2024-01-27 19:54:31 -10:00

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The hledger project's issue tracker is on github. It contains:

  • BUG issues - failures in some part of the hledger project (the main hledger packages, docs, website..)
  • WISH issues - feature proposals, enhancement requests
  • uncategorised issues - we don't know what these are yet
  • pull requests - proposed changes to code and docs

Here are some shortcut urls:

Open issues

By topic and type.

all bugs wishes PRs other
install bugs wishes PRs other
cli bugs wishes PRs other
ui bugs wishes PRs other
web bugs wishes PRs other
Input/output Formats:
journal bugs wishes PRs other
timeclock bugs wishes PRs other
timedot bugs wishes PRs other
csv bugs wishes PRs other
json bugs wishes PRs other
html bugs wishes PRs other
sql bugs wishes PRs other
accounts bugs wishes PRs other
activity bugs wishes PRs other
add bugs wishes PRs other
aregister bugs wishes PRs other
balance bugs wishes PRs other
balancesheet bugs wishes PRs other
balancesheetequity bugs wishes PRs other
cashflow bugs wishes PRs other
check bugs wishes PRs other
close bugs wishes PRs other
codes bugs wishes PRs other
commodities bugs wishes PRs other
demo bugs wishes PRs other
descriptions bugs wishes PRs other
files bugs wishes PRs other
import bugs wishes PRs other
incomestatement bugs wishes PRs other
notes bugs wishes PRs other
payees bugs wishes PRs other
prices bugs wishes PRs other
print bugs wishes PRs other
register bugs wishes PRs other
rewrite bugs wishes PRs other
roi bugs wishes PRs other
stats bugs wishes PRs other
tags bugs wishes PRs other
bounty bugs wishes PRs other
budget bugs wishes PRs other
doc bugs wishes PRs other
i18n bugs wishes PRs other
interest bugs wishes PRs other
investing bugs wishes PRs other
ledger-compat bugs wishes PRs other
packaging bugs wishes PRs other
performance bugs wishes PRs other
period-expressions bugs wishes PRs other
queries bugs wishes PRs other
regression bugs
security bugs wishes PRs other
site bugs wishes PRs other
tools bugs wishes PRs other
valuation bugs wishes PRs other

Some loose conventions:

  • In bug titles, mention the hledger version in which the bug first appeared (and avoid mentioning version numbers otherwise). This allows searches like new issues in 1.22 and regressions in 1.22


https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/labels, also listed at open issues above, are used to categorise:

  • whether an issue is a bug (red) or a wish (pink)
  • related subcomponents (tools, commands, input/output formats) (light blue)
  • related general topics (light green)
  • related platforms (light purple)
  • whether a bounty has been offered (dark green)
  • why an issue is blocked (dark grey) or was closed (black)
  • low priority info, like "imported" (white)

Labels can also be used as prefixes in issue/PR titles, as prefixes in commit messages, etc.


If you are interested in helping with a particular component for a while, please add yourself as a custodian in Open Issues table above. A custodian's job is to help manage the issues, rally the troops, and drive the open issue count towards zero. The more custodians, the better! By dividing up the work this way, we can scale and make forward progress.

Milestones and Projects

Milestones are used a little bit to plan releases. In 2017 we experimented with projects, but in 2018 milestones are in favour again..


You might see some experiments in estimate tracking, where some issue names might have a suffix noting estimated and spent time. Basic format:


hours estimated, no time spent [..] half an hour estimated (a dot is ~a quarter hour, as in timedot format) [1d] one day estimated (a day is ~4 hours) [1w] one week estimated (a week is ~5 days or ~20 hours) [3|2] three hours estimated, about two hours spent so far


two days spent so far ``` Estimates are always for the total time cost (not time remaining). Estimates are not usually changed, a new estimate is added instead. Numbers are very approximate, but better than nothing.


The trello board (trello.hledger.org) is an old collection of wishlist items. This should probably be considered deprecated.


https://lostgarden.home.blog/2008/05/20/improving-bug-triage-with-user-pain/ describes an interesting method of ranking issues by a single "User Pain" metric. What adaptation of this might be useful for the hledger project ?

Here's a simplified version, currently being tested in the hledger issue tracker:

Two labels can be applied to bug reports, each with levels from 1 to 5:


Who may be impacted by this bug ?

  • impact1: Affects almost no one.
  • impact2: Affects packagers or developers.
  • impact3: Affects just a few users.
  • impact4: Affects more than a few users.
  • impact5: Affects most or all users.


To people impacted, how serious is this bug ?

  • severity1: Cleanliness/consistency/developer bug. Only perfectionists care.
  • severity2: Minor to moderate usability/doc bug, reasonably easy to avoid or tolerate.
  • severity3: New user experience or installability bug. A potential user could fail to get started.
  • severity4: Major usability/doc bug, crash, or any regression.
  • severity5: Any loss of user's data, privacy, security, or trust.

User Pain

The bug's User Pain score is Impact * Severity / 25, ranging from 0.04 to 1.

Then, practices like these are possible:

  • All open bugs can be listed in order of User Pain (AKA priority).
  • Developers can check the Pain List daily and fix the highest pain bugs on the list.
  • The team can set easy-to-understand quality bars. For example, they could say “In order to release, we must have no open bugs with more than 15 pain.”
  • If there are no bugs left above the current quality bar, they can work on feature work.
  • If a bug is found that will take more than a week to fix, it can be flagged as a killer bug, for special treatment.

Reducing bugs and regressions

Some ideas in 2024-01:

  • Maintain ratio of user-visible bugfixes to new features, eg above 10:1 (a new master merge test, human checked)
  • A release cycle with no new features
  • Alternate bugfix and feature release cycles
  • Set bug count targets
  • Label all issues for impact/severity/user pain; set max user pain targets
  • Gate releases on user pain targets or other bug metrics
  • Document and follow more disciplined bug triage/fixing methods
  • Identify every new bug early as a regression/non-regression
  • Prioritise rapid fixing and releasing for regressions / new bugs
  • Cheaper, more frequent bugfix releases
  • More intentional systematic tests ? Analyse for weak spots ?
  • Property tests ?
  • Internal cleanup, architectural improvements, more type safety ?
  • Custom issue dashboards (HTMX on hledger.org ?)
  • Public list / QA dashboard
  • Grow a QA team