This commit fixes every instance in which the word "folder" is incorrectly used instead of "directory".
1.3 KiB
Creates incremental, compressed, encrypted and versioned backups. Can also upload the backups to a variety of backend services.
- Backup a directory via FTPS to a remote machine, encrypting it with a password:
FTP_PASSWORD={{ftp_login_password}} PASSPHRASE={{encryption_password}} duplicity {{path/to/source/directory}} {{ftps://user@hostname/target/directory/path/}}
- Backup a directory to Amazon S3, doing a full backup every month:
duplicity --full-if-older-than {{1M}} --use-new-style s3://{{bucket_name[/prefix]}}
- Delete versions older than 1 year from a backup stored on a WebDAV share:
FTP_PASSWORD={{webdav_login_password}} duplicity remove-older-than {{1Y}} --force {{webdav[s]://user@hostname[:port]/some_dir}}
- List the available backups:
duplicity collection-status "file://{{absolute/path/to/backup/directory}}"
- List the files in a backup stored on a remote machine, via ssh:
duplicity list-current-files --time {{YYYY-MM-DD}} scp://{{user@hostname}}/path/to/backup/dir
- Restore a subdirectory from a GnuPG-encrypted local backup to a given location:
PASSPHRASE={{gpg_key_password}} duplicity restore --encrypt-key {{gpg_key_id}} --file-to-restore {{relative/path/restoredirectory}} file://{{absolute/path/to/backup/directory}} {{path/to/directory/to/restore/to}}