lib: Remove unused optional width argument for StringFormat.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-11-10 16:30:11 +11:00
parent 462a13cad7
commit f998a791cf
7 changed files with 81 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
, StringFormat(..)
, StringFormatComponent(..)
, ReportItemField(..)
, overlineWidth
, defaultBalanceLineFormat
, tests_StringFormat
) where
@ -35,12 +34,9 @@ import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- | A format specification/template to use when rendering a report line item as text.
-- A format is an optional width, along with a sequence of components;
-- each is either a literal string, or a hledger report item field with
-- specified width and justification whose value will be interpolated
-- at render time. The optional width determines the length of the
-- overline to draw above the totals row; if it is Nothing, then the
-- maximum width of all lines is used.
-- A format is a sequence of components; each is either a literal
-- string, or a hledger report item field with specified width and
-- justification whose value will be interpolated at render time.
-- A component's value may be a multi-line string (or a
-- multi-commodity amount), in which case the final string will be
@ -51,9 +47,9 @@ import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- mode, which provides a limited StringFormat renderer.
data StringFormat =
OneLine (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ multi-line values will be rendered on one line, comma-separated
| TopAligned (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be top-aligned (and bottom-padded to the same height)
| BottomAligned (Maybe Int) [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be bottom-aligned (and top-padded)
OneLine [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ multi-line values will be rendered on one line, comma-separated
| TopAligned [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be top-aligned (and bottom-padded to the same height)
| BottomAligned [StringFormatComponent] -- ^ values will be bottom-aligned (and top-padded)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data StringFormatComponent =
@ -85,14 +81,9 @@ data ReportItemField =
instance Default StringFormat where def = defaultBalanceLineFormat
overlineWidth :: StringFormat -> Maybe Int
overlineWidth (OneLine w _) = w
overlineWidth (TopAligned w _) = w
overlineWidth (BottomAligned w _) = w
-- | Default line format for balance report: "%20(total) %2(depth_spacer)%-(account)"
defaultBalanceLineFormat :: StringFormat
defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned (Just 20) [
defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned [
FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing TotalField
, FormatLiteral " "
, FormatField True (Just 2) Nothing DepthSpacerField
@ -118,10 +109,10 @@ stringformatp = do
alignspec <- optional (try $ char '%' >> oneOf ("^_,"::String))
let constructor =
case alignspec of
Just '^' -> TopAligned Nothing
Just '_' -> BottomAligned Nothing
Just ',' -> OneLine Nothing
_ -> defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing
Just '^' -> TopAligned
Just '_' -> BottomAligned
Just ',' -> OneLine
_ -> defaultStringFormatStyle
constructor <$> many componentp
componentp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
@ -182,23 +173,23 @@ tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
,let s `gives` expected = test s $ parseStringFormat (T.pack s) @?= Right expected
in tests "parseStringFormat" [
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "^%(total)" `gives` (TopAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "_%(total)" `gives` (BottomAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , ",%(total)" `gives` (OneLine [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, test "newline not parsed" $ assertLeft $ parseStringFormat "\n"

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@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ textChomp = T.dropWhileEnd (`elem` ['\r', '\n'])
-- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
formatText :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Text -> Text
formatText leftJustified minwidth maxwidth =
T.intercalate "\n" . map (pad . clip) . T.lines
formatText leftJustified minwidth maxwidth t =
T.intercalate "\n" . map (pad . clip) $ if T.null t then [""] else T.lines t
pad = maybe id justify minwidth
clip = maybe id T.take maxwidth

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@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
@ -366,18 +367,22 @@ balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text.
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB lines <> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totallines])
unlinesB lines
<> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totalLines])
unlinesB [] = mempty
unlinesB xs = mconcat (intersperse (TB.singleton '\n') xs) <> TB.singleton '\n'
lines = map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
(lines, sizes) = unzip $ map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
-- abuse renderBalanceReportItem to render the total with similar format
totallines = renderBalanceReportItem opts ("", 0, total)
(totalLines, _) = renderBalanceReportItem opts ("",0,total)
-- with a custom format, extend the line to the full report width;
-- otherwise show the usual 20-char line for compatibility
overlinewidth = fromMaybe 22 . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
--overlinewidth = fromMaybe (maximum' . map length $ concat lines) . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
overlinewidth = case format_ opts of
OneLine ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
TopAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
BottomAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
_ -> sum (map maximum' $ transpose sizes)
overline = TB.fromText $ T.replicate overlinewidth "-"
@ -395,7 +400,7 @@ This implementation turned out to be a bit convoluted but implements the followi
-- whatever string format is specified). Note, prices will not be rendered, and
-- differently-priced quantities of the same commodity will appear merged.
-- The output will be one or more lines depending on the format and number of commodities.
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> TB.Builder
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
renderBalanceReportItem opts (
@ -404,46 +409,36 @@ balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
-- | Render a balance report item using the given StringFormat, generating one or more lines of text.
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> TB.Builder
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
renderBalanceReportItem opts (acctname, depth, total) =
case format_ opts of
OneLine _ comps -> foldMap (TB.fromText . T.intercalate ", ") $ render1 comps
TopAligned _ comps -> renderRow' TopLeft $ render comps
BottomAligned _ comps -> renderRow' BottomLeft $ render comps
OneLine comps -> renderRow' $ render True True comps
TopAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render True False comps
BottomAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render False False comps
renderRow' align = renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Tab.Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell align . map (\x -> (x, textWidth x))
renderRow' is = ( renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header is
, map cellWidth is )
render topaligned oneline = map (maybeConcat . renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total))
where maybeConcat (Cell a xs) = if oneline then Cell a [(T.intercalate ", " strs, width)]
else Cell a xs
(strs, ws) = unzip xs
width = sumStrict (map (+2) ws) -2
render1 = map (T.lines . renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (T.lines . renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total))
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
renderComponent :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> T.Text
renderComponent _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> formatText ljust Nothing max $ T.replicate d " "
where d = case min of
Just m -> depth * m
Nothing -> depth
AccountField -> formatText ljust min max acctname
TotalField -> T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
-- This variant is for use with OneLine string formats; it squashes
-- any multi-line rendered values onto one line, comma-and-space separated,
-- while still complying with the width spec.
renderComponent1 :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> T.Text
renderComponent1 _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
AccountField -> formatText ljust min max . T.intercalate ", " . T.lines $ indented acctname
-- better to indent the account name here rather than use a DepthField component
-- so that it complies with width spec. Uses a fixed indent step size.
indented = ((T.replicate (depth*2) " ")<>)
TotalField -> T.pack . fst $ showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
renderComponent :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> Cell
renderComponent _ _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = Cell TopLeft . map (\x -> (x, textWidth x)) $ T.lines s
renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust mmin mmax field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> Cell align [(T.replicate d " ", d)]
where d = maybe id min mmax $ depth * fromMaybe 1 mmin
AccountField -> Cell align [(t, textWidth t)] where t = formatText ljust mmin mmax acctname
TotalField -> Cell align . pure . first T.pack $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice mmin mmax (color_ opts) total
_ -> Cell align [("", 0)]
where align = if topaligned then (if ljust then TopLeft else TopRight)
else (if ljust then BottomLeft else BottomRight)
-- rendering multi-column balance reports