2020-01-29 06:13:35 -08:00

1448 lines
55 KiB

% hledger_journal(5) hledger _version_
% _author_
% _monthyear_
Journal - hledger's default file format, representing a General Journal
hledger's usual data source is a plain text file containing journal entries in hledger journal format.
This file represents a standard accounting [general journal](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_journal).
I use file names ending in `.journal`, but that's not required.
The journal file contains a number of transaction entries,
each describing a transfer of money (or any commodity) between two or more named accounts,
in a simple format readable by both hledger and humans.
hledger's journal format is a compatible subset, mostly, of [ledger's
journal format](http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Journal-Format),
so hledger can work with [compatible](faq.html#file-format-differences)
ledger journal files as well. It's safe, and encouraged, to run both
hledger and ledger on the same journal file, eg to validate the results
you're getting.
You can use hledger without learning any more about this file;
just use the [add](#add) or [web](#web) commands to create and update it.
Many users, though, also edit the journal file directly with a text editor, perhaps assisted by the helper modes for emacs or vim.
Here's an example:
; A sample journal file. This is a comment.
2008/01/01 income ; <- transaction's first line starts in column 0, contains date and description
assets:bank:checking $1 ; <- posting lines start with whitespace, each contains an account name
income:salary $-1 ; followed by at least two spaces and an amount
2008/06/01 gift
assets:bank:checking $1 ; <- at least two postings in a transaction
income:gifts $-1 ; <- their amounts must balance to 0
2008/06/02 save
assets:bank:saving $1
assets:bank:checking ; <- one amount may be omitted; here $-1 is inferred
2008/06/03 eat & shop ; <- description can be anything
expenses:food $1
expenses:supplies $1 ; <- this transaction debits two expense accounts
assets:cash ; <- $-2 inferred
2008/10/01 take a loan
assets:bank:checking $1
liabilities:debts $-1
2008/12/31 * pay off ; <- an optional * or ! after the date means "cleared" (or anything you want)
liabilities:debts $1
Helper modes exist for popular text editors, which make working with
journal files easier. They add colour, formatting, tab completion, and
helpful commands, and are quite recommended if you edit your journal
with a text editor. They include ledger-mode or hledger-mode for
Emacs, vim-ledger for Vim, hledger-vscode for Visual Studio Code, and
others. See the [Editor configuration](editors.html) at hledger.org
for the latest information.
## Transactions
Transactions are movements of some quantity of commodities between named accounts.
Each transaction is represented by a journal entry beginning with a [simple date](#simple-dates) in column 0.
This can be followed by any of the following, separated by spaces:
- (optional) a [status](#status) character (empty, `!`, or `*`)
- (optional) a transaction code (any short number or text, enclosed in parentheses)
- (optional) a transaction description (any remaining text until end of line or a semicolon)
- (optional) a transaction comment (any remaining text following a semicolon until end of line)
Then comes zero or more (but usually at least 2) indented lines representing...
## Postings
A posting is an addition of some amount to, or removal of some amount from, an account.
Each posting line begins with at least one space or tab (2 or 4 spaces is common), followed by:
- (optional) a [status](#status) character (empty, `!`, or `*`), followed by a space
- (required) an [account name](#account-names) (any text, optionally containing **single spaces**, until end of line or a double space)
- (optional) **two or more spaces** or tabs followed by an [amount](#amounts).
Positive amounts are being added to the account, negative amounts are being removed.
The amounts within a transaction must always sum up to zero.
As a convenience, one amount may be left blank; it will be inferred so as to balance the transaction.
Be sure to note the unusual two-space delimiter between account name and amount.
This makes it easy to write account names containing spaces.
But if you accidentally leave only one space (or tab) before the amount, the amount will be considered part of the account name.
## Dates
### Simple dates
Within a journal file, transaction dates use Y/M/D (or Y-M-D or Y.M.D)
Leading zeros are optional.
The year may be omitted, in which case it will be inferred from the context - the current transaction, the default year set with a
[default year directive](#default-year), or the current date when the command is run.
Some examples: `2010/01/31`, `1/31`, `2010-01-31`, `2010.1.31`.
### Secondary dates
Real-life transactions sometimes involve more than one date - eg the date
you write a cheque, and the date it clears in your bank. When you want to
model this, eg for more accurate balances, you can specify individual
[posting dates](#posting-dates), which I recommend. Or, you can use the
secondary dates (aka auxiliary/effective dates) feature, supported for compatibility
with Ledger.
A secondary date can be written after the primary date, separated by
an equals sign. The primary date, on the left, is used by default; the
secondary date, on the right, is used when the `--date2` flag is
specified (`--aux-date` or `--effective` also work).
The meaning of secondary dates is up to you, but it's best to follow a
consistent rule. Eg write the bank's clearing date as primary, and
when needed, the date the transaction was initiated as secondary.
Here's an example. Note that a secondary date will use the year of the
primary date if unspecified.
2010/2/23=2/19 movie ticket
expenses:cinema $10
$ hledger register checking
2010-02-23 movie ticket assets:checking $-10 $-10
$ hledger register checking --date2
2010-02-19 movie ticket assets:checking $-10 $-10
Secondary dates require some effort; you must use them consistently in
your journal entries and remember whether to use or not use the
`--date2` flag for your reports. They are included in hledger for
Ledger compatibility, but posting dates are a more powerful and less
confusing alternative.
### Posting dates
You can give individual postings a different date from their parent
transaction, by adding a [posting comment](#comments) containing a
[tag](#tags) (see below) like `date:DATE`. This is probably the best
way to control posting dates precisely. Eg in this example the expense
should appear in May reports, and the deduction from checking should
be reported on 6/1 for easy bank reconciliation:
expenses:food $10 ; food purchased on saturday 5/30
assets:checking ; bank cleared it on monday, date:6/1
$ hledger -f t.j register food
2015-05-30 expenses:food $10 $10
$ hledger -f t.j register checking
2015-06-01 assets:checking $-10 $-10
DATE should be a [simple date](#simple-dates); if the year is not
specified it will use the year of the transaction's date. You can set
the secondary date similarly, with `date2:DATE2`. The `date:` or
`date2:` tags must have a valid simple date value if they are present,
eg a `date:` tag with no value is not allowed.
Ledger's earlier, more compact bracketed date syntax is also
supported: `[DATE]`, `[DATE=DATE2]` or `[=DATE2]`. hledger will
attempt to parse any square-bracketed sequence of the `0123456789/-.=`
characters in this way. With this syntax, DATE infers its year from
the transaction and DATE2 infers its year from DATE.
## Status
Transactions, or individual postings within a transaction,
can have a status mark, which is a single character before
the transaction description or posting account name,
separated from it by a space, indicating one of three statuses:
mark &nbsp; | status
&nbsp; | unmarked
`!` | pending
`*` | cleared
When reporting, you can filter by status with
the `-U/--unmarked`, `-P/--pending`, and `-C/--cleared` flags;
or the `status:`, `status:!`, and `status:*` [queries](hledger.html#queries);
or the U, P, C keys in hledger-ui.
Note, in Ledger and in older versions of hledger, the "unmarked" state is called
"uncleared". As of hledger 1.3 we have renamed it to unmarked for clarity.
To replicate Ledger and old hledger's behaviour of also matching pending, combine -U and -P.
Status marks are optional, but can be helpful eg for reconciling with real-world accounts.
Some editor modes provide highlighting and shortcuts for working with status.
Eg in Emacs ledger-mode, you can toggle transaction status with C-c C-e, or posting status with C-c C-c.
What "uncleared", "pending", and "cleared" actually mean is up to you.
Here's one suggestion:
status | meaning
uncleared | recorded but not yet reconciled; needs review
pending | tentatively reconciled (if needed, eg during a big reconciliation)
cleared | complete, reconciled as far as possible, and considered correct
With this scheme, you would use
`-PC` to see the current balance at your bank,
`-U` to see things which will probably hit your bank soon (like uncashed checks),
and no flags to see the most up-to-date state of your finances.
## Description
A transaction's description is the rest of the line following the date and status mark (or until a comment begins).
Sometimes called the "narration" in traditional bookkeeping, it can be used for whatever you wish,
or left blank. Transaction descriptions can be queried, unlike [comments](#comments).
### Payee and note
You can optionally include a `|` (pipe) character in descriptions to subdivide the description
into separate fields for payee/payer name on the left (up to the first `|`) and an additional note
field on the right (after the first `|`). This may be worthwhile if you need to do more precise
[querying](hledger.html#queries) and [pivoting](hledger.html#pivoting) by payee or by note.
## Account names
Account names typically have several parts separated by a full colon, from
which hledger derives a hierarchical chart of accounts. They can be
anything you like, but in finance there are traditionally five top-level
accounts: `assets`, `liabilities`, `income`, `expenses`, and `equity`.
Account names may contain single spaces, eg: `assets:accounts receivable`.
Because of this, they must always be followed by **two or more spaces** (or newline).
Account names can be [aliased](#rewriting-accounts).
## Amounts
After the account name, there is usually an amount.
(Important: between account name and amount, there must be **two or more spaces**.)
hledger's amount format is flexible, supporting several international formats.
Here are some examples.
Amounts have a number (the "quantity"):
..and usually a currency or commodity name (the "commodity"). This is
a symbol, word, or phrase, to the left or right of the quantity, with
or without a separating space:
4000 AAPL
If the commodity name contains spaces, numbers, or punctuation, it
must be enclosed in double quotes:
3 "no. 42 green apples"
Amounts can be negative. The minus sign can be written before or after
a left-side commodity symbol:
Scientific E notation is allowed:
A decimal mark (decimal point) can be written with a period or a comma:
### Digit group marks
In the integer part of the quantity (left of the decimal mark), groups
of digits can optionally be separated by a "digit group mark" - a
space, comma, or period (different from the decimal mark):
EUR 2.000.000,00
INR 9,99,99,999.00
1 000 000.9455
Note, a number containing a single group mark and no decimal mark is ambiguous.
Are these group marks or decimal marks ?
hledger will treat them both as decimal marks by default (cf
If you use digit group marks,
to prevent confusion and undetected typos
we recommend you write [commodity directives](#declaring-commodities)
at the top of the file to explicitly declare the decimal mark (and
optionally a digit group mark).
Note, these formats ("amount styles") are specific to each commodity,
so if your data uses multiple formats, hledger can handle it:
commodity $1,000.00
commodity EUR 1.000,00
commodity INR 9,99,99,999.00
commodity 1 000 000.9455
### Amount display format
For each commodity, hledger chooses a consistent format to use when
displaying amounts. (Except [price amounts](#prices), which are always
displayed as written). The display format is chosen as follows:
- If there is a [commodity directive](#declaring-commodities) for the commodity,
that format is used (see examples above).
- Otherwise the format of the first posting amount in that commodity
seen in the journal is used.
But the number of decimal places ("precision") will be the maximum
from all posting amounts in that commmodity.
- Or if there are no such amounts in the journal, a default format is
used (like `$1000.00`).
Price amounts, and amounts in `D` directives don't affect the amount
display format directly, but occasionally they can do so indirectly.
(Eg when D's default commodity is applied to a commodity-less amount,
or when an amountless posting is balanced using a price's commodity,
or when -V is used.) If you find this causing problems, use a
commodity directive to set the display format.
## Virtual Postings
When you parenthesise the account name in a posting, we call that a *virtual posting*, which
- it is ignored when checking that the transaction is balanced
- it is excluded from reports when the `--real/-R` flag is used, or the `real:1` query.
You could use this, eg, to set an account's opening balance without needing to use the
`equity:opening balances` account:
1/1 special unbalanced posting to set initial balance
(assets:checking) $1000
When the account name is bracketed, we call it a *balanced virtual posting*. This is like an ordinary virtual posting except the balanced virtual postings in a transaction must balance to 0, like the real postings (but separately from them). Balanced virtual postings are also excluded by `--real/-R` or `real:1`.
1/1 buy food with cash, and update some budget-tracking subaccounts elsewhere
expenses:food $10
assets:cash $-10
[assets:checking:available] $10
[assets:checking:budget:food] $-10
Virtual postings have some legitimate uses, but those are few. You can usually find an equivalent journal entry using real postings, which is more correct and provides better error checking.
## Balance Assertions
hledger supports
[Ledger-style balance assertions](http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Balance-assertions)
in journal files.
These look like, for example, `= EXPECTEDBALANCE` following a posting's amount.
Eg here we assert the expected dollar balance in accounts a and b after
each posting:
a $1 =$1
b =$-1
a $1 =$2
b $-1 =$-2
After reading a journal file, hledger will check all balance
assertions and report an error if any of them fail. Balance assertions
can protect you from, eg, inadvertently disrupting reconciled balances
while cleaning up old entries. You can disable them temporarily with
the `-I/--ignore-assertions` flag, which can be useful for
troubleshooting or for reading Ledger files.
(Note: this flag currently does not disable balance assignments, below).
### Assertions and ordering
hledger sorts an account's postings and assertions first by date and
then (for postings on the same day) by parse order. Note this is
different from Ledger, which sorts assertions only by parse
order. (Also, Ledger assertions do not see the accumulated effect of
repeated postings to the same account within a transaction.)
So, hledger balance assertions keep working if you reorder
differently-dated transactions within the journal. But if you reorder
same-dated transactions or postings, assertions might break and require
updating. This order dependence does bring an advantage: precise
control over the order of postings and assertions within a day, so you
can assert intra-day balances.
### Assertions and included files
With [included files](#including-other-files), things are a little
more complicated. Including preserves the ordering of postings and
assertions. If you have multiple postings to an account on the same
day, split across different files, and you also want to assert the
account's balance on the same day, you'll have to put the assertion
in the right file.
### Assertions and multiple -f options
Balance assertions don't work well across files specified
with multiple -f options. Use include or [concatenate the files](hledger.html#input-files)
### Assertions and commodities
The asserted balance must be a simple single-commodity amount, and in
fact the assertion checks only this commodity's balance within the
(possibly multi-commodity) account balance.
This is how assertions work in Ledger also.
We could call this a "partial" balance assertion.
To assert the balance of more than one commodity in an account,
you can write multiple postings, each asserting one commodity's balance.
You can make a stronger "total" balance assertion by writing a
double equals sign (`== EXPECTEDBALANCE`).
This asserts that there are no other unasserted commodities in the account
(or, that their balance is 0).
``` journal
a $1
a 1€
b $-1
c -1€
2013/1/2 ; These assertions succeed
a 0 = $1
a 0 = 1€
b 0 == $-1
c 0 == -1€
2013/1/3 ; This assertion fails as 'a' also contains 1€
a 0 == $1
It's not yet possible to make a complete assertion about a balance that has multiple commodities.
One workaround is to isolate each commodity into its own subaccount:
``` journal
a:usd $1
a:euro 1€
a 0 == 0
a:usd 0 == $1
a:euro 0 == 1€
### Assertions and prices
Balance assertions ignore [transaction prices](#transaction-prices),
and should normally be written without one:
``` journal
(a) $1 @ €1 = $1
We do allow prices to be written there, however, and [print](hledger.html#print) shows them,
even though they don't affect whether the assertion passes or fails.
This is for backward compatibility (hledger's [close](hledger.html#close) command used to generate balance assertions with prices),
and because [balance *assignments*](#balance-assignments) do use them (see below).
### Assertions and subaccounts
The balance assertions above (`=` and `==`) do not count the balance
from subaccounts; they check the account's exclusive balance only.
You can assert the balance including subaccounts by writing `=*` or `==*`, eg:
equity:opening balances
checking:a 5
checking:b 5
checking 1 ==* 11
### Assertions and virtual postings
Balance assertions are checked against all postings, both real and
[virtual](#virtual-postings). They are not affected by the `--real/-R`
flag or `real:` query.
### Assertions and precision
Balance assertions compare the exactly calculated amounts,
which are not always what is shown by reports.
Eg a [commodity directive](http://hledger.org/journal.html#declaring-commodities)
may limit the display precision, but this will not affect balance assertions.
Balance assertion failure messages show exact amounts.
## Balance Assignments
[Ledger-style balance assignments](http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Balance-assignments) are also supported.
These are like [balance assertions](#balance-assertions), but with no posting amount on the left side of the equals sign;
instead it is calculated automatically so as to satisfy the assertion.
This can be a convenience during data entry, eg when setting opening balances:
; starting a new journal, set asset account balances
2016/1/1 opening balances
assets:checking = $409.32
assets:savings = $735.24
assets:cash = $42
equity:opening balances
or when adjusting a balance to reality:
; no cash left; update balance, record any untracked spending as a generic expense
assets:cash = $0
The calculated amount depends on the account's balance in the commodity at that point
(which depends on the previously-dated postings of the commodity to that account
since the last balance assertion or assignment).
Note that using balance assignments makes your journal a little less explicit;
to know the exact amount posted, you have to run hledger or do the calculations yourself,
instead of just reading it.
### Balance assignments and prices
A [transaction price](#transaction-prices) in a balance assignment
will cause the calculated amount to have that price attached:
``` journal
(a) = $1 @ €2
$ hledger print --explicit
(a) $1 @ €2 = $1 @ €2
## Transaction prices
Within a transaction, you can note an amount's price in another commodity.
This can be used to document the cost (in a purchase) or selling price (in a sale).
For example, transaction prices are useful to record purchases of a foreign currency.
Note transaction prices are fixed at the time of the transaction, and do not change over time.
See also [market prices](#market-prices), which represent prevailing exchange rates on a certain date.
There are several ways to record a transaction price:
1. Write the price per unit, as `@ UNITPRICE` after the amount:
assets:euros €100 @ $1.35 ; one hundred euros purchased at $1.35 each
assets:dollars ; balancing amount is -$135.00
2. Write the total price, as `@@ TOTALPRICE` after the amount:
assets:euros €100 @@ $135 ; one hundred euros purchased at $135 for the lot
3. Specify amounts for all postings, using exactly two commodities,
and let hledger infer the price that balances the transaction:
assets:euros €100 ; one hundred euros purchased
assets:dollars $-135 ; for $135
(Ledger users: Ledger uses a different [syntax](http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Fixing-Lot-Prices)
for fixed prices, `{=UNITPRICE}`, which hledger currently ignores).
Use the [`-B/--cost`](hledger.html#reporting-options) flag to convert
amounts to their transaction price's commodity, if any.
(mnemonic: "B" is from "cost Basis", as in Ledger).
Eg here is how -B affects the balance report for the example above:
$ hledger bal -N --flat
$-135 assets:dollars
€100 assets:euros
$ hledger bal -N --flat -B
$-135 assets:dollars
$135 assets:euros # <- the euros' cost
Note -B is sensitive to the order of postings when a transaction price is inferred:
the inferred price will be in the commodity of the last amount.
So if example 3's postings are reversed, while the transaction
is equivalent, -B shows something different:
assets:dollars $-135 ; 135 dollars sold
assets:euros €100 ; for 100 euros
$ hledger bal -N --flat -B
€-100 assets:dollars # <- the dollars' selling price
€100 assets:euros
## Comments
Lines in the journal beginning with a semicolon (`;`) or hash (`#`) or
star (`*`) are comments, and will be ignored. (Star comments cause
org-mode nodes to be ignored, allowing emacs users to fold and navigate
their journals with org-mode or orgstruct-mode.)
You can attach comments to a transaction by writing them after the
description and/or indented on the following lines (before the
postings). Similarly, you can attach comments to an individual
posting by writing them after the amount and/or indented on the
following lines.
Transaction and posting comments must begin with a semicolon (`;`).
Some examples:
# a file comment
; also a file comment
This is a multiline file comment,
which continues until a line
where the "end comment" string
appears on its own (or end of file).
end comment
2012/5/14 something ; a transaction comment
; the transaction comment, continued
posting1 1 ; a comment for posting 1
; a comment for posting 2
; another comment line for posting 2
; a file comment (because not indented)
You can also comment larger regions of a file using [`comment` and `end comment` directives](#comment-blocks).
## Tags
Tags are a way to add extra labels or labelled data to postings and transactions,
which you can then [search](hledger.html#queries) or [pivot](hledger.html#pivoting) on.
A simple tag is a word (which may contain hyphens) followed by a full colon,
written inside a transaction or posting [comment](#comments) line:
2017/1/16 bought groceries ; sometag:
Tags can have a value, which is the text after the colon, up to the next comma or end of line, with leading/trailing whitespace removed:
expenses:food $10 ; a-posting-tag: the tag value
Note this means hledger's tag values can not contain commas or newlines.
Ending at commas means you can write multiple short tags on one line, comma separated:
assets:checking ; a comment containing tag1:, tag2: some value ...
- "`a comment containing `" is just comment text, not a tag
- "`tag1`" is a tag with no value
- "`tag2`" is another tag, whose value is "`some value ...`"
Tags in a transaction comment affect the transaction and all of its postings,
while tags in a posting comment affect only that posting.
For example, the following transaction has three tags (`A`, `TAG2`, `third-tag`)
and the posting has four (those plus `posting-tag`):
1/1 a transaction ; A:, TAG2:
; third-tag: a third transaction tag, <- with a value
(a) $1 ; posting-tag:
Tags are like Ledger's
feature, except hledger's tag values are simple strings.
## Directives
A directive is a line in the journal beginning with a special keyword,
that influences how the journal is processed.
hledger's directives are based on a subset of Ledger's, but there are many differences
(and also some differences between hledger versions).
Directives' behaviour and interactions can get a little bit [complex](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/793),
so here is a table summarising the directives and their effects, with links to more detailed docs.
<!-- <style> -->
<!-- table a code { white-space:nowrap; } -->
<!-- h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color:red; } -->
<!-- </style> -->
| directive | end directive | subdirectives | purpose | can affect (as of 2018/06)
| [`account`] | | any text | document account names, declare account types & display order | all entries in all files, before or after
| [`alias`] | `end aliases` | | rewrite account names | following inline/included entries until end of current file or end directive
| [`apply account`] | `end apply account` | | prepend a common parent to account names | following inline/included entries until end of current file or end directive
| [`comment`] | `end comment` | | ignore part of journal | following inline/included entries until end of current file or end directive
| [`commodity`] | | `format` | declare a commodity and its number notation & display style | number notation: following entries in that commodity in all files; <br>display style: amounts of that commodity in reports
| [`D`] | | | declare a commodity to be used for commodityless amounts, and its number notation & display style | default commodity: following commodityless entries until end of current file; <br>number notation: following entries in that commodity until end of current file; <br>display style: amounts of that commodity in reports
| [`include`] | | | include entries/directives from another file | what the included directives affect
| [`P`] | | | declare a market price for a commodity | amounts of that commodity in reports, when -V is used
| [`Y`] | | | declare a year for yearless dates | following inline/included entries until end of current file
[`account`]: #declaring-accounts
[`alias`]: #rewriting-accounts
[`apply account`]: #default-parent-account
[`comment`]: #comment-blocks
[`commodity`]: #declaring-commodities
[`D`]: #default-commodity
[`include`]: #including-other-files
[`P`]: #market-prices
[`Y`]: #default-year
And some definitions:
| subdirective | optional indented directive line immediately following a parent directive
| number notation | how to interpret numbers when parsing journal entries (the identity of the decimal separator character). (Currently each commodity can have its own notation, even in the same file.)
| display style | how to display amounts of a commodity in reports (symbol side and spacing, digit groups, decimal separator, decimal places)
| directive scope | which entries and (when there are multiple files) which files are affected by a directive
<!-- | **entries affected:** | -->
<!-- | following | subsequent entries in the file/parse stream -->
<!-- | delimited | subsequent entries, until an optional end directive -->
<!-- | all | all preceding and following entries -->
<!-- | **files affected:** | -->
<!-- | current | affects current file only -->
<!-- | children | affects current file and files included by it -->
<!-- | siblings | affects current file, included files, and other same-level files, but not higher-level files -->
<!-- | all | affects all files -->
As you can see, directives vary in which journal entries and files they affect,
and whether they are focussed on input (parsing) or output (reports).
Some directives have multiple effects.
If you have a journal made up of multiple files, or pass multiple -f options on the command line,
note that directives which affect input typically last only until the end of their defining file.
This provides more simplicity and predictability, eg reports are not changed by writing file options in a different order.
It can be surprising at times though.
<!-- TODO: retest
For example, in:
hledger -f a.aliases -f b.journal
you might expect account aliases defined in a.aliases to affect b.journal, but they will not,
unless you `include a.aliases` in b.journal, or vice versa.
### Comment blocks
A line containing just `comment` starts a commented region of the file,
and a line containing just `end comment` (or the end of the current file) ends it.
See also [comments](#comments).
### Including other files
You can pull in the content of additional files by writing an include directive, like this:
include path/to/file.journal
If the path does not begin with a slash, it is relative to the current file.
The include file path may contain
[common glob patterns](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Glob-0.9.2/docs/System-FilePath-Glob.html#v:compile)
(e.g. `*`).
The `include` directive can only be used in journal files.
It can include journal, timeclock or timedot files, but not CSV files.
### Default year
You can set a default year to be used for subsequent dates which don't
specify a year. This is a line beginning with `Y` followed by the year. Eg:
Y2009 ; set default year to 2009
12/15 ; equivalent to 2009/12/15
expenses 1
Y2010 ; change default year to 2010
2009/1/30 ; specifies the year, not affected
expenses 1
1/31 ; equivalent to 2010/1/31
expenses 1
### Declaring commodities
The `commodity` directive has several functions:
1. It declares commodities which may be used in the journal.
This is currently not enforced, but can serve as documentation.
2. It declares what decimal mark character to expect when parsing
input - useful to disambiguate international number formats in your
data. (Without this, hledger will parse both `1,000` and `1.000`
as 1).
3. It declares the [amount display format](#amount-display-format) to
use in output - decimal and digit group marks, number of decimal
places, symbol placement etc.
You are likely to run into one of the problems solved by commodity
directives, sooner or later, so it's a good idea to just always use
them to declare your commodities.
A commodity directive is just the word `commodity` followed by an [amount](#amounts).
It may be written on a single line, like this:
; display AAAA amounts with the symbol on the right, space-separated,
; using period as decimal point, with four decimal places, and
; separating thousands with comma.
commodity 1,000.0000 AAAA
or on multiple lines, using the "format" subdirective. (In this case
the commodity symbol appears twice and should be the same in both places.):
; commodity SYMBOL
; display indian rupees with currency name on the left,
; thousands, lakhs and crores comma-separated,
; period as decimal point, and two decimal places.
commodity INR
format INR 1,00,00,000.00
The quantity of the amount does not matter; only the format is
significant. The number must include a decimal mark: either a period
or a comma, followed by 0 or more decimal digits.
### Default commodity
The `D` directive sets a default commodity (and display format), to be used for amounts without a commodity symbol (ie, plain numbers).
(Note this differs from Ledger's default commodity directive.)
The commodity and display format will be applied to all subsequent commodity-less amounts, or until the next `D` directive.
; commodity-less amounts should be treated as dollars
; (and displayed with symbol on the left, thousands separators and two decimal places)
D $1,000.00
a 5 ; <- commodity-less amount, becomes $1
As with the `commodity` directive, the amount must always be written with a decimal point.
### Market prices
The `P` directive declares a market price, which is
an exchange rate between two commodities on a certain date.
(In Ledger, they are called "historical prices".)
These are often obtained from a
[stock exchange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_exchange),
cryptocurrency exchange, or the
[foreign exchange market](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_market).
Here is the format:
- DATE is a [simple date](#simple-dates)
- COMMODITYA is the symbol of the commodity being priced
- COMMODITYBAMOUNT is an [amount](#amounts) (symbol and quantity) in a
second commodity, giving the price in commodity B of one unit of commodity A.
These two market price directives say that one euro was worth 1.35 US dollars during 2009,
and $1.40 from 2010 onward:
P 2009/1/1 € $1.35
P 2010/1/1 € $1.40
The [`-V/--value`](hledger.html#v-market-value) flag can be used to convert reported amounts
to another commodity using these prices.
### Declaring accounts
`account` directives can be used to pre-declare accounts.
Though not required, they can provide several benefits:
- They can document your intended chart of accounts, providing a reference.
- They can store extra information about accounts (account numbers, notes, etc.)
- They can help hledger know your accounts' types (asset, liability, equity, revenue, expense),
useful for reports like balancesheet and incomestatement.
- They control account display order in reports, allowing non-alphabetic sorting
(eg Revenues to appear above Expenses).
- They help with account name completion
in the add command, hledger-iadd, hledger-web, ledger-mode etc.
The simplest form is just the word `account` followed by a hledger-style
[account name](journal.html#account-names), eg:
account assets:bank:checking
#### Account comments
[Comments](#comments), beginning with a semicolon, can be added:
- on the same line, **after two or more spaces**
(because ; is allowed in account names)
- on the next lines, indented
An example of both:
account assets:bank:checking ; same-line comment, note 2+ spaces before ;
; next-line comment
; another with tag, acctno:12345 (not used yet)
Same-line comments are not supported by Ledger, or hledger <1.13.
<!-- Account comments may include [tags](journal.html#tags), though we don't yet use them for anything. -->
#### Account subdirectives
We also allow (and ignore) Ledger-style indented subdirectives, just for compatibility.:
account assets:bank:checking
format blah blah ; <- subdirective, ignored
Here is the full syntax of account directives:
#### Account types
hledger recognises five types (or classes) of account: Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue, Expense.
This is used by a few accounting-aware reports such as [balancesheet][], [incomestatement][] and [cashflow][].
[balancesheet]: hledger.html#balancesheet
[cashflow]: hledger.html#cashflow
[incomestatement]: hledger.html#incomestatement
##### Auto-detected account types
If you name your top-level accounts with some variation of
`assets`, `liabilities`/`debts`, `equity`, `revenues`/`income`, or `expenses`,
their types are detected automatically.
##### Account types declared with tags
More generally, you can declare an account's type with an account directive,
by writing a `type:` [tag](journal.html#tags) in a comment, followed by one of the words
`Asset`, `Liability`, `Equity`, `Revenue`, `Expense`,
or one of the letters `ALERX` (case insensitive):
account assets ; type:Asset
account liabilities ; type:Liability
account equity ; type:Equity
account revenues ; type:Revenue
account expenses ; type:Expenses
##### Account types declared with account type codes
Or, you can write one of those letters separated from the account name by two or more spaces,
but this should probably be considered deprecated as of hledger 1.13:
account assets A
account liabilities L
account equity E
account revenues R
account expenses X
##### Overriding auto-detected types
If you ever override the types of those auto-detected english account names mentioned above,
you might need to help the reports a bit. Eg:
; make "liabilities" not have the liability type - who knows why
account liabilities ; type:E
; we need to ensure some other account has the liability type,
; otherwise balancesheet would still show "liabilities" under Liabilities
account - ; type:L
#### Account display order
Account directives also set the order in which accounts are displayed,
eg in reports, the hledger-ui accounts screen, and the hledger-web sidebar.
By default accounts are listed in alphabetical order.
But if you have these account directives in the journal:
account assets
account liabilities
account equity
account revenues
account expenses
you'll see those accounts displayed in declaration order, not alphabetically:
$ hledger accounts -1
Undeclared accounts, if any, are displayed last, in alphabetical order.
Note that sorting is done at each level of the account tree (within each group of sibling accounts under the same parent).
And currently, this directive:
account other:zoo
would influence the position of `zoo` among `other`'s subaccounts, but not the position of `other` among the top-level accounts.
This means:
- you will sometimes declare parent accounts (eg `account other` above) that you don't intend to post to, just to customize their display order
- sibling accounts stay together (you couldn't display `x:y` in between `a:b` and `a:c`).
### Rewriting accounts
You can define account alias rules which rewrite your account names, or parts of them,
before generating reports.
This can be useful for:
- expanding shorthand account names to their full form, allowing easier data entry and a less verbose journal
- adapting old journals to your current chart of accounts
- experimenting with new account organisations, like a new hierarchy or combining two accounts into one
- customising reports
Account aliases also rewrite account names in [account directives](#declaring-accounts).
They do not affect account names being entered via hledger add or hledger-web.
See also [Rewrite account names](rewrite-account-names.html).
#### Basic aliases
To set an account alias, use the `alias` directive in your journal file.
This affects all subsequent journal entries in the current file or its
[included files](#including-other-files).
The spaces around the = are optional:
alias OLD = NEW
Or, you can use the `--alias 'OLD=NEW'` option on the command line.
This affects all entries. It's useful for trying out aliases interactively.
OLD and NEW are case sensitive full account names.
hledger will replace any occurrence of the old account name with the
new one. Subaccounts are also affected. Eg:
alias checking = assets:bank:wells fargo:checking
; rewrites "checking" to "assets:bank:wells fargo:checking", or "checking:a" to "assets:bank:wells fargo:checking:a"
#### Regex aliases
There is also a more powerful variant that uses a regular expression,
indicated by the forward slashes:
or `--alias '/REGEX/=REPLACEMENT'`.
<!-- (Can also be written `'/REGEX/REPLACEMENT/'`). -->
REGEX is a case-insensitive regular expression. Anywhere it matches
inside an account name, the matched part will be replaced by
If REGEX contains parenthesised match groups, these can be referenced
by the usual numeric backreferences in REPLACEMENT.
alias /^(.+):bank:([^:]+)(.*)/ = \1:\2 \3
; rewrites "assets:bank:wells fargo:checking" to "assets:wells fargo checking"
Also note that REPLACEMENT continues to the end of line (or on command line,
to end of option argument), so it can contain trailing whitespace.
#### Combining aliases
You can define as many aliases as you like, using journal directives and/or command line options.
Recursive aliases - where an account name is rewritten by one alias, then by another alias, and so on - are allowed.
Each alias sees the effect of previously applied aliases.
In such cases it can be important to understand which aliases will be applied and in which order.
For (each account name in) each journal entry, we apply:
1. `alias` directives preceding the journal entry, most recently parsed first (ie, reading upward from the journal entry, bottom to top)
2. `--alias` options, in the order they appeared on the command line (left to right).
In other words, for (an account name in) a given journal entry:
- the nearest alias declaration before/above the entry is applied first
- the next alias before/above that will be be applied next, and so on
- aliases defined after/below the entry do not affect it.
This gives nearby aliases precedence over distant ones, and helps
provide semantic stability - aliases will keep working the same way
independent of which files are being read and in which order.
In case of trouble, adding `--debug=6` to the command line will show which aliases are being applied when.
#### `end aliases`
You can clear (forget) all currently defined aliases with the `end aliases` directive:
end aliases
### Default parent account
You can specify a parent account which will be prepended to all accounts
within a section of the journal. Use the `apply account` and `end apply account`
directives like so:
apply account home
food $10
end apply account
which is equivalent to:
home:food $10
home:cash $-10
If `end apply account` is omitted, the effect lasts to the end of the file.
Included files are also affected, eg:
apply account business
include biz.journal
end apply account
apply account personal
include personal.journal
Prior to hledger 1.0, legacy `account` and `end` spellings were also supported.
A default parent account also affects [account directives](#declaring-accounts).
It does not affect account names being entered via hledger add or hledger-web.
If account aliases are present, they are applied after the default parent account.
## Periodic transactions
Periodic transaction rules describe transactions that recur.
They allow hledger to generate temporary future transactions to help with forecasting,
so you don't have to write out each one in the journal,
and it's easy to try out different forecasts.
Secondly, they are also used to define the budgets shown in budget reports.
Periodic transactions can be a little tricky, so before you use them,
read this whole section - or at least these tips:
1. Two spaces accidentally added or omitted will cause you trouble - read about this below.
2. For troubleshooting, show the generated transactions with `hledger print --forecast tag:generated` or `hledger register --forecast tag:generated`.
3. Forecasted transactions will begin only after the last non-forecasted transaction's date.
4. Forecasted transactions will end 6 months from today, by default. See below for the exact start/end rules.
5. [period expressions](hledger.html#period-expressions) can be tricky. Their documentation needs improvement, but is worth studying.
6. Some period expressions with a repeating interval must begin on a natural boundary of that interval.
Eg in `weekly from DATE`, DATE must be a monday. `~ weekly from 2019/10/1` (a tuesday) will give an error.
7. Other period expressions with an interval are automatically expanded to cover a whole number of that interval.
(This is done to improve reports, but it also affects periodic transactions. Yes, it's a bit inconsistent with the above.)
Eg: <br>
`~ every 10th day of month from 2020/01`, which is equivalent to <br>
`~ every 10th day of month from 2020/01/01`, will be adjusted to start on 2019/12/10.
### Periodic rule syntax
A periodic transaction rule looks like a normal journal entry,
with the date replaced by a tilde (`~`) followed by a
[period expression](hledger.html#period-expressions)
(mnemonic: `~` looks like a recurring sine wave.):
~ monthly
expenses:rent $2000
There is an additional constraint on the period expression:
the start date must fall on a natural boundary of the interval.
Eg `monthly from 2018/1/1` is valid, but `monthly from 2018/1/15` is not.
Partial or relative dates (M/D, D, tomorrow, last week) in the period expression
can work (useful or not). They will be relative to today's date, unless
a Y default year directive is in effect, in which case they will be relative to Y/1/1.
### Two spaces between period expression and description!
If the period expression is followed by a transaction description,
these must be separated by **two or more spaces**.
This helps hledger know where the period expression ends, so that descriptions
can not accidentally alter their meaning, as in this example:
; 2 or more spaces needed here, so the period is not understood as "every 2 months in 2020"
; ||
; vv
~ every 2 months in 2020, we will review
assets:bank:checking $1500
income:acme inc
- Do write two spaces between your period expression and your transaction description, if any.
- Don't accidentally write two spaces in the middle of your period expression.
### Forecasting with periodic transactions
With the `--forecast` flag, each periodic transaction rule generates
future transactions recurring at the specified interval.
These are not saved in the journal, but appear in all reports.
They will look like normal transactions, but with an extra
- `generated-transaction:~ PERIODICEXPR` - shows that this was generated by a periodic transaction rule, and the period
There is also a hidden tag, with an underscore prefix, which does not appear in hledger's output:
- `_generated-transaction:~ PERIODICEXPR`
This can be used to match transactions generated "just now",
rather than generated in the past and saved to the journal.
Forecast transactions start on the first occurrence, and end on the last occurrence,
of their interval within the forecast period. The forecast period:
- begins on the later of
- the report start date if specified with -b/-p/date:
- the day after the latest normal (non-periodic) transaction in the journal,
or today if there are no normal transactions.
- ends on the report end date if specified with -e/-p/date:,
or 180 days from today.
where "today" means the current date at report time.
The "later of" rule ensures that forecast transactions do not overlap normal transactions in time;
they will begin only after normal transactions end.
Forecasting can be useful for estimating balances into the future,
and experimenting with different scenarios.
Note the start date logic means that forecasted transactions are automatically replaced
by normal transactions as you add those.
Forecasting can also help with data entry:
describe most of your transactions with periodic rules,
and every so often copy the output of `print --forecast` to the journal.
You can generate one-time transactions too:
just write a period expression specifying a date with no report interval.
(You could also write a normal transaction with a future date, but remember this disables forecast transactions on previous dates.)
### Budgeting with periodic transactions
With the `--budget` flag, currently supported by the balance command,
each periodic transaction rule declares recurring budget goals for the specified accounts.
Eg the first example above declares a goal of spending $2000 on rent
(and also, a goal of depositing $2000 into checking) every month.
Goals and actual performance can then be compared in [budget reports](hledger.html#budget-report).
For more details, see:
[balance: Budget report](hledger.html#budget-report)
[Budgeting and Forecasting](budgeting-and-forecasting.html).
<a name="automated-postings"></a>
<a name="auto-postings"></a>
## Auto postings / transaction modifiers
Transaction modifier rules, AKA auto posting rules, describe changes to be applied automatically to certain matched transactions.
Currently just one kind of change is possible - adding extra postings, which we call "automated postings" or just "auto postings".
These rules become active when you use the `--auto` flag.
A transaction modifier rule looks much like a normal transaction
except the first line is an equals sign followed by a
[query](hledger.html#queries) that matches certain postings
(mnemonic: `=` suggests matching).
And each "posting" is actually a posting-generating rule:
These posting-generating rules look like normal postings, except the amount can be:
- a normal amount with a commodity symbol, eg `$2`. This will be used as-is.
- a number, eg `2`. The commodity symbol (if any) from the matched posting will be added to this.
- a numeric multiplier, eg `*2` (a star followed by a number N). The matched posting's amount (and total price, if any) will be multiplied by N.
- a multiplier with a commodity symbol, eg `*$2` (a star, number N, and symbol S). The matched posting's amount will be multiplied by N, and its commodity symbol will be replaced with S.
These rules have global effect - a rule appearing anywhere in your data can potentially affect any transaction, including transactions recorded above it or in another file.
Some examples:
; every time I buy food, schedule a dollar donation
= expenses:food
(liabilities:charity) $-1
; when I buy a gift, also deduct that amount from a budget envelope subaccount
= expenses:gifts
assets:checking:gifts *-1
assets:checking *1
expenses:food $10
expenses:gifts $20
$ hledger print --auto
expenses:food $10
(liabilities:charity) $-1
expenses:gifts $20
assets:checking:gifts -$20
assets:checking $20
### Auto postings and dates
A [posting date](#posting-dates) (or secondary date) in the matched posting,
or (taking precedence) a posting date in the auto posting rule itself,
will also be used in the generated posting.
### Auto postings and transaction balancing / inferred amounts / balance assertions
Currently, transaction modifiers are applied / auto postings are added:
- after [missing amounts are inferred, and transactions are checked for balancedness](#postings),
- but before [balance assertions](#balance-assertions) are checked.
Note this means that journal entries must be balanced both before and
after auto postings are added. This changed in hledger 1.12+; see
[#893](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/893) for
### Auto posting tags
Postings added by transaction modifiers will have some extra [tags](#tags-1):
- `generated-posting:= QUERY` - shows this was generated by an auto posting rule, and the query
- `_generated-posting:= QUERY` - a hidden tag, which does not appear in hledger's output.
This can be used to match postings generated "just now",
rather than generated in the past and saved to the journal.
Also, any transaction that has been changed by transaction modifier rules will have these tags added:
- `modified:` - this transaction was modified
- `_modified:` - a hidden tag not appearing in the comment; this transaction was modified "just now".