lib: valuation: don't hang when finding prices (fixes #1439)

Searching for prices during valuation no longer now properly excludes
price loops, avoiding near infinite looping with certain
configurations of market prices. Also we now always use a direct price
when available, rather than searching unnecessarily.

Price searching progress info, useful for troubleshooting, is now
displayed with --debug=2.

There could still be some corner cases we don't handle correctly. We
now give up with an error message if the searched price chains get too
long (> 1000). More importantly, we should also give up if the search
iterates too many times, but this is not done yet.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-01-01 18:19:26 -08:00
parent c96734474c
commit 73678393b1
2 changed files with 52 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
-- Show space-containing commodity symbols quoted, as they are in a journal.
showCommoditySymbol = quoteIfNeeded
-- characters that may not be used in a non-quoted commodity symbol
isNonsimpleCommodityChar :: Char -> Bool

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Function ((&), on)
import Data.List ( (\\), sortBy )
import Data.List (intercalate, (\\), sortBy )
import Data.List.Extra (nubSortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Dates (nulldate)
import Hledger.Data.Commodity (showCommoditySymbol)
@ -215,9 +216,13 @@ priceLookup makepricegraph d from mto =
Just to ->
-- We have a commodity to convert to. Find the most direct price available,
-- according to the rules described in makePriceGraph.
pricesShortestPath forwardprices from to <|>
pricesShortestPath allprices from to
let msg = "seeking " ++ pshowedge' "" from to ++ " price"
in case
(traceAt 2 (msg++" using forward prices") $
pricesShortestPath forwardprices from to)
(traceAt 2 (msg++" using forward and reverse prices") $
pricesShortestPath allprices from to)
Nothing -> Nothing
Just [] -> Nothing
@ -275,11 +280,18 @@ data PriceGraph = PriceGraph {
-- USD->EUR price and one EUR->USD price.
pricesShortestPath :: [Edge] -> CommoditySymbol -> CommoditySymbol -> Maybe Path
pricesShortestPath edges start end =
dbg1 ("shortest price path for "++T.unpack start++" -> "++T.unpack end) $
asum $ map (findPath end edgesremaining) initialpaths
-- dbg0With ((("shortest "++pshowedge' "" start end++" price path: ")++) . pshow . fmap (pshowpath "")) $
dbg2 ("shortest "++pshowedge' "" start end++" price path") $
case quicksolution of
(path:_) -> Just path
[] -> asum $ map (findPath end edgesremaining) initialpaths
initialpaths = dbg9 "initial price paths" $ [[p] | p <- edges, mpfrom p == start]
edgesremaining = dbg9 "initial edges remaining" $ edges \\ concat initialpaths
initialpaths =
dbg2With (prefix "initial paths" . intercalate ", " . map (pshowpath "")) $
[[p] | p <- dbgedges "known prices" edges, mpfrom p == start]
quicksolution = [path | path@(MarketPrice{..}:_) <- initialpaths, mpfrom==start && mpto==end]
edgesremaining = dbgedges "initial prices remaining" $
[e | e <- edges, mpto e /= start] \\ concat initialpaths
-- Helper: breadth-first search for a continuation of the given path
-- using zero or more of the given edges, to the specified end commodity.
@ -289,18 +301,40 @@ findPath end _ path | mpathend == Just end = Just path -- path is complete
mpathend = mpto <$> lastMay path
findPath _ [] _ = Nothing -- no more edges are available
-- Guard against infinite loops as in #1439:
-- give up if path grows to an unlikely length.
-- XXX we need to limit the number of findPath iterations also.
findPath _ _ path | length path >= maxlength = error' err
maxlength = 1000
err = intercalate "\n" [
"giving up after searching price chains up to "++show maxlength++" long;"
,"please report this as a bug."
findPath end edgesremaining path = -- try continuing with all the remaining edges
asum [
findPath end edgesremaining' path'
| e <- nextedges
, let path' = path++[e]
, let edgesremaining' = filter (/=e) edgesremaining
, not $ mpto e `elem` map mpto path -- avoid loops
, let path' = dbgpath "findPath trying" $ path++[e]
, let edgesremaining' = filter (/= e) edgesremaining
nextedges = [ e | e <- edgesremaining, Just (mpfrom e) == mpathend ]
nextedges =
[ e | e <- edgesremaining, Just (mpfrom e) == mpathend ]
mpathend = mpto <$> lastMay path
dbgpath label = dbg2With (pshowpath label)
dbgedges label = dbg2With (pshowedges label)
_dbgedge label = dbg2With (pshowedge label)
pshowpath label = prefix label . unwords . map (pshowedge "")
pshowedges label = prefix label . intercalate ", " . map (pshowedge "")
pshowedge label MarketPrice{..} = pshowedge' label mpfrom mpto
pshowedge' label from to = prefix label $ showCommoditySymbol (T.unpack from) ++ ">" ++ showCommoditySymbol (T.unpack to)
prefix l = if null l then (""++) else ((l++": ")++)
-- | A snapshot of the known exchange rates between commodity pairs at a given date.
-- This is a home-made version, more tailored to our needs.
-- | Build the graph of commodity conversion prices for a given day.
@ -363,12 +397,12 @@ makePriceGraph alldeclaredprices allinferredprices d =
-- prices in effect on date d, either declared or inferred
visibledeclaredprices = dbg2 "visibledeclaredprices" $ filter ((<=d).mpdate) alldeclaredprices
visibleinferredprices = dbg2 "visibleinferredprices" $ filter ((<=d).mpdate) allinferredprices
visibledeclaredprices = dbg9 "visibledeclaredprices" $ filter ((<=d).mpdate) alldeclaredprices
visibleinferredprices = dbg9 "visibleinferredprices" $ filter ((<=d).mpdate) allinferredprices
forwardprices = effectiveMarketPrices visibledeclaredprices visibleinferredprices
-- infer any additional reverse prices not already declared or inferred
reverseprices = dbg2 "additional reverse prices" $
reverseprices = dbg9 "additional reverse prices" $
[p | p@MarketPrice{..} <- map marketPriceReverse forwardprices
, not $ (mpfrom,mpto) `S.member` forwardpairs
@ -380,7 +414,7 @@ makePriceGraph alldeclaredprices allinferredprices d =
-- somewhat but not quite like effectiveMarketPrices
defaultdests = M.fromList [(mpfrom,mpto) | MarketPrice{..} <- pricesfordefaultcomms]
pricesfordefaultcomms = dbg2 "prices for choosing default valuation commodities, by date then parse order" $
pricesfordefaultcomms = dbg9 "prices for choosing default valuation commodities, by date then parse order" $
& zip [1..] -- label items with their parse order
& sortBy (compare `on` (\(parseorder,MarketPrice{..})->(mpdate,parseorder))) -- sort by increasing date then increasing parse order
@ -403,7 +437,7 @@ effectiveMarketPrices declaredprices inferredprices =
declaredprices' = [(1, i, p) | (i,p) <- zip [1..] declaredprices]
inferredprices' = [(0, i, p) | (i,p) <- zip [1..] inferredprices]
dbg2 "effective forward prices" $
dbg9 "effective forward prices" $
-- combine
declaredprices' ++ inferredprices'
-- sort by decreasing date then decreasing precedence then decreasing parse order