doc: update version number notes, move to contrib guide

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Simon Michael 2019-02-03 16:50:54 -08:00
parent 1ff2516a84
commit 11ce2aff59
2 changed files with 91 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -1196,6 +1196,81 @@ Finally, for quick, fine-grained performance measurements when troubleshooting o
## Version numbers
Some old version numbering goals:
1. automation, robustness, simplicity, platform independence
2. cabal versions must be all-numeric
3. release versions can be concise (without extra .0's)
4. releases should have a corresponding VCS tag
5. development builds should have a precise version appearing in --version
6. development builds should generate cabal packages with non-confusing versions
7. there should be a way to mark builds/releases as alpha or beta
8. avoid unnecessary compiling and linking
9. minimise VCS noise and syncing issues (commits, unrecorded changes)
Current policy:
- We (should) follow <>
- The "full release version" is ma.jor.minor, where minor is 0 for a
normal release or 1..n for bugfix releases. Each component is a
natural number (can be >= 10). Eg: 1.13 major release, 1.13.1
bugfix release.
- The "release version", which we prefer to use when possible, is
just ma.jor when minor is 0. Ie elide the dot zero.
- The build version is ma.jor.minor+patches, where patches is the number
of patches applied in the current repo since the last release tag.
- `hledger --version` shows the release version or build version as
- Release tags in the VCS are like PKG-VERSION. Eg hledger-1.13,
- hledger-ui-1.13.1.
hledger version numbers appear in:
- the project's .version file. This is the source of truth.
`make setversion` propagates this version number to:
- each package's package.yaml file. Here the package version, a CPP
VERSION macro, and bounds on other hledger packages (like >=
hledger-lib-VERSION && < hledger-lib-NEXTMAJORVERSION) are
declared. `make gencabal` or `stack build [--dry-run]`
propagates these to packages' .cabal files.
- hledger/Hledger/Cli/Version.hs assigns VERSION to a global
constant accessible by other hledger code.
- the doc/lib.m4 file, where it is assigned to the _version_ m4 macro.
Shake propagates this to all documentation generated with m4
(* files).
- site/js/site.js, which defines hyperlinks corresponding to all
- released versions.
- git tags for package releases, as mentioned above
- the --version output (and sometimes --help output) of all hledger*
- hackage tarball filenames
- hackage uris
## Sample journals
Synthetic data files like `examples/100x100x10.journal` are useful for benchmarks and testing.

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@ -692,67 +692,13 @@ haddock: \
$(call def-help-subheading,RELEASING:)
#$(call def-help-subheading,see also developer guide -> how to -> do a release)
# TODO update this:
# # Version numbering. See also .version and Version.hs.
# #
# # hledger's version number appears in:
# # hledger --version
# # hledger's cabal file
# # darcs tags
# # hackage tarball filenames
# # hackage pages
# #
# # Some old version numbering goals:
# # 1 automation, robustness, simplicity, platform independence
# # 2 cabal versions must be all-numeric
# # 3 release versions can be concise (without extra .0's)
# # 4 releases should have a corresponding darcs tag
# # 5 development builds should have a precise version appearing in --version
# # 6 development builds should generate cabal packages with non-confusing versions
# # 7 there should be a way to mark builds/releases as alpha or beta
# # 8 it should be easy to darcs get the .0 release even after bugfix releases
# # 9 avoid unnecessary compiling and linking
# # 10 minimise rcs noise and syncing issues (commits, unrecorded changes)
# #
# # Current policy:
# #
# # - We follow
# #
# # - The full release version is ma.jor.minor, where minor is 0 for a
# # normal release or 1..n for bugfix releases.
# #
# # - The elided release version is ma.jor when minor is 0. We use it for
# # hackage releases when possible, trusting it doesn't cause trouble..
# #
# # - The build version is ma.jor.minor+patches, where patches is the number
# # of patches applied in the current repo since the last release tag.
# #
# # - The release tag in the repo is the full release version.
# #
# # - hledger --version shows the release version or build version as
# # appropriate.
# #
# # - The .version file must be updated manually before a release.
# #
# # - "make" updates the version in most other places, and defines PATCHES.
# # Note "cabal build" should also do this but doesn't yet.
# #
# # - "make release" additionally records the main version number-affected
# # files, and tags the repo with the release tag.
# TODO revive these:
# old examples:
# a normal release: echo 0.7 >.version; make release
# a bugfix release: echo 0.7.1 >.version; make release
#release: releasetest bumpversion tagrelease $(call def-help,release, prepare a release and tag the repo )
#publish: hackageupload pushdocs $(call def-help,upload, publish latest hackage packages and docs )
#releaseandpublish: release upload $(call def-help,releaseandupload, prepare a release and publish )
# old/desired release process:
# a normal release: echo 0.7 >.version; make release
# a bugfix release: echo 0.7.1 >.version; make release
#release: releasetest bumpversion tagrelease $(call def-help,release, prepare and test a release and tag the repo )
#publish: hackageupload pushtags $(call def-help,upload, publish latest hackage packages and push tags to github )
#releaseandpublish: release upload $(call def-help,releaseandpublish, release and upload and publish updated docs )
ISCLEAN=git diff-index --quiet HEAD --
@ -771,6 +717,16 @@ setdate: $(call def-help,setdate, set date in manuals to current month and year
updatedate: setdate $(call def-help,updatedate, set date in manuals to current month and year and commit )
git commit -m "bump manual date to $(MONTHYEAR)" doc/lib.m4
# Updating version numbers. See Version numbers
# updateversion: setdate setversion $(call def-help,updateversion, update manual date and update version strings & (lower) bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) and commit )
# @read -p "please review changes then press enter to commit $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)"
# git commit -m "bump version strings & bounds to $(VERSION)" $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)
# XXX start with early targets isclean-$(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) (fails due to glob) and isdirty-$(VERSIONFILE) ?
setversion: $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) #$(call def-help,setversion, update version strings & bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) (might need -B) )
@echo "if this is a new major version, please manually update upper bounds in */package.yaml before generating cabal files"
# update a package yaml file's version, -DVERSION, and hledger lower bounds (upper bounds must be changed manually)
%/package.yaml: $(VERSIONFILE)
perl -pe "s/(^version *: *).*/\$${1}'$(VERSION)'/" -i $@ # version: 'A'
@ -784,28 +740,10 @@ doc/lib.m4: $(VERSIONFILE)
perl -pe "s/^(m4_define\({{_version_}}, *{{)((\d+\.)*\d+)(}}\)m4_dnl *)$$/\$${1}$(VERSION)\$${4}/" -i $@
@echo "please manually check/update _docversionlinks_ in doc/lib.m4"
# XXX obsolete ?
# update version string in manual
# perl -p -e "s/(this version documents hledger and hledger-web) +[0-9.]+/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# XXX start with early targets isclean-$(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) (fails due to glob) and isdirty-$(VERSIONFILE) ?
setversion: $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES) #$(call def-help,setversion, update version strings & bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) (might need -B) )
@echo "if this is a new major version, please manually update upper bounds in */package.yaml before generating cabal files"
# TODO: combine updateversion/updatecabal
# minor version bump: make setdate setversion gencabal
# major version bump: make setdate setversion, fix upper bounds in package.yamls, make gencabal
# updateversion: setdate setversion $(call def-help,updateversion, update manual date and update version strings & (lower) bounds from $(VERSIONFILE) and commit )
# @read -p "please review changes then press enter to commit $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)"
# git commit -m "bump version strings & bounds to $(VERSION)" $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)
# (re)generate a cabal file from its package.yaml definition
# XXX to avoid warnings, this hpack should be the same version as stack's built-in hpack
#%.cabal: $$(dir $$@)package.yaml
# hpack --silent $(dir $*)
gencabal: $(call def-help,gencabal, regenerate cabal files from package.yaml files with stack )
$(STACK) build --dry-run --silent
# --stack-yaml stack-ghc8.2.yaml