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hledger docs

hledger-specific docs are collected here. For more docs relevant to all ledger-likes, see plaintextaccounting.org.


IRC #hledger on Freenode ( see also #ledger)
Twitter #hledger hashtag (see also #plaintextaccounting, @LedgerTips)
Mail list mail.hledger.org
Issue tracker bugs.hledger.org (just the bugs), issues.hledger.org (all issues).


What is hledger?

Misc. links\


What is plain text accounting?



Release notes\

Getting started

hledger Step by Step tutorial\


File formats

hledger_journal(5) is hledger's native data format, representing an accounting journal

hledger_csv(5) allows CSV import/export

hledger_timeclock(5) is for clock-in/clock-out time logging

hledger_timedot(5) is for human-friendly time logging


hledger(1) is the command-line UI

hledger-ui(1) is a curses-style UI

hledger-web(1) is a web UI

hledger-api(1) is a HTTP-JSON API

Addon tools

Available on Hackage/Stackage:

hledger-diff shows differences in an account's transactions between one journal file and another.

hledger-iadd is a curses-style replacement for hledger's add command.

hledger-interest generates interest transactions for an account according to various schemes.

hledger-irr calculates the internal rate of return of an investment account.

Experimental tools

Available in the hledger repo:

hledger-autosync is a symbolic link for running ledger-autosync, which can download or convert OFX data.

hledger-budget.hs adds Ledger-style periodic transactions and budget reports.

hledger-chart.hs is an old pie chart generator.

hledger-check.hs checks more powerful account balance assertions.

hledger-check-dates.hs checks that journal entries are ordered by date.

hledger-check-dupes.hs checks for account names sharing the same leaf name.

hledger-equity.hs prints balance-clearing/restoring transactions, useful for bringing account balances across file boundaries.

hledger-prices.hs prints all prices from the journal.

hledger-print-unique.hs prints transactions with unique descriptions.

hledger-register-match.hs helps ledger-autosync ignore previously imported transactions.

hledger-rewrite.hs adds Ledger-style automatic postings to existing transactions.

hledger-tags.hs lists tag names in use.