lib,cli: Use Text Builder for Account Transaction Reports.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-10-27 20:00:12 +11:00
parent b9dbed6713
commit 5752f1c5cb
5 changed files with 70 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ where
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ type AccountTransactionsReportItem =
Transaction -- the transaction, unmodified
,Transaction -- the transaction, as seen from the current account
,Bool -- is this a split (more than one posting to other accounts) ?
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,Text -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
@ -216,9 +217,9 @@ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t
-- | Generate a simplified summary of some postings' accounts.
-- To reduce noise, if there are both real and virtual postings, show only the real ones.
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> Text
summarisePostingAccounts ps =
(intercalate ", " . map (T.unpack . accountSummarisedName) . nub . map paccount) displayps -- XXX pack
T.intercalate ", " . map accountSummarisedName . nub $ map paccount displayps
realps = filter isReal ps
displayps | null realps = ps

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ where
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Ord
import Hledger.Data
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ type TransactionsReport = (String -- label for the balance col
type TransactionsReportItem = (Transaction -- the original journal transaction, unmodified
,Transaction -- the transaction as seen from a particular account, with postings maybe filtered
,Bool -- is this a split, ie more than one other account posting
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,Text -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) by the filtered postings (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the running total of item amounts, starting from zero;
-- or with --historical, the running total including items

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
@ -92,9 +91,7 @@ rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec
RegisterScreenItem{rsItemDate = showDate $ transactionRegisterDate q thisacctq t
,rsItemStatus = tstatus t
,rsItemDescription = T.unpack $ tdescription t
,rsItemOtherAccounts = case splitOn ", " otheracctsstr of
[s] -> s
ss -> intercalate ", " ss
,rsItemOtherAccounts = T.unpack otheracctsstr
-- _ -> "<split>" -- should do this if accounts field width < 30
,rsItemChangeAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) False bal

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@ -19,18 +19,17 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Aregister (
) where
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (addDays)
import Safe (headDef)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone, flagReq)
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
import Hledger
@ -113,14 +112,14 @@ aregister opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
items' = (if empty_ ropts then id else filter (not . mixedAmountLooksZero . fifth6)) $
reverse items
-- select renderer
render | fmt=="json" = (++"\n") . T.unpack . TL.toStrict . encodeToLazyText . toJSON
| fmt=="csv" = (++"\n") . printCSV . accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="txt" = accountTransactionsReportAsText opts reportq thisacctq
| otherwise = const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
render | fmt=="txt" = accountTransactionsReportAsText opts reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="csv" = TL.pack . printCSV . accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
writeOutput opts $ render (balancelabel,items')
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render (balancelabel,items')
accountTransactionsReportAsCsv :: Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> CSV
accountTransactionsReportAsCsv reportq thisacctq (_,is) =
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsCsvRecord :: Query -> Query -> AccountTransaction
reportq thisacctq
(t@Transaction{tindex,tcode,tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance)
= [idx,date,code,desc,otheracctsstr,amt,bal]
= [idx,date,code,desc,T.unpack otheracctsstr,amt,bal]
idx = show tindex
date = showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t
@ -141,20 +140,20 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsCsvRecord
bal = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False balance
-- | Render a register report as plain text suitable for console output.
accountTransactionsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> String
copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=ReportSpec{rsOpts=ReportOpts{no_elide_}}} reportq thisacctq (_balancelabel,items)
= unlines $ title :
accountTransactionsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> TL.Text
accountTransactionsReportAsText copts reportq thisacctq (_balancelabel, items)
= TB.toLazyText . mconcat . intersperse (TB.fromText "\n") $
title :
map (accountTransactionsReportItemAsText copts reportq thisacctq amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (snd . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice (Just 12) mmax False -- color_
where mmax = if no_elide_ then Nothing else Just 32
where mmax = if no_elide_ . rsOpts . reportspec_ $ copts then Nothing else Just 32
itemamt (_,_,_,_,a,_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
-- show a title indicating which account was picked, which can be confusing otherwise
title = T.unpack $ maybe "" (("Transactions in "<>).(<>" and subaccounts:")) macct
title = maybe mempty (\s -> foldMap TB.fromText ["Transactions in ", s, " and subaccounts:"]) macct
-- XXX temporary hack ? recover the account name from the query
macct = case filterQuery queryIsAcct thisacctq of
@ -173,41 +172,34 @@ accountTransactionsReportAsText
-- Returns a string which can be multi-line, eg if the running balance
-- has multiple commodities.
accountTransactionsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> Int -> Int -> AccountTransactionsReportItem -> String
accountTransactionsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> Int -> Int -> AccountTransactionsReportItem -> TB.Builder
reportq thisacctq preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth
(t@Transaction{tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance)
(t@Transaction{tdescription}, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, balance) =
-- Transaction -- the transaction, unmodified
-- Transaction -- the transaction, as seen from the current account
-- Bool -- is this a split (more than one posting to other accounts) ?
-- String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
-- MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
-- MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
= intercalate "\n" $
concat [fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
," "
,fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
," "
,fitString (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
," "
," "
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True tdescription
, " "
, fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
, " "
, amtfirstline
, " "
, balfirstline
[concat [spacer
," "
| (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest
[ [ spacer, a, " ", b ] | (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest ]
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts copts
(datewidth, date) = (10, showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t)
(datewidth, date) = (10, T.pack . showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t)
(amtwidth, balwidth)
| shortfall <= 0 = (preferredamtwidth, preferredbalwidth)
| otherwise = (adjustedamtwidth, adjustedbalwidth)
@ -221,24 +213,22 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsText
remaining = totalwidth - (datewidth + 1 + 2 + amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)
(descwidth, acctwidth) = (w, remaining - 2 - w)
w = fromMaybe ((remaining - 2) `div` 2) mdescwidth
where w = fromMaybe ((remaining - 2) `div` 2) mdescwidth
-- gather content
desc = T.unpack tdescription
accts = -- T.unpack $ elideAccountName acctwidth $ T.pack
amt = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ change
bal = fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ balance
amt = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just amtwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ change
bal = T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) color_ balance
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (lines amt, lines bal)
(amtlines, ballines) = (T.lines amt, T.lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat (replicate amtwidth ' ') -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) (replicate balwidth ' ') ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) ' '
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat "" -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) "" ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = T.replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) " "
-- tests

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@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ postingsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> Int -> Int -> PostingsReportItem -> TB.Bu
postingsReportItemAsText opts preferredamtwidth preferredbalwidth (mdate, menddate, mdesc, p, b) =
-- use elide*Width to be wide-char-aware
-- trace (show (totalwidth, datewidth, descwidth, acctwidth, amtwidth, balwidth)) $
foldMap mconcat . intersperse ([TB.fromText "\n"]) . map (map TB.fromText) $
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc