
2.7 KiB

hledger's functional tests. See also Contributor Guide: Tests.

These mainly test the hledger CLI and (indirectly) hledger-lib. They are organised roughly by component.

Running these requires shelltestrunner. Older test files are in format 1; newer ones use format 3 (preferred). Some tests invoke unix commands so will not run in a Windows CMD shell.

Run them all (also builds hledger):

make functest

See how the Makefile is invoking shelltestrunner:

$ make functest -n
stack build --fast hledger
(COLUMNS=80 stack exec -- shelltest --execdir -j16 --hide-successes --exclude=/_ -w `stack exec -- which hledger` tests \
        && echo functest PASSED) || (echo functest FAILED; false)

These are the most important:

  • COLUMNS=80 makes output independent of your terminal width.
  • --execdir runs each test within its own directory.
  • -w `stack exec -- which hledger` ensures you are testing the hledger executable that was just built.
  • -j16 runs tests in parallel which is much faster.

Run only the tests matching a regular expression:

$ COLUMNS=80 shelltest --execdir -w `stack exec -- which hledger` tests -i balance-assertions.*19
:tests/journal/balance-assertions.test:19: [OK]

         Test Cases  Total      
 Passed  1           1          
 Failed  0           0          
 Total   1           1          

Run only the tests in one file:

$ COLUMNS=80 shelltest --execdir -w `stack exec -- which hledger` tests/cli/query-args.test
:tests/cli/query-args.test:1: [OK]
:tests/cli/query-args.test:2: [OK]
:tests/cli/query-args.test:3: [OK]

         Test Cases  Total      
 Passed  3           3          
 Failed  0           0          
 Total   3           3          

Run a test repeatedly as its file is changed:

$ ls tests/cli/query-args.test | entr bash -c "COLUMNS=80 shelltest --execdir -w `stack exec -- which hledger` tests/cli/query-args.test -i1"
:tests/cli/query-args.test:1: [OK]

         Test Cases  Total      
 Passed  1           1          
 Failed  0           0          
 Total   1           1          
:tests/cli/query-args.test:1: [OK]

         Test Cases  Total      
 Passed  1           1          
 Failed  0           0          
 Total   1           1          
  C-c C-c

More shelltestrunner options:

$ shelltest --help