2020-04-03 21:50:38 +01:00

1.1 KiB


Wordpress vulnerability scanner. More information:

  • Update the vulnerability database:

wpscan --update

  • Scan a Wordpress website:

wpscan --url {{url}}

  • Scan a Wordpress website, using random user agents and passive detection:

wpscan --url {{url}} --stealthy

  • Scan a Wordpress website, checking for vulnerable plugins and specifying the path to the wp-content directory:

wpscan --url {{url}} --enumerate {{vp}} --wp-content-dir {{remote/path/to/wp-content}}

  • Scan a Wordpress website through a proxy:

wpscan --url {{url}} --proxy {{protocol://ip:port}} --proxy-auth {{username:password}}

  • Perform user identifiers enumeration on a Wordpress website:

wpscan --url {{url}} --enumerate {{u}}

  • Execute a password guessing attack on a Wordpress website:

wpscan --url {{url}} --usernames {{username|path/to/usernames.txt}} --passwords {{path/to/passwords.txt}} threads {{20}}

wpscan --url {{url}} --api-token {{token}}