Zak Patterson 43a8c4d2bc
fix #920: Create recipes (#930)
* Create recipes

A recipe consists of:
	* Name
	* List of NPM dependencies required (dev and production)
	* Sub-commands needed
		For example, the react recipes run create-react-app to set
		up the UI. Future recipes can do anything, they could pull
		down a sample UI, clone a repository, download a static HTML
		file, initialize another environment that compiles to JS/wasm etc.

The devPath and dist folders nomally configured by the init command
are overridden by the recipe definition.

* Fix no recipe prompts

* Fix linter unsafe assignment error

* Add `beforeXCommand` settings to recipes

This is so good, it makes it possible to just run:

> yarn init
> yarn add tauri
> yarn tauri init # with recipe selected, adds app ui
> yarn tauri dev # starts app ui dev server and rust component

* Rename init to create

Also improve so it exports a function that can be passed
arguments, instead of just reading directly from command line

* Add new tauri init command aliased to create

* Update changes file

* Remove unneeded import

* Add customized splash page for react recipes

* Remove unneeded recipe buildconfig property

* Add no-browser setting to start react dev server

* Revert "Add no-browser setting to start react dev server"

This reverts commit 22bcf3ac5a.
2020-08-17 12:07:44 -05:00

17 lines
9.6 KiB

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