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* Tests for hledger-ui
When you want to check that hledger-ui is working correctly,
run through the following tests, by hand, in an 80x25 terminal.
Each test gives a command to run in this directory, and the first
few lines of expected output (and any notes as a # comment).
Once you're familiar with the tests, you can view this file in Emacs
org mode (eg) with all body text folded, showing just the test steps
and brief expected result.
Another source of tests is the tutorial at https://hledger.org/ui.html,
which has nice screenshots, but might be less up to date.
** hledger-ui -f sample.journal # shows all accounts in list mode
───────────────────── sample.journal account balances (1/8) ────────────────────
assets:bank:checking 0 # <- selected
assets:bank:saving $1
assets:cash $-2
expenses:food $1
expenses:supplies $1
income:gifts $-1
income:salary $-1
liabilities:debts $1
** t # switches to tree mode
──────────────────── sample.journal account balances (3/13) ────────────────────
assets $-1
bank $1
checking 0 # <- selected
saving $1
cash $-2
expenses $2
food $1
supplies $1
income $-2
gifts $-1
salary $-1
liabilities $1
debts $1
** 1 # clips accounts to depth 1
─────────────── sample.journal account balances to depth 1 (1/4) ───────────────
assets $-1 # <- selected
expenses $2
income $-2
liabilities $1
** RIGHT # shows assets & subaccounts' transactions (register ignores depth limit)
─────────────────────────── assets transactions (5/5) ──────────────────────────
2008-01-01 income in:salary $1 $1
2008-06-01 gift in:gifts $1 $2
2008-06-02 save as:ba:saving, as:ba:chec.. 0 $2
2008-06-03 * eat & shop ex:food, ex:supplies $-2 0
2008-12-31 * pay off li:debts $-1 $-1 # <- selected
** ESC # reset UI state to initial screen in list mode
───────────────────── sample.journal account balances (1/8) ────────────────────
assets:bank:checking 0 # <- selected
assets:bank:saving $1
assets:cash $-2
expenses:food $1
expenses:supplies $1
income:gifts $-1
income:salary $-1
liabilities:debts $1
** / bank # set a filter, showing only accounts with "bank" in the name
────────────── sample.journal account balances matching bank (1/2) ─────────────
assets:bank:checking 0 # <- selected
assets:bank:saving $1
** RIGHT # shows assets:bank:checking & subaccounts' transactions
───────────── assets:bank:checking transactions matching bank (4/4) ────────────
2008-01-01 income in:salary $1 $1
2008-06-01 gift in:gifts $1 $2
2008-06-02 save as:ba:saving $-1 $1
2008-12-31 * pay off li:debts $-1 0 # <- selected
** / SPACE desc:a # add another filter term, showing only transactions with "a" in the description
───────── assets:bank:checking transactions matching bank desc:a (2/2) ─────────
2008-06-02 save as:ba:saving $-1 $-1
2008-12-31 * pay off as:ba:checking $-1 $-2 # <- selected
** RIGHT # shows transaction detail
───── Transaction #5 (2 of 2 matching bank desc:a in assets:bank:checking) ─────
2008-12-31 * pay off
liabilities:debts $1
assets:bank:checking $-1
** UP # shows previous matched transaction
───── Transaction #3 (1 of 2 matching bank desc:a in assets:bank:checking) ─────
2008-06-02 save
assets:bank:saving $1
assets:bank:checking $-1
** DOWN # shows next matched transaction
───── Transaction #5 (2 of 2 matching bank desc:a in assets:bank:checking) ─────
2008-12-31 * pay off
liabilities:debts $1
assets:bank:checking $-1
** ? # shows help dialog over current screen; all content fits unclipped in 80x25, including the last q quit line
┌──────────────────────Help (LEFT/ESC/?/q to close help)──────────────────────┐─
│ Navigation Filtering │
│ UP/DOWN/PUP/PDN/HOME/END/k/j/C-p/C-n / set a filter query │
│ move selection up/down F show future & periodic txns │
│ RIGHT/l/C-f show txns, or txn detail R show real/all postings │
│ LEFT/h/C-b go back Z show nonzero/all amounts │
│ ESC cancel, or reset app state U/P/C show unmarked/pending/cleared │
│ S-DOWN /S-UP shrink/grow period │
│ Accounts screen S-RIGHT/S-LEFT next/previous period │
│ 1234567890-+ set/adjust depth limit T set period to today │
│ t toggle accounts tree/list mode DEL reset filters │
│ H toggle historical balance/change │
│ Other │
│ Register screen a add transaction (hledger add) │
│ t toggle subaccount txns A add transaction (hledger-iadd) │
│ (and accounts tree/list mode) B show amounts/costs │
│ H toggle historical/period total E open editor │
│ I toggle balance assertions │
│ Help V show amounts/market values │
│ ? toggle this help g reload data │
│ p/m/i while help is open: C-l redraw & recenter │
│ show manual in pager/man/info C-z suspend │
│ q quit │
──── ?:help t:list/tree -+:depth H:end-bals/changes F:forecast a:add q:quit ────
** q # q with help dialog open closes it
──── Transaction #5 (1 of 1 matching bank desc:pay in assets:bank:checking) ────
2008-12-31 * pay off
liabilities:debts $1
assets:bank:checking $-1
** q # q elsewhere exits the app, terminal is restored to its previous state
~/src/hledger/hledger-ui/test$ hledger-ui -f sample.journal
** hledger-ui -f sample.journal --register checking date:200812 # date query at startup
──── assets:bank:checking transactions matching date:200812 in 2008-12 (1/1) ───
2008-12-31 * pay off li:debts $-1 0 # <- selected
** hledger-ui -f sample.journal --register checking date:200812 --change # total is now $-1
──── assets:bank:checking transactions matching date:200812 in 2008-12 (1/1) ───
2008-12-31 * pay off li:debts $-1 $-1
** hledger-ui -f bcexample.journal --tree --register assets # wide content is elided as shown
───────────────────────── Assets transactions (518/518) ────────────────────────
2014-07-26 * .. .. 16.00 GLD, -1515.83 USD ..GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 6 more..
2014-07-31 * .. .. 2550.60 USD, 4.62 VACHR ..GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 6 more..
2014-08-03 * .. .. -2400.00 USD ..GLD, 17.00 ITOT, 6 more..
** hledger-ui --today 2021-09-01 -f forecast.journal --register a # future and forecasted txns are hidden by default
───────────────────────────── a transactions (1/1) ─────────────────────────────
0000-01-01 past transaction a 1 1
** hledger-ui --today 2021-09-01 -f forecast.journal --register a --forecast # with --forecast, future ordinary txns, and forecasted txns within the default forecast period, are shown
───────────────────────────── a transactions (1/4) ─────────────────────────────
2020-01-01 past transaction a 1 1
2021-12-31 near future transaction a 2 3
2022-01-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 6
2022-02-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 9
** hledger-ui --today 2021-09-01 -f forecast.journal --register a --forecast 2021 # "=" is required between --forecast and its argument
───────────────────── a transactions matching 2021 (100/0) ─────────────────────
** hledger-ui --today 2021-09-01 -f forecast.journal --register a --forecast=2021 # the forecast period can be specified, and this allows forecast txns to overlap ordinary transactions
──────────────────────────── a transactions (14/14) ────────────────────────────
2020-01-01 past transaction a 1 1
2021-01-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 4
2021-02-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 7
2021-03-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 10
2021-04-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 13
2021-05-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 16
2021-06-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 19
2021-07-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 22
2021-08-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 25
2021-09-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 28
2021-10-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 31
2021-11-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 34
2021-12-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 37
2021-12-31 near future transaction a 2 39
** press F four times # the future & forecasted txns are toggled every time (#1411)
** hledger-ui --today 2021-09-01 -f forecast.journal --register a --forecast=2021 --watch, press F once # future/forecasted txns are hidden
───────────────────────────── a transactions (1/1) ─────────────────────────────
2020-01-01 past transaction a 1 1
** with the above still running, touch forecast.journal, press F again # forecast txns reappear, even with file modified while hidden (#1204)
───────────────────────────── a transactions (1/14) ────────────────────────────
2020-01-01 past transaction a 1 1 # <- selected
2021-01-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 4
2021-02-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 7
2021-03-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 10
2021-04-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 13
2021-05-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 16
2021-06-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 19
2021-07-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 22
2021-08-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 25
2021-09-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 28
2021-10-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 31
2021-11-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 34
2021-12-01 near future forecast tran.. a 3 37
2021-12-31 near future transaction a 2 39
** hledger-ui -f 1468.j, 2, RIGHT # in list mode, register of account above depth limit shows only its transactions
───────────────────────────── a transactions (1/1) ─────────────────────────────
2021-01-01 a 1 1
** LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT # in list mode, register of account at depth limit also shows subaccounts' transactions (#1468)
──────────────────────────── a:aa transactions (2/2) ───────────────────────────
2021-01-02 a:aa 10 10
2021-01-03 a:aa:aaa 100 110