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synced 2025-01-05 21:36:40 +03:00
Additional support for #72.
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316 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Keter.LabelMap
( -- * Types
-- * Helper functions
, insert
, delete
, lookup
, labelAssigned
, empty
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
type LabelTree a = Map (CI ByteString) (LabelEntry a)
-- | A data structure for storing a hierarchical set of domain labels
-- from TLD down, supporting wildcards.
-- Data structure is mutually recursive with 'LabelEntry', and each level
-- of the tree supports a static assignment for a hostname such as:
-- > example.com
-- Or a wildcard assignment for a hostname such as:
-- > *.example.com
-- Or a wildcard assignment with a set of teptions, for example:
-- > *.example.com
-- > admin.example.com
-- And lastly, empty labels are supported so that, of course, an assignment
-- for example.com does not necessarily have any subdomains available. As an example
-- suppose we have the following assigned domains:
-- > example.com
-- > foo.example.com
-- > *.bar.example.com
-- > *.qux.example.com
-- > baz.qux.example.com
-- This will resolve to the following value, with some loose pseudocode notation.
-- > Static (map)
-- > 'com' -> Unassigned Static (map)
-- > 'example' -> Assigned a (map)
-- > 'foo' -> Assigned a EmptyLabelMap
-- > 'bar' -> Unassigned (Wildcard (Assigned a EmptyLabelMap)
-- > 'qux' -> Unassigned (WildcardExcept (Assigned a (map)))
-- > 'baz' -> Assigned a EmptyLabelMap
-- Note that the hostname "bar.example.com" is unassigned, only the wildcard was set.
data LabelMap a = EmptyLabelMap
| Static !(LabelTree a)
| Wildcard !(LabelEntry a)
| WildcardExcept !(LabelEntry a) !(LabelTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Indicates whether a given label in the
data LabelEntry a = Assigned !a !(LabelMap a)
| Unassigned !(LabelMap a)
deriving Eq
instance Show (LabelEntry a) where
show (Assigned _ m) = "Assigned _ (" ++ show m ++ ")"
show (Unassigned m) = "Unassigned (" ++ show m ++ ")"
hostToLabels :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
hostToLabels h
| BS.null h = []
| BS.last h == '.' = drop 1 labels
| otherwise = labels
where labels = reverse . BS.split '.' $ h
lemap :: (LabelMap a -> LabelMap a) -> LabelEntry a -> LabelEntry a
lemap f (Assigned e m) = Assigned e (f m)
lemap f (Unassigned m) = Unassigned (f m)
labelEntryMap :: LabelEntry a -> LabelMap a
labelEntryMap (Assigned _ m) = m
labelEntryMap (Unassigned m) = m
getPortEntry :: LabelEntry a -> Maybe a
getPortEntry (Assigned e _) = Just e
getPortEntry (Unassigned _) = Nothing
insert :: ByteString -> a -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
insert h e m = insertTree (hostToLabels h) e m
--insert h e m = trace
-- ( "Inserting hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" into tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" with result " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = insertTree (hostToLabels h) e m
insertTree :: [ByteString] -> a -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
insertTree [] _ _ = error "Cannot assign empty label in hostname."
insertTree ["*"] e EmptyLabelMap = Wildcard (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap)
insertTree [l] e EmptyLabelMap = Static (Map.insert (CI.mk l) (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ["*"] e (Static t) = WildcardExcept (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t
insertTree [l'] e (Static t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> Static (Map.insert l (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t)
Just le -> Static (Map.insert l (Assigned e (labelEntryMap le)) t)
l = CI.mk l'
insertTree ["*"] e (Wildcard w) = Wildcard (Assigned e (labelEntryMap w))
insertTree [l] e (Wildcard w) = WildcardExcept w (Map.insert (CI.mk l) (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ["*"] e (WildcardExcept w t) = WildcardExcept (Assigned e (labelEntryMap w)) t
insertTree [l'] e (WildcardExcept w t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l (Assigned e EmptyLabelMap) t)
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l (Assigned e (labelEntryMap le)) t)
l = CI.mk l'
insertTree ("*":ls) e EmptyLabelMap = Wildcard (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap))
insertTree (l:ls) e EmptyLabelMap = Static (Map.insert (CI.mk l) (Unassigned $ insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap) Map.empty)
insertTree ("*":ls) e (Static t) = WildcardExcept (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t
insertTree (l':ls) e (Static t) =
case Map.lookup l t of
Nothing -> Static (Map.insert l (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t)
Just le -> Static (Map.insert l (lemap (insertTree ls e) le) t)
l = CI.mk l'
insertTree ("*":ls) e (Wildcard w) = Wildcard (lemap (insertTree ls e) w)
insertTree (l:ls) e (Wildcard w) = WildcardExcept w (Map.insert (CI.mk l) (Assigned e (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) Map.empty)
insertTree ("*":ls) e (WildcardExcept w t) = WildcardExcept (lemap (insertTree ls e) w) t
insertTree (l:ls) e (WildcardExcept w t) =
case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (Unassigned (insertTree ls e EmptyLabelMap)) t)
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (lemap (insertTree ls e) le) t)
l' = CI.mk l
cleanup :: LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
cleanup EmptyLabelMap = EmptyLabelMap
cleanup m@(Static t) =
case Map.null (Map.filter p t) of
True -> EmptyLabelMap
False -> m
p (Unassigned EmptyLabelMap) = False
p _ = True
cleanup m@(Wildcard w) =
case w of
Unassigned EmptyLabelMap -> EmptyLabelMap
_ -> m
cleanup m@(WildcardExcept w t) =
case (w, Map.null t) of
(Unassigned EmptyLabelMap, True) -> EmptyLabelMap
(Unassigned EmptyLabelMap, False) -> Static t
(_, True) -> Wildcard w
(_, False) -> m
delete :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
delete h m = deleteTree (hostToLabels h) m
--delete h m = trace
-- ( "Deleting hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" into tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" with result " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = deleteTree (hostToLabels h) m
deleteTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
deleteTree [] _ = error "Cannot assign empty label in hostname."
deleteTree _ EmptyLabelMap = EmptyLabelMap
deleteTree ["*"] (Static t) = Static t
deleteTree [l] (Static t) = cleanup $ Static m
m = case l' `Map.lookup` t of
Just (Assigned _ EmptyLabelMap) -> Map.delete l' t
Just (Assigned _ b) -> Map.insert l' (Unassigned b) (Map.delete l' t)
_ -> t
l' = CI.mk l
deleteTree ["*"] (Wildcard w) = cleanup $ Wildcard (Unassigned (labelEntryMap w))
deleteTree [_] (Wildcard w) = Wildcard w
deleteTree ["*"] (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept (Unassigned (labelEntryMap w)) t
deleteTree [l] (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept w (Map.delete (CI.mk l) t)
deleteTree ("*":_) (Static t) = Static t
deleteTree (l:ls) (Static t) = cleanup $
case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> Static t
Just le -> Static (Map.insert l' (lemap (deleteTree ls) le) t)
l' = CI.mk l
deleteTree ("*":ls) (Wildcard w) = cleanup $ Wildcard (lemap (deleteTree ls) w)
deleteTree (_:_) (Wildcard w) = Wildcard w
deleteTree ("*":ls) (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $ WildcardExcept (lemap (deleteTree ls) w) t
deleteTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept w t) = cleanup $
case Map.lookup l' t of
Nothing -> WildcardExcept w t
Just le -> WildcardExcept w (Map.insert l' (lemap (deleteTree ls) le) t)
l' = CI.mk l
lookup :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> Maybe a
lookup h m = lookupTree (hostToLabels h) m
--lookup h m = trace
-- ( "Looking up hostname " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" in tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" and found entry? " ++ (show $ isJust result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = (lookupTree (hostToLabels h) m)
lookupTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> Maybe a
lookupTree [] _ = Nothing
lookupTree _ EmptyLabelMap = Nothing
lookupTree [l] (Static t) = Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t >>= getPortEntry
--lookupTree (_:_) (Wildcard w) = getPortEntry $ w
lookupTree [l] (WildcardExcept w t) =
case Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t >>= getPortEntry of
Just e -> Just e
Nothing -> getPortEntry w
lookupTree (l:ls) (Static t) =
case Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t of
Just le -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> Nothing
lookupTree (_:ls) (Wildcard w) = lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
lookupTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept w t) =
case Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t of
Just le ->
case lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap le of
Just e -> Just e
Nothing -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
Nothing -> lookupTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
-- This function is similar to lookup but it determines strictly
-- whether or not a record to be inserted would override an existing
-- entry exactly. i.e.: When inserting *.example.com, this function
-- will return true for precisely *.example.com, but not foo.example.com.
-- This is so that different keter applications may establish ownership
-- over different subdomains, including exceptions to a wildcard.
-- This function *does not* test whether or not a given input would
-- resolve to an existing host. In the above example, given only an
-- inserted *.example.com, foo.example.com would route to the wildcard.
-- Even so, labelAssigned will return false, foo.example.com has not
-- been explicitly assigned.
labelAssigned :: ByteString -> LabelMap a -> Bool
labelAssigned h m = memberTree (hostToLabels h) m
--labelAssigned h m = trace
-- ( "Checking label assignment for " ++ (show h) ++ "\n"
-- ++" in tree " ++ (show m) ++ "\n"
-- ++" and found? " ++ (show result)
-- )
-- result
-- where result = memberTree (hostToLabels h) m
memberTree :: [ByteString] -> LabelMap a -> Bool
memberTree [] _ = False
memberTree ["*"] (Static _) = False
memberTree [l] (Static t) = isJust $ Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t >>= getPortEntry
memberTree ["*"] (Wildcard _) = True
memberTree [_] (Wildcard _) = False
memberTree ["*"] (WildcardExcept w _) = isJust $ getPortEntry w
memberTree [l] (WildcardExcept _ t) = isJust $ Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t >>= getPortEntry
memberTree ("*":_) (Static _) = False
memberTree (l:ls) (Static t) =
case Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t of
Just le -> memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> False
memberTree ("*":ls) (Wildcard w) = memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
memberTree (_:_) (Wildcard _) = False
memberTree ("*":ls) (WildcardExcept w _) = memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap w
memberTree (l:ls) (WildcardExcept _ t) =
case Map.lookup (CI.mk l) t of
Just le -> memberTree ls $ labelEntryMap le
Nothing -> False
memberTree _ EmptyLabelMap = False
empty :: LabelMap a
empty = EmptyLabelMap