2022-01-16 13:28:18 -03:00

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Secure Shell is a protocol used to securely log onto remote systems. It can be used for logging or executing commands on a remote server. More information:

  • Connect to a remote server:

ssh {{username}}@{{remote_host}}

  • Connect to a remote server with a specific identity (private key):

ssh -i {{path/to/key_file}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}}

  • Connect to a remote server using a specific port:

ssh {{username}}@{{remote_host}} -p {{2222}}

  • Run a command on a remote server with a [t]ty allocation allowing interaction with the remote command:

ssh {{username}}@{{remote_host}} -t {{command}} {{command_arguments}}

  • SSH tunneling: Dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy on localhost:1080):

ssh -D {{1080}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}}

  • SSH tunneling: Forward a specific port (localhost:9999 to along with disabling pseudo-[T]ty allocation and executio[N] of remote commands:

ssh -L {{9999}}:{{}}:{{80}} -N -T {{username}}@{{remote_host}}

  • SSH jumping: Connect through a jumphost to a remote server (Multiple jump hops may be specified separated by comma characters):

ssh -J {{username}}@{{jump_host}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}}

  • Agent forwarding: Forward the authentication information to the remote machine (see man ssh_config for available options):

ssh -A {{username}}@{{remote_host}}