2019-03-09 18:15:50 -08:00

17 KiB


Here are the ways to install hledger, organised by platform, with the usually most up-to-date methods at the top. Please send updates for this page, and help packagers keep their platform packages up to date. hledger's usual release window is the first day or two of the month.

Latest release is 1.14.1
(release notes)


The first three build from source, which is slower. See Building from source.

This method installs:
Linux, Mac, WSL
Requires only bash.
curl -sO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonmichael/hledger/master/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh
less hledger-install.sh # satisfy yourself that the script is safe
bash hledger-install.sh
Latest release
stack install
Linux, Mac, Windows[][]*
stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-web-1.14 \
  hledger-ui-1.14 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1
Latest release / any version
cabal install
Linux, Mac, Windows[][]*
cabal v2-update && cabal v2-install hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 hledger-web-1.14 Latest release / any version
Linux, Mac, Windows
docker pull dastapov/hledger (readme, more images) 1.14.1
Linux, Mac
nix-channel --update && nix-env -i hledger hledger-ui hledger-web nixpkgs unstable nixpkgs stable

Homebrew brew install hledger Homebrew

[Linuxbrew][] brew install hledger Linuxbrew
[Windows binaries][] hledger.zip 1.14.1

[Linuxbrew][] brew install hledger Linuxbrew
[Arch][] pacman -S hledger hledger-ui hledger-web Arch
[Gentoo][] sudo layman -a haskell && sudo emerge hledger hledger-ui hledger-web 1.14.1
[Debian][] sudo apt install hledger hledger-ui hledger-web Debian Unstable Debian Testing Debian Stable Debian Oldstable
[Ubuntu][] sudo apt install hledger hledger-ui hledger-web Ubuntu 19.04 Ubuntu 18.10 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 17.10 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
[Void][] xbps-install -S hledger hledger-ui hledger-web Void Linux x86_64
[Fedora][] sudo dnf install hledger
or (more complete & current):
sudo dnf copr enable kefah/HLedger && sudo dnf install hledger
Fedora Rawhide Fedora 29 Fedora 28 Fedora 27 Fedora 26

OpenBSD Ports: https://github.com/jasperla/openbsd-wip/pull/104
Third-party binaries: OpenBSD6.3/amd64

Community/private cloud platform
hledger-web Sandstorm app 1.9.2

[Homebrew contact]: @albins, simon@joyful.com [Linuxbrew]: https://linuxbrew.sh [Linuxbrew contact]: @albins, simon@joyful.com [Windows binaries]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/simonmichael/hledger [Windows binaries contact]: simon@joyful.com [*]: #build-issues [Arch]: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort=&q=hledger [Arch contact]: ? [Debian]: https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&keywords=hledger [Debian contact]: mailto:debian-haskell@lists.debian.org, Clint [Fedora]: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/s/hledger [Fedora contact]: ? [Gentoo]: https://gentoo.zugaina.org/Search?search=hledger [Gentoo contact]: ? [Ubuntu]: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=hledger [Ubuntu contact]: ? [Void]: https://voidlinux.org/packages/?q=hledger [Void contact]: ? [Docker]: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop [Docker contact]: @adept [Nix]: https://nixos.org/nix [Nix contact]: @peti [Sandstorm]: https://sandstorm.io [Sandstorm contact]:

Building from source

Building hledger from source takes a bit longer than using a prebuilt package, but you can be sure of getting the latest release (or the latest dev version).

Below are three ways to build hledger. But first, some general tips:

Building with hledger-install.sh

If you don't already have stack or cabal, or if you are having trouble with them, hledger-install.sh is an easy and reliable way to get the latest hledger, on systems which have the bash shell (and are supported by GHC: mac, linux, unix-like environments on windows..). It automates the installation of stack or cabal and then building the hledger tools, avoiding common pitfalls. Here's how to run it (or, some folks will prefer to pipe it directly into bash):

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonmichael/hledger/master/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh > hledger-install.sh
less hledger-install.sh # satisfy yourself that the script is safe
bash hledger-install.sh

Building with stack

stack is the more reliable of Haskell's two build tools for new users. You need stack 1.7.1 or newer; the latest release (eg 1.9.3) is the most reliable. You can often run stack upgrade to upgrade it. 64-bit Windows users should choose the 64-bit version of stack. The following command installs the main hledger packages;

stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-web-1.14 \
  hledger-ui-1.14 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1\

If needed, you can save some time by omitting the hledger-web and hledger-ui packages (and hledger-ui's extra dependencies: brick, text-zipper, config-ini etc.) On Windows, hledger-ui is not available. To estimate the build time remaining, add --dry-run.

Some other add-on tools like hledger-api, hledger-iadd, and hledger-interest can be installed like so:

stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-api-1.14 \
  hledger-interest-1.5.3 hledger-iadd-1.3.9 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1\

Building with cabal

cabal is the other Haskell build tool. If you're a cabal expert, use it in the usual way, eg:

cabal v2-update
cabal v2-install hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 hledger-web-1.14 \
  hledger-api-1.14 hledger-iadd-1.3.9 hledger-interest-1.5.3\

Set up PATH

After building you may see a message about where the executables were installed. After installation, make sure this install directory is configured in your shell's $PATH (preferably near the start of it, to preempt older hledger system packages you may have installed). The install directory is:

on non-Windows systems on Windows
If stack was used $HOME/.local/bin %APPDATA%\local\bin (eg C:\Users\Joe\AppData\Roaming\local\bin)
If cabal was used $HOME/.cabal/bin %APPDATA%\cabal\bin

How to configure $PATH is platform- and shell-specific. If you are using bash, this should take care of it:

echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:~/.cabal/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Test the installation

You should now be able to run the hledger tools (whichever ones you installed) and see the expected versions:

$hledger --version
hledger 1.14.1
$hledger-ui --version
hledger-ui 1.14
$hledger web --version
hledger-web 1.14
$hledger iadd --version
This is hledger-iadd version 1.3.9\

And you can check that the unit tests pass (just for fun):

$hledger test
✅ 198 tests passed, no failures! 👍 🎉\

Building the development version

The master branch in hledger's git repo is stable enough for daily use, and includes the latest improvements. You'll need git and stack or cabal. This will build and install all of the main hledger tools using stack:

git clone https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger
cd hledger
stack install\

cabal users may find the cabal-install.sh or cabal.project files useful.

The --version output of development builds has a .99 suffix meaning "dev". So 1.14.99 means "1.15-dev", the in-development version of 1.15.