
903 B


Generate a random number within the given range. The number can be an integer or a decimal.

If only one argument is provided, a number between 0 and the given number is returned.


function random(maximum: number): number;
function random(minimum: number, maximum: number): number;


  • minimum (number): The lower bound for the random number (inclusive).
  • maximum (number): The upper bound for the random number (exclusive).


  • (number): A random number within the specified range. The number can be an integer or a decimal.


const result1 = random(0, 5); // Returns a random number between 0 and 5.
const result2 = random(5, 0); // If the minimum is greater than the maximum, an error is thrown
const result3 = random(5, 5); // If the minimum is equal to the maximum, an error is thrown.