abe d769661227 dpkg: add -c option (list local deb file contents)
Add example for listing package contents of a downloaded `.deb` file, because `dpkg -L` only works with the `apt` name of the package (and only when installed).
2018-09-03 22:00:46 +05:30

380 B


Debian package manager.

  • Install a package:

dpkg -i {{path/to/file.deb}}

  • Remove a package:

dpkg -r {{package_name}}

  • List installed packages:

dpkg -l {{pattern}}

  • List package contents:

dpkg -L {{package_name}}

  • List contents of a local package file:

dpkg -c {{path/to/file.deb}}

  • Find out which package owns a file:

dpkg -S {{file_name}}