
889 B


A terminal interface (TUI) for hledger, a robust, friendly plain text accounting app. More information: https://hledger.org/hledger-ui.html.

  • Start in the main menu screen, reading from the default journal file:


  • Start with a different color theme:

hledger-ui --theme {{terminal|greenterm|dark}}

  • Start in the balance sheet accounts screen, showing hierarchy down to level 3:

hledger-ui --bs --tree --depth 3

  • Start in this account's screen, showing cleared transactions, and reload on change:

hledger-ui --register {{assets:bank:checking}} --cleared --watch

  • Read two journal files, and show amounts as current value when known:

hledger-ui --file {{path/to/2024.journal}} --file {{path/to/2024-prices.journal}} --value now

  • Show the manual in Info format, if possible:

hledger-ui --info

  • Display help:

hledger-ui --help