
130 lines
4.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Keter.HostManager
( -- * Types
, Reservations
, Conflicts
-- * Actions
, reserveHosts
, forgetReservations
, activateApp
, lookupAction
-- * Initialize
, start
) where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Keter.Prelude
import Keter.Types
import Prelude (null)
import Prelude (IO)
type HMState = Map.Map HostBS HostValue
data HostValue = HVActive !Appname !ProxyAction
| HVReserved !Appname
newtype HostManager = HostManager (MVar HMState) -- FIXME use an IORef instead
type Conflicts = Map.Map Host Appname
type Reservations = Set.Set Host
start :: IO HostManager
start = HostManager <$> M.newMVar Map.empty
-- | Reserve the given hosts so that no other application may use them. Does
-- not yet enable any action. The semantics are:
-- 1. If a requested host is currently actively used or by an app of the same name, it is
-- considered reserved.
-- 2. If a requested host is currently reserved by an app of the same name, it
-- is considered an error in calling this API. Only one app reservation can
-- happen at a time.
-- 3. If any requested host is currently used or reserved by an app with a
-- different name, then those values are returned as @Left@.
-- 4. Otherwise, the hosts which were reserved are returned as @Right@. This
-- does /not/ include previously active hosts.
reserveHosts :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Set.Set Host
-> KIO (Either Conflicts Reservations)
reserveHosts (HostManager mstate) app hosts = modifyMVar mstate $ \entries0 ->
return $ case partitionEithers $ map (checkHost entries0) $ Set.toList hosts of
([], toReserve) ->
(Set.foldr reserve entries0 $ Set.unions toReserve, Right Set.empty)
(conflicts, _) -> (entries0, Left $ Map.fromList conflicts)
checkHost entries0 host =
case Map.lookup (encodeUtf8 host) entries0 of
Nothing -> Right $ Set.singleton host
Just (HVReserved app') -> assert (app /= app')
$ Left (host, app')
Just (HVActive app' _)
| app == app' -> Right Set.empty
| otherwise -> Left (host, app')
hvres = HVReserved app
reserve host es =
assert (Map.notMember hostBS es) $ Map.insert hostBS hvres es
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
-- | Forget previously made reservations.
forgetReservations :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Reservations
-> KIO ()
forgetReservations (HostManager mstate) app hosts = modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state0 ->
return $ Set.foldr forget state0 hosts
forget host state =
assert isReservedByMe $ Map.delete hostBS state
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
isReservedByMe =
case Map.lookup hostBS state of
Nothing -> False
Just (HVReserved app') -> app == app'
Just HVActive{} -> False
-- | Activate a new app. Note that you /must/ first reserve the hostnames you'll be using.
activateApp :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Map.Map Host ProxyAction
-> KIO ()
activateApp (HostManager mstate) app actions = modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state0 ->
return $ Map.foldrWithKey activate state0 actions
activate host action state =
assert isOwnedByMe $ Map.insert hostBS (HVActive app action) state
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
isOwnedByMe =
case Map.lookup hostBS state of
Nothing -> False
Just (HVReserved app') -> app == app'
Just (HVActive app' _) -> app == app'
lookupAction :: HostManager
-> HostBS
-> KIO (Maybe ProxyAction)
lookupAction (HostManager mstate) host = withMVar mstate $ \state ->
return $ case Map.lookup host state of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (HVActive _ action) -> Just action
Just (HVReserved _) -> Nothing