrs]
2009-12-19 06:44:52 +03:00
ps = [Posting{pstatus=False,paccount=acctname,pamount=amount,
2010-11-14 01:17:32 +03:00
pcomment="",ptype=VirtualPosting,pmetadata=[],ptransaction=Just t}]
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
2010-12-27 23:26:22 +03:00
tests_Hledger_Data_TimeLog = TestList [
2010-05-22 23:00:20 +04:00
"timeLogEntriesToTransactions" ~: do
today <- getCurrentDay
now' <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
let now = utcToLocalTime tz now'
nowstr = showtime now
yesterday = prevday today
clockin = TimeLogEntry In
mktime d = LocalTime d . fromMaybe midnight . parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S"
showtime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M"
assertEntriesGiveStrings name es ss = assertEqual name ss (map tdescription $ timeLogEntriesToTransactions now es)
assertEntriesGiveStrings "started yesterday, split session at midnight"
[clockin (mktime yesterday "23:00:00") ""]
assertEntriesGiveStrings "split multi-day sessions at each midnight"
[clockin (mktime (addDays (-2) today) "23:00:00") ""]
assertEntriesGiveStrings "auto-clock-out if needed"
[clockin (mktime today "00:00:00") ""]
let future = utcToLocalTime tz $ addUTCTime 100 now'
futurestr = showtime future
assertEntriesGiveStrings "use the clockin time for auto-clockout if it's in the future"
[clockin future ""]
[printf "%s-%s" futurestr futurestr]