2.1 KiB
title |
Cloudbridge |
import Rater from '@theme/Rater' import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'
Ease of Use | |
Extensibility | |
Performance | |
Security |
- All available features
- No Rust skills required
- Largest bundle size
- Hard to separate concerns
The Cloudbridge recipe combines the flexibility of a localhost and the security of the bridge. With so many features, it can be easy to get lost.
import Mermaid, { colors } from '@theme/Mermaid'
<Mermaid chart={graph TD H==>F2 H==>D2 D2-->F2 F2-->D2 B-->D D-->B E2-->D D-->E2 subgraph WEBVIEW F2 E2 end subgraph SERVER D2 E-->D2 end subgraph RUST A==>H A-->B B-.-C end A[Binary] B{Rust Broker} C[Subprocess] D(( API BRIDGE )) E{JS Broker} D2(( localhost )) E[bundled resources] E2{JS Broker} F2[Window] H{Bootstrap} style D fill:#ccc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:white style RUST fill:${colors.orange.light},stroke:${colors.orange.dark},stroke-width:4px style WEBVIEW fill:${colors.blue.light},stroke:${colors.blue.dark},stroke-width:4px style SERVER fill:#49A24A,stroke:#2B6063,stroke-width:4px
} />
Here's what you need to add to your tauri.conf.json file:
"tauri": {
"allowlist": {
"all": true // enable entire API