Introduce --infer-equity option which will generate conversion postings.
--cost will override --infer-equity.
This means there will no longer be unbalanced transactions, but will be
offsetting conversion postings to balance things out. For example.
a 1 AAA @@ 2 BBB
b -2 BBB
When converting to cost, this is treated the same as before.
When used with --infer-equity, this is now treated as:
a 1 AAA
equity:conversion:AAA-BBB:AAA -1 AAA
equity:conversion:AAA-BBB:BBB 2 BBB
b -2 BBB
There is a new account type, Conversion/V, which is a subtype of Equity/E.
The first account declared with this type, if any, is used as the base account
for inferred equity postings in conversion transactions, overriding the default
API changes:
Costing has been changed to ConversionOp with three options:
NoConversionOp, ToCost, and InferEquity.
The first correspond to the previous NoCost and Cost options, while the
third corresponds to the --infer-equity flag. This converts transactions with costs
(one or more transaction prices) to transactions with equity:conversion postings.
It is in ConversionOp because converting to cost with -B/--cost and inferring conversion
equity postings with --infer-equity are mutually exclusive.
Correspondingly, the cost_ record of ReportOpts has been changed to
This also removes show_costs_ option in ReportOpts, as its functionality
has been replaced by the richer cost_ option.
To avoid mishaps like yesterday's upload of 1.24.99, this will now
only work from a branch named VERSION-branch or (possible future
naming) VERSION-release.
This means major releases from master are no longer allowed; a release
branch is always required,