2017-04-27 10:51:02 -07:00

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# Download

Choose a method:

A. I want to download a packaged version

Packaged versions are the quickest to install, but they sometimes lag behind the latest release, or provide only some of the hledger tools. (Please help out by making these packages better.)

Windows: see B below
Mac: brew install hledger
Debian, Ubuntu: sudo apt install hledger hledger-ui hledger-web
Fedora, RHEL: sudo dnf install hledger
Gentoo: sudo layman -a haskell && sudo emerge hledger hledger-ui hledger-web
Void Linux: xbps-install -S hledger hledger-ui hledger-web hledger-api
NixOS: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.haskellPackages.hledger \
  nixpkgs.haskellPackages.hledger-ui \
Sandstorm: hledger-web Sandstorm app -> demo
(get your own private or public hledger-web instance in 3 clicks)

B. I want to build the latest release

The latest release (see release notes) is a good choice. You have to build it, but normally that should be quite easy:

  1. Install stack
    Note some packaged versions of stack are too old and will give "Invalid package ID" in step 2 (and their builtin "upgrade" command will be slow); in this case consider downloading the binary instead.
    On Windows, the 64-bit version is recommended.
    On Arch, you may need to also install GHC manually.
    You should also add ~/.local/bin (or Windows equivalent) to your $PATH so that you can easily run stack-installed tools. Eg if you're a bash user:
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

  2. stack install hledger-lib-1.2 hledger-1.2 [hledger-ui-1.2] [hledger-web-1.2] [hledger-api-1.2]\
    Note specifying the version as above forces stack to select exactly this version, which is sometimes necessary just after a release; at other times the following command may be preferable to get any newer versions:
    stack install --resolver=nightly hledger [hledger-ui] [hledger-web] [hledger-api]
    If stack says you need to run stack setup, do that first.
    Don't type the square brackets; they mean that hledger-ui etc. are optional.
    On Windows, hledger-ui is not yet available.
    If required C libraries (like curses or terminfo) are not installed, you might need to install those manually and try again. Eg:

    Debian, Ubuntu: sudo apt install libncurses5-dev
    Fedora, RHEL: sudo dnf install ncurses-devel

If you're a cabal expert, feel free to use that instead of stack, adapting these instructions appropriately.

Now you should be able to run hledger --version, hledger-ui --version etc.

C. I want to build the development version

The dev version includes not-yet-released features and is stable enough for daily use.

  1. Install stack and git (see notes in B above)
  2. git clone http://code.hledger.org hledger
  3. cd hledger
  4. stack install

Cabal users can use the cabal-install.sh or cabal.project files instead.

D. I want to install more commands

Additional add-on commands can be installed. Eg:
stack install hledger-iadd-1.2.1 or stack install --resolver nightly hledger-iadd.

More, experimental add-ons are included in the hledger source repo; to install these:

  1. Download the hledger source code (as in C above)
  2. In the hledger directory, run bin/compile.sh (installs dependencies & compiles for speed)
  3. Add the hledger/bin/ directory to your $PATH (as in B above)

Now you should be able to run hledger iadd --version, hledger check --help etc.