5.5 KiB
Some examples of working with the https://www.gibney.org/a_syntax_for_self-tracking logging format (discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36492033).
If you have a.dat:
2020-05-28 18:41 Eat Pizza
2020-05-29 09:00 Slept with the window open
2020-05-29 09:00 Headaches
This is close enough to hledger's timedot format to do some reporting. Each line is interpreted as an empty transaction:
$ hledger -f timedot:a.dat print
2020-05-28 * 18:41 Eat Pizza
2020-05-29 * 09:00 Slept with the window open
2020-05-29 * 09:00 Headaches
And you could query those by date or description:
$ hledger -f timedot:a.dat print date:2020/5/28
2020-05-28 * 18:41 Eat Pizza
$ hledger -f timedot:a.dat print desc:eat
2020-05-28 * 18:41 Eat Pizza
Or by tag, if you added tags like so:
2020-05-28 18:41 Eat Pizza ; food:
2020-05-29 09:00 Slept with the window open ; body:, sleep:
2020-05-29 09:00 Headaches ; body:
$ hledger -f timedot:b.dat print tag:sleep
2020-05-29 * 09:00 Slept with the window open ; body:, sleep:
You could transform your format to a plain text accounting format with quantities. Eg, make it TSV or CSV:
$ perl -pe '$c=0; $c++ while $c < 2 && s/ /\t/' a.dat > c.tsv
$ cat c.tsv
2020-05-28 18:41 Eat Pizza
2020-05-29 09:00 Slept with the window open
2020-05-29 09:00 Headaches
and use hledger CSV conversion rules to customise and enrich it:
$ cat c.tsv.rules
fields date, time, description
# save the time as a tag
comment time:%time
# count each item as one "event" by default
account1 (events)
amount1 1
# special cases
if pizza
account1 (food)
amount1 200 cal
Now you have a (single entry) accounting journal:
$ hledger -f c.tsv print
2020-05-28 Eat Pizza ; time:18:41
(food) 200 cal
2020-05-29 Slept with the window open ; time:09:00
(events) 1
2020-05-29 Headaches ; time:09:00
(events) 1
Allowing quantity reports:
$ hledger -f c.tsv balance -MATS cur:cal
Balance changes in 2020-05:
|| May Total Average
food || 200 cal 200 cal 200 cal
|| 200 cal 200 cal 200 cal
$ hledger -f c.tsv activity -D desc:headache
2020-05-29 *
$ hledger-bar -v -f c.tsv cur:cal
2020-05 200 ++
$ hledger-ui --all -f c.tsv # explore with a TUI
Or, with d.dat:
2023-06-27 06:40 Wakeup
2023-06-27 06:40 Last_night_sleep_time: 07h21
2023-06-27 06:40 Last_night_sleep_interruptions: 1
2023-06-27 06:40 Yesterdays_Steps: 11898
2023-06-27 08:49 Temperature: 24.8
2023-06-27 08:49 Humidity: 40%
2023-06-27 09:21 Take_Iron? No
2023-06-27 09:21 Take_VitaminD3? No
Convert to character-separated values again (using pipe this time):
$ cat d.dat | perl -pe '$c=0; $c++ while $c < 2 && s/ /|/' | perl -pe 's/: /|/; s/\? /?|/' > d.csv
$ cat d.csv
Again, use rules to convert/enrich (or, add more structure in the source data, requiring less enrichment):
$ cat d.csv.rules
separator |
fields date, time, description, value
comment time:%time, value:%value
account1 (events)
amount1 1
if %value ^[0-9]+$
amount1 %value
if steps
amount1 %value steps
if %value no
amount1 0
if %value yes
amount1 1
account1 (body:sleep)
account1 (body:exercise)
account1 (body:supplements)
account1 (food)
amount1 200 cal
$ hledger -f d.csv print
2023-06-27 Wakeup ; time:06:40, value:
(body:sleep) 1
2023-06-27 Last_night_sleep_time ; time:06:40, value:07h21
(body:sleep) 1
2023-06-27 Last_night_sleep_interruptions ; time:06:40, value:1
(body:sleep) 1
2023-06-27 Yesterdays_Steps ; time:06:40, value:11898
(body:exercise) 11898 steps
2023-06-27 Temperature ; time:08:49, value:24.8
(events) 1
2023-06-27 Humidity ; time:08:49, value:40%
(events) 1
2023-06-27 Take_Iron? ; time:09:21, value:No
(body:supplements) 0
2023-06-27 Take_VitaminD3? ; time:09:21, value:No
(body:supplements) 0
$ hledger -f d.csv register sleep
2023-06-27 Wakeup (body:sleep) 1 1
2023-06-27 Last_night_sleep_.. (body:sleep) 1 2
2023-06-27 Last_night_sleep_.. (body:sleep) 1 3
Current hledger has a csv tags parsing bug; reparse the conversion to work around:
$ hledger -f d.csv tags
$ hledger -f d.csv print | hledger -f- tags
hledger's data model doesn't include time, but we can pivot on the time tag and take advantage of the colon to summarise activities by hour each day (eg):
$ hledger -f d.csv print | hledger -f- bal --pivot=time --depth 1 -DAE
Balance changes in 2023-06-27:
|| 2023-06-27 Average
06 || 3 events, 11898 steps 3 events, 11898 steps
08 || 2 events 2 events
09 || 0 0
|| 5 events, 11898 steps 5 events, 11898 steps