mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 22:46:22 +03:00
Merge pull request #1 from stackbuilders/transformer-refactor
[NO STORY] Initial monad transfromer refactor.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Ignore the dist directory
# Ignore cabal sandbox
@ -22,5 +22,6 @@ executable hap
, process
, either
, transformers
, lens >= 4.1
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -1,53 +1,77 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
import System.Process
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), left, right, runEitherT)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (void, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either ( EitherT(..)
, left
, right
, runEitherT
, eitherT )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.List
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy)
import Data.Char (isNumber)
currentTimestamp :: IO String
currentTimestamp = do
curTime <- getCurrentTime
return $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" curTime
-- ^ Config stuff that will be replaced by config file reading
data Config = Config { _deployPath :: String
, _host :: String
, _repository :: String -- ^ The remote git repo
, _revision :: String -- ^ A SHA1 or branch to release
} deriving (Show)
type RemoteCommand = EitherT (Int, Maybe String) IO (Maybe String)
makeLenses ''Config
-- | Used to compose a "command" that is really just output in the chain.
echoMessage :: String -> RemoteCommand
echoMessage msg = do
liftIO $ putStrLn msg
right Nothing
data HapistranoState = HapistranoState { _config :: Config
, _timestamp :: String
makeLenses ''HapistranoState
printCommandError :: String -> String -> (Int, Maybe String) -> IO ()
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Nothing) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and no STDERR output."
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Just errMsg) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and message '" ++
errMsg ++ "'."
type RC a = StateT HapistranoState (EitherT (Int, Maybe String) IO) a
remoteT :: -- ^ The host to run commands on
runRC :: ((Int, Maybe String) -> IO a) -- ^ Error handler
-> (a -> IO a) -- ^ Success handler
-> HapistranoState -- ^ Initial state
-> RC a
-> IO a
runRC errorHandler successHandler initState remoteCommand =
eitherT errorHandler
(evalStateT remoteCommand initState)
-- ^ The command to run remotely
-> String
defaultErrorHandler :: (Int, Maybe String) -> IO ()
defaultErrorHandler _ = putStrLn "Deploy failed."
-- ^ Left (non-zero code, Maybe STDERR) or Right (Maybe STDOUT)
-> RemoteCommand
defaultSuccessHandler :: a -> IO ()
defaultSuccessHandler _ = putStrLn "Deploy completed successfully."
remoteT server command = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Going to execute " ++ command ++ " on host " ++ server ++
setupDirs :: RC (Maybe String)
setupDirs = do
pathName <- use $ config . deployPath
remoteT $ "mkdir -p " ++ pathName ++ "/releases"
remoteT :: String -- ^ The command to run remotely
-> RC (Maybe String)
remoteT command = do
server <- use $ config . host
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Going to execute " ++ command ++ " on host " ++ server
++ "."
(code, stdout, err) <-
liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "ssh" (server : words command) ""
@ -57,153 +81,194 @@ remoteT server command = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Command '" ++ command ++
"' was successful on host '" ++ server ++ "'."
right $ maybeString stdout
unless (null stdout) (liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Output:\n" ++ stdout)
lift $ right $ maybeString stdout
ExitFailure int -> do
let maybeError = maybeString err
liftIO $ printCommandError server command (int, maybeError)
left $ (int, maybeError)
lift $ left (int, maybeError)
directoryExists :: String -> String -> RemoteCommand
directoryExists server path = remoteT server $ "ls " ++ path
currentTimestamp :: IO String
currentTimestamp = do
curTime <- getCurrentTime
return $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" curTime
-- ^ Ensure that the initial bare repo exists in the repo directory. Idempotent.
ensureRepositoryPushed :: Config -> RemoteCommand
ensureRepositoryPushed config = do
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ directoryExists (host config) (cacheRepoPath config)
echoMessage :: String -> RC (Maybe String)
echoMessage msg = do
liftIO $ putStrLn msg
lift $ right Nothing
printCommandError :: String -> String -> (Int, Maybe String) -> IO ()
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Nothing) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and no STDERR output."
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Just errMsg) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and message '" ++
errMsg ++ "'."
directoryExists :: String -> RC (Maybe String)
directoryExists path =
remoteT $ "ls " ++ path
-- | Ensure that the initial bare repo exists in the repo directory. Idempotent.
ensureRepositoryPushed :: RC (Maybe String)
ensureRepositoryPushed = do
st <- get
conf <- use config
let e = runStateT (directoryExists (cacheRepoPath conf)) st
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT e
case res of
Left _ -> createCacheRepo config
Right _ -> right $ Just "Repo already existed"
-- ^ Config stuff that will be replaced by config file reading
data Config = Config { deployPath :: String
, deploySha1 :: String
, host :: String
, repository :: String -- ^ The remote git repo
} deriving (Show)
Left _ -> createCacheRepo
Right _ -> lift $ right $ Just "Repo already existed"
-- | Returns a Just String or Nothing based on whether the input is null or
-- has contents.
maybeString :: String -> Maybe String
maybeString possibleString =
if null possibleString then Nothing else Just possibleString
releasesPath :: Config -> String
releasesPath config = deployPath config ++ "/releases"
releasesPath conf = (conf ^. deployPath) ++ "/releases"
-- | The path indicating the current release folder.
releasePath :: Config -> IO String
releasePath config = do
releasePath conf = do
ts <- currentTimestamp
return $ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++ ts
return $ releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++ ts
-- | Clones the repository to the next releasePath timestamp.
cloneToRelease :: Config -> String -> RemoteCommand
cloneToRelease config releaseTimestamp = do
remoteT (host config) $
"git clone " ++ cacheRepoPath config ++ " " ++ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++
cloneToRelease :: RC (Maybe String)
cloneToRelease = do
conf <- use config
releaseTimestamp <- use timestamp
remoteT $
"git clone " ++ cacheRepoPath conf ++ " " ++ releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++
cacheRepoPath :: Config -> String
cacheRepoPath config = deployPath config ++ "/repo"
cacheRepoPath conf = conf ^. deployPath ++ "/repo"
releases :: Config -> EitherT (Int, Maybe String) IO [String]
releases config = do
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ remoteT (host config) $
"find " ++ releasesPath config ++ " -type d -maxdepth 1"
releases :: RC [String]
releases = do
st <- get
conf <- use config
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT
(evalStateT (remoteT ("find " ++ releasesPath conf ++
" -type d -maxdepth 1")) st)
case res of
Left r -> left r
Right Nothing -> right []
Left r -> lift $ left r
Right Nothing -> lift $ right []
Right (Just s) ->
right $ filter isReleaseString . map (reverse . take 14 . reverse) $
lines s
lift $ right $ filter isReleaseString . map (reverse . take 14 . reverse)
$ lines s
-- | Given a list of release strings, takes the last five in the sequence.
-- Assumes a list of folders that has been determined to be a proper release
-- path.
oldReleases :: Config -> [String] -> [String]
oldReleases config rs =
where sorted = (reverse . sort) rs
toDelete = drop 5 sorted
withDir = map (\fileName -> (releasesPath config) ++ "/" ++ fileName)
oldReleases conf rs = map mergePath toDelete
where sorted = sortBy (flip compare) rs
toDelete = drop 5 sorted
mergePath fileName = releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++ fileName
cleanReleases :: Config -> RemoteCommand
cleanReleases config = do
allReleases <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ releases config
cleanReleases :: RC (Maybe String)
cleanReleases = do
st <- get
conf <- use config
allReleases <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ evalStateT releases st
case allReleases of
Left err -> left err
Left err -> lift $ left err
Right [] -> echoMessage "There are no old releases to prune."
Right xs -> do
let deletable = oldReleases config xs
let deletable = oldReleases conf xs
remoteT (host config) $ "rm -rf " ++ foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
remoteT $ "rm -rf " ++ foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
isReleaseString :: String -> Bool
isReleaseString s = all isNumber s && (length s) == 14
isReleaseString s = all isNumber s && length s == 14
createCacheRepo :: Config -> RemoteCommand
createCacheRepo config =
remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = "git clone --bare " ++ (repository config) ++ " " ++
cacheRepoPath config
setupDirs :: Config -> RemoteCommand
setupDirs config =
remoteT (host config) $ "mkdir -p " ++ (deployPath config) ++ "/releases"
createCacheRepo :: RC (Maybe String)
createCacheRepo = do
conf <- use config
remoteT $ "git clone --bare " ++ conf ^. repository ++ " " ++
cacheRepoPath conf
currentSymlinkPath :: Config -> String
currentSymlinkPath config = deployPath config ++ "/current"
removeCurrentSymlink :: Config -> RemoteCommand
removeCurrentSymlink config = remoteT (host config) $
"rm -rf " ++ currentSymlinkPath config
currentSymlinkPath conf = conf ^. deployPath ++ "/current"
removeCurrentSymlink :: RC (Maybe String)
removeCurrentSymlink = do
conf <- use config
remoteT $ "rm -rf " ++ currentSymlinkPath conf
newestReleasePath :: Config -> [String] -> Maybe String
newestReleasePath _ [] = Nothing
newestReleasePath config rls = Just $ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++
(head . reverse . sort) rls
newestReleasePath conf rls = Just $ releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++ maximum rls
symlinkCurrent :: Config -> RemoteCommand
symlinkCurrent config = do
allReleases <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ releases config
symlinkCurrent :: RC (Maybe String)
symlinkCurrent = do
st <- get
conf <- use config
allReleases <- liftIO . runEitherT $ evalStateT releases st
case allReleases of
Left err -> left err
Right [] -> left (1, Just "No releases to symlink!")
Left err -> lift $ left err
Right [] -> lift $ left (1, Just "No releases to symlink!")
Right rls -> do
let latest = releasesPath config ++ "/" ++ (head . reverse . sort) rls
remoteT (host config) $ "ln -s " ++ latest ++ " " ++
(currentSymlinkPath config)
let latest = releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++ maximum rls
remoteT $ "ln -s " ++ latest ++ " " ++ currentSymlinkPath conf
testConfig :: Config
testConfig = Config { deployPath = "/tmp/project"
, deploySha1 = "master"
, host = "localhost"
, repository = "/tmp/testrepo"
testConfig = Config { _deployPath = "/tmp/project"
, _host = "localhost"
, _repository = "/tmp/testrepo"
, _revision = "origin/transformer-refactor"
updateCacheRepo :: Config -> RemoteCommand
updateCacheRepo config =
remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = "cd " ++ (cacheRepoPath config) ++ " && " ++
"git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
updateCacheRepo :: RC (Maybe String)
updateCacheRepo = do
conf <- use config
remoteT $ intercalate " && "
[ "cd " ++ cacheRepoPath conf
, "git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" ]
buildRelease :: Config -> String -> RemoteCommand
buildRelease config releaseTimestamp = remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = intercalate " && "
[ "cd " ++ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++ releaseTimestamp
buildRelease :: RC (Maybe String)
buildRelease = do
conf <- use config
releaseTimestamp <- use timestamp
remoteT $ intercalate " && "
[ "cd " ++ releasesPath conf ++ "/" ++ releaseTimestamp
, "export PATH=~/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
, "git fetch --all"
, "git reset --hard origin/master"
, "git reset --hard " ++ conf ^. revision
, "rm -rf .cabal-sandbox"
, "cabal sandbox init"
, "cabal clean"
@ -211,17 +276,29 @@ buildRelease config releaseTimestamp = remoteT (host config) cmd
, "cabal install --only-dependencies -j"
, "cabal build -j" ]
initialState :: IO HapistranoState
initialState = do
ts <- currentTimestamp
return HapistranoState { _config = testConfig
, _timestamp = ts
main :: IO ()
main = do
releaseTimestamp <- currentTimestamp
runEitherT $
setupDirs testConfig >>
ensureRepositoryPushed testConfig >>
updateCacheRepo testConfig >>
cleanReleases testConfig >>
cloneToRelease testConfig releaseTimestamp >>
buildRelease testConfig releaseTimestamp >>
removeCurrentSymlink testConfig >>
symlinkCurrent testConfig
initState <- initialState
void $ runRC errorHandler successHandler initState $ do
return ()
return ()
errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler
successHandler = defaultSuccessHandler
Reference in New Issue
Block a user