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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Keter.LabelMap
( -- * Types
2013-08-28 20:37:53 +04:00
-- * Helper functions
, insert
, delete
, lookup
, labelAssigned
, empty
) where
2013-08-28 20:37:53 +04:00
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
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import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
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type LabelTree a = Map (CI ByteString) (LabelEntry a)
-- | A data structure for storing a hierarchical set of domain labels
-- from TLD down, supporting wildcards.
-- Data structure is mutually recursive with 'LabelEntry', and each level
-- of the tree supports a static assignment for a hostname such as:
-- >
-- Or a wildcard assignment for a hostname such as:
-- > *
-- Or a wildcard assignment with a set of teptions, for example:
-- > *
-- >
-- And lastly, empty labels are supported so that, of course, an assignment
-- for does not necessarily have any subdomains available. As an example
-- suppose we have the following assigned domains:
-- >
-- >
-- > *
-- > *
-- >
-- This will resolve to the following value, with some loose pseudocode notation.
-- > Static (map)
-- > 'com' -> Unassigned Static (map)
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-- > 'example' -> Assigned a (map)
-- > 'foo' -> Assigned a EmptyLabelMap
-- > 'bar' -> Unassigned (Wildcard (Assigned a EmptyLabelMap)
-- > 'qux' -> Unassigned (WildcardExcept (Assigned a (map)))
-- > 'baz' -> Assigned a EmptyLabelMap
-- Note that the hostname "" is unassigned, only the wildcard was set.
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data LabelMap a = EmptyLabelMap
| Static !(LabelTree a)
| Wildcard !(LabelEntry a)
| WildcardExcept !(LabelEntry a) !(LabelTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Indicates whether a given label in the
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data LabelEntry a = Assigned !a !(LabelMap a)
| Unassigned !(LabelMap a)
deriving Eq
instance Show (LabelEntry a) where
show (Assigned _ m) = "Assigned _ (" ++ show m ++ ")"
show (Unassigned m) = "Unassigned (" ++ show m ++ ")"
hostToLabels :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
hostToLabels h
| BS.null h = []
| BS.last h == '.' = drop 1 labels
| otherwise = labels
where labels = reverse . BS.split '.' $ h
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lemap :: (LabelMap a -> LabelMap a) -> LabelEntry a -> LabelEntry a
lemap f (Assigned e m) = Assigned e (f m)
lemap f (Unassigned m) = Unassigned (f m)
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labelEntryMap :: LabelEntry a -> LabelMap a
labelEntryMap (Assigned _ m) = m
labelEntryMap (Unassigned m) = m
getPortEntry :: LabelEntry a -> Maybe a
getPortEntry (Assigned e _) = Just e
getPortEntry (Unassigned _) = Nothing
insert :: ByteString -> a -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
2013-08-30 05:20:15 +04:00
insert h e m = insertTree (hostToLabels h) e m
--insert h e m = trace
-- ( "Inserting hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" into tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" with result " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = insertTree (hostToLabels h) e m
insertTree :: [ByteString] -> a -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
insertTree [] _ _ = error "Cannot assign empty label in hostname."
insertTree ["*"] e EmptyLabelMap = Wildcard (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap)
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insertTree [l] e EmptyLabelMap = Static (Map.insert ( l) (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ["*"] e (Static t) = WildcardExcept (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t
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insertTree [l'] e (Static t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> Static (Map.insert l (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t)
Just le -> Static (Map.insert l (Assigned e (labelEntryMap le)) t)
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l = l'
insertTree ["*"] e (Wildcard w) = Wildcard (Assigned e (labelEntryMap w))
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insertTree [l] e (Wildcard w) = WildcardExcept w (Map.insert ( l) (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ["*"] e (WildcardExcept w t) = WildcardExcept (Assigned e (labelEntryMap w)) t
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insertTree [l'] e (WildcardExcept w t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t)
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l (Assigned e (labelEntryMap le)) t)
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l = l'
insertTree ("*":ls) e EmptyLabelMap = Wildcard (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap))
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insertTree (l:ls) e EmptyLabelMap = Static (Map.insert ( l) (Unassigned $ insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ("*":ls) e (Static t) = WildcardExcept (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t
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insertTree (l':ls) e (Static t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> Static (Map.insert l (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t)
Just le -> Static (Map.insert l (lemap (insertTree ls e) le) t)
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l = l'
insertTree ("*":ls) e (Wildcard w) = Wildcard (lemap (insertTree ls e) w)
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insertTree (l:ls) e (Wildcard w) = WildcardExcept w (Map.insert ( l) (Assigned e (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) Map.empty)
insertTree ("*":ls) e (WildcardExcept w t) = WildcardExcept (lemap (insertTree ls e) w) t
insertTree (l:ls) e (WildcardExcept w t) =
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case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t)
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (lemap (insertTree ls e) le) t)
l' = l
cleanup :: LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
cleanup EmptyLabelMap = EmptyLabelMap
cleanup m@(Static t) =
case Map.null (Map.filter p t) of
True -> EmptyLabelMap
False -> m
p (Unassigned EmptyLabelMap) = False
p _ = True
cleanup m@(Wildcard w) =
case w of
Unassigned EmptyLabelMap -> EmptyLabelMap
_ -> m
cleanup m@(WildcardExcept w t) =
case (w, Map.null t) of
(Unassigned EmptyLabelMap, True) -> EmptyLabelMap
(Unassigned EmptyLabelMap, False) -> Static t
(_, True) -> Wildcard w
(_, False) -> m
delete :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
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delete h m = deleteTree (hostToLabels h) m
--delete h m = trace
-- ( "Deleting hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" into tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" with result " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = deleteTree (hostToLabels h) m
deleteTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
deleteTree [] _ = error "Cannot assign empty label in hostname."
deleteTree _ EmptyLabelMap = EmptyLabelMap
deleteTree ["*"] (Static t) = Static t
deleteTree [l] (Static t) = cleanup $ Static m
m = case l' `Map.lookup` t of
Just (Assigned _ EmptyLabelMap) -> Map.delete l' t
Just (Assigned _ b) -> Map.insert l' (Unassigned b) (Map.delete l' t)
_ -> t
l' = l
deleteTree ["*"] (Wildcard w) = cleanup $ Wildcard (Unassigned (labelEntryMap w))
deleteTree [_] (Wildcard w) = Wildcard w
deleteTree ["*"] (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept (Unassigned (labelEntryMap w)) t
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deleteTree [l] (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept w (Map.delete ( l) t)
deleteTree ("*":_) (Static t) = Static t
deleteTree (l:ls) (Static t) = cleanup $
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case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> Static t
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Just le -> Static (Map.insert l' (lemap (deleteTree ls) le) t)
l' = l
deleteTree ("*":ls) (Wildcard w) = cleanup $ Wildcard (lemap (deleteTree ls) w)
deleteTree (_:_) (Wildcard w) = Wildcard w
deleteTree ("*":ls) (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept (lemap (deleteTree ls) w) t
deleteTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $
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case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w t
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (lemap (deleteTree ls) le) t)
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l' = l
lookup :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> Maybe a
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lookup h m = lookupTree (hostToLabels h) m
--lookup h m = trace
-- ( "Looking up hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" in tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" and found entry? " ++ (show $ isJust result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = (lookupTree (hostToLabels h) m)
lookupTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> Maybe a
lookupTree [] _ = Nothing
lookupTree _ EmptyLabelMap = Nothing
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lookupTree [l] (Static t) = Map.lookup ( l) t >>= getPortEntry
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--lookupTree (_:_) (Wildcard w) = getPortEntry $ w
lookupTree [l] (WildcardExcept w t) =
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case Map.lookup ( l) t >>= getPortEntry of
Just e -> Just e
Nothing -> getPortEntry w
lookupTree (l:ls) (Static t) =
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case Map.lookup ( l) t of
Just le -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> Nothing
lookupTree (_:ls) (Wildcard w) = lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
lookupTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept w t) =
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case Map.lookup ( l) t of
Just le ->
case lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap le of
Just e -> Just e
Nothing -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
Nothing -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
-- This function is similar to lookup but it determines strictly
-- whether or not a record to be inserted would override an existing
-- entry exactly. i.e.: When inserting *, this function
-- will return true for precisely *, but not
-- This is so that different keter applications may establish ownership
-- over different subdomains, including exceptions to a wildcard.
-- This function *does not* test whether or not a given input would
-- resolve to an existing host. In the above example, given only an
-- inserted *, would route to the wildcard.
-- Even so, labelAssigned will return false, has not
-- been explicitly assigned.
labelAssigned :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> Bool
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labelAssigned h m = memberTree (hostToLabels h) m
--labelAssigned h m = trace
-- ( "Checking label assignment for " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" in tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" and found? " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = memberTree (hostToLabels h) m
memberTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> Bool
memberTree [] _ = False
memberTree ["*"] (Static _) = False
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memberTree [l] (Static t) = isJust $ Map.lookup ( l) t >>= getPortEntry
memberTree ["*"] (Wildcard _) = True
memberTree [_] (Wildcard _) = False
memberTree ["*"] (WildcardExcept w _) = isJust $ getPortEntry w
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memberTree [l] (WildcardExcept _ t) = isJust $ Map.lookup ( l) t >>= getPortEntry
memberTree ("*":_) (Static _) = False
memberTree (l:ls) (Static t) =
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case Map.lookup ( l) t of
Just le -> memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> False
memberTree ("*":ls) (Wildcard w) = memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
memberTree (_:_) (Wildcard _) = False
memberTree ("*":ls) (WildcardExcept w _) = memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
memberTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept _ t) =
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case Map.lookup ( l) t of
Just le -> memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> False
memberTree _ EmptyLabelMap = False
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empty :: LabelMap a
empty = EmptyLabelMap