Generate man pages and web docs from one source.
Current plan:
The master docs for each package are now the pandoc-style
manpage-markdown files in the package directories -
hledger/hledger.1.md, hledger-lib/hledger_journal.5.md, etc.
Parts of these will be marked as web-only, and parts as man-only, using
divs recognisable by custom pandoc filters.
When generating man pages we strip the web-only parts, and all html
blocks, inline html and hyperlinks.
When generating web docs we strip the man-only parts and apply any other
tweaks needed for easy presentation, perhaps combining them into a
single web page similar to the old user manual.
This was hard to do with GNU Make, and so I've introduced Shake, which
is working very well. Both coexist for now but it's probably time to
Timedot is a plain text format for logging dated, categorised
quantities (eg time), supported by hledger. It is convenient for
approximate and retroactive time logging, eg when the real-time
clock-in/out required with a timeclock file is too precise or too
interruptive. It can be formatted like a bar chart, making clear at a
glance where time was spent.
There are now six man pages, one for each main executable and file
format, generated from markdown by the mighty pandoc. They are basically
the content of the user manual, split up and moved into the appropriate
package directory. I've also committed the generated man files.
The man pages' markdown source (hledger/hledger.1.md,
hledger-lib/hledger_journal.5.md etc.) are now the master documentation
files. The plan is to concatenate them (with a little munging) to form
the all-in-one user manual for the website, at release time. This also
separates the hledger.org user manual from the latest doc commits, which
should simplify website management.