mirror of https://github.com/tweag/asterius.git synced 2024-09-21 13:59:06 +03:00
Shao Cheng b45405757e Add Ptr/FunPtr/StablePtr to JSFFI basic types (+12 squashed commit)
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2018-08-17 21:15:38 +08:00

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This page maintains a list of upcoming tasks for the project, each task with a brief explanation, estimation of difficulty/time and connections with other tasks. Ideally this should be called Roadmap instead of Checklist, but placing accurate milestones has proven to be hard.

Towards a TodoMVC example

The tasks listed in this section are all necessary ones to achieve a more "real-world" browser example like TodoMVC. They are currently being worked on.

Implement foreign export javascript

We already can call JavaScript from Haskell via foreign import javascript, for JavaScript to call into Haskell, we need to implement foreign export javascript. The exported Haskell functions will be available as WebAssembly exported functions, callable in JavaScript land.


  • Implement StablePtr, so that Haskell closures can be safely passed between Haskell/JavaScript boundary without being garbage collected. (done, see stableptr unit test)
  • Implement RtsAPI, so that JavaScript code can create Haskell closures, trigger evaluation and inspect results. (done, see rtsapi unit test)
  • Add StablePtr to JSFFI basic types. (done, see jsffi unit test)
  • Implement foreign export javascript syntax, add necessary logic in JSFFI/Resolve (in progress)

Rough ETA: before Aug 20th.

Improve Haskell/JavaScript marshalling

Most JavaScript types will appear as opaque JSRef in Haskell land, but for some types that appear very often (e.g. strings and arrays), we wish they can be marshalled from/to their Haskell equivalents (e.g. lists) smoothly. Without this, even implementing a putStr will be troublesome because we must either send individual Chars to a TTY-device in JavaScript, or manually squeeze the string into a buffer in Haskell heap first.


  • Recognize String/[] as special JSFFI basic types, add marshalling logic from/to JavaScript strings/arrays. (in progress)

When we support aeson in the future, it may even be possible to marshal between Values and JavaScript objects directly.

Support bytestring

bytestring is a critical component in the Haskell ecosystem, we must support it regardless of what filthy hacks are deployed. At least non-Internal modules need to be supported.


  • Add bytestring to boot libs.
  • Implement Weak#, since ByteString needs finalizers
  • Implement WebAssembly shims in Builtins for required C functions.

Improve .wasm/.js generation

Currently, given a home module, ahc-link outputs a .wasm and a .js wrapper which runs in Node.js. We will need the whole thing to run in browser though.


  • Add logic in ahc-link to generate browser-friendly code
  • Make the test suite run via a headless browser, and properly retrieve results from the browser back to Haskell

Next important tasks

The following tasks are somewhat less important, but still necessary for end-user experience. They will be processed once the previous goal is accomplished.

Utilize GHC renamer/typechecker in JSFFI

Currently, the JSFFI thing works with parsed AST because it's less likely to mess up after rewriting. As a consequence:

  • JSRef only works as a magic identifier. It's not in any actual Haskell module
  • No newtypes for JSFFI basic types, since we recognize types by RdrName only

We need to move JSFFI processing to the phase of renamer or typechecker.

Support JavaScript promises in JSFFI

The foreign import javascript syntax currently assumes the JavaScript computation is synchronous. We need to support asynchronous JavaScript computation, by adding a foreign import javascript safe construct, and assume the JavaScript computation returns a Promise. Upon calling such a function, the scheduler saves thread state and gracefully halts the whole runtime. The runtime will be re-activated once the Promise is fulfilled.

Add growable heap/garbage collection to storage manager

Currently, the heap size is fixed and can be specified by ahc-link --heap-size. By defaulting a heap size of 1GB, we pretend memory is infinite and focus work on other issues, but this can come back to bite us at any time.

There are two steps in this tasks:

  • Implement growable heap. When GC is entered, we allocate fresh blocks and move the nursery/object pool to point to new blocks.
  • Implement garbage collection. Porting all GC routines is a huge amount of work and error-prone, so we implement a non-generational one in JavaScript.

Solve reference leaking in JSFFI

JSRef is implemented much like StablePtr: a mapping from handles to objects. Whenever a JSRef enters Haskell land, the underlying object is pointed to by a mapping, but currently there's no mechanism to free a JSRef.

Some possible fixes:

  • Provide freeJSRef in Haskell land, works for any individual JSRef
  • Provide nukeJSRefs, can be called periodically to wipe all JSRefs
  • Provide a region-based API, all JSRefs are tied to a region. Regions themselves can be allocated and recycled. Optionally there can be a global region.

Improve Cabal support

Currently, Cabal still thinks ahc is yet another ghc and feeds it with ghc command line arguments. We should teach it to regard ahc as a new Haskell compiler, and what to do for typical commands (configure/build/install, etc).

After Cabal support is improved, we can:

  • Get away with current "boot libs" mechanism, instead rely on regular GHC package databases
  • Give users ability to build/use packages outside boot libs
  • Go on with improving cabal-install, some day a plain cabal build --asterius may work

Improve test suite

The current test suites have poor coverage of Haskell features.

Archived tasks

The following tasks have lower priority, either due to low impact to end-user experience or significant time involved. They are archived here and may be revisited at a later date, and we're still happy to discuss or review a pull request.

Implement Template Haskell/GHCi

There are two possible ways to implement Template Haskell/GHCi:

  • Link with the native code produced when booting. For simple Q computations that doesn't involve runIO this should work fine, but it won't work when one calls a WebAssembly computation in Q.
  • Implement the remote interpreter for WebAssembly, much like ghcjs. When Template Haskell/GHCi is involved, we fire up a Node.js/Headless Chrome process and do all the message passing. This is the ideal solution but takes a huge amount of work.

Improve WebAssembly EDSL

We already have a monadic EDSL for constructing WebAssembly code. There are still minor flaws with current EDSL:

  • No notion of structs. We manually load/store via a base pointer and an offset.
  • Not type-safe. It's possible to mix-up I32/I64 stuff and it's not always possible for binaryen validator to catch the problem (especially when load/store is involved)
  • Global/static variables need a lot of boilerplate

Switch away from binaryen

binaryen is a fantastic library for WebAssembly code generation and has powered asterius since the beginning. However, there are reasons to switch away and implement our own WebAssembly code generation library:

  • The relooper has been a constant source of trouble. We already implement our own relooper now.
  • There's no support for linking and symbol resolution, so we have to keep two sets of types for WebAssembly: one is our own for pre-linking modules, one is the final linked data to feed to binaryen, but they overlap a lot.
  • binaryen is conservative in features. We'd like to try experimental WebAssembly features (exception handling, multi-return, anyref, etc) in V8.

Integrate LLVM/Clang or Emscripten

It's a shame we can't compile simple cbits in Haskell packages and have to hand-write WebAssembly code instead.

Implement "Try asterius" website

To increase momentum for this project, it'd be nice to have a "try asterius" website, where people can send snippets of modules and download compiled code to run in their browsers.

Add macOS support

Currently we don't build GHC bindists for macOS and test it on CircleCI. For the sake of macOS Haskellers this should be implemented.

Add Nix/Bazel support

It'd be nice to support building the project via Nix/Bazel.

Support integer-gmp

We currently use integer-simple, but not all packages implement the flags to switch away from integer-gmp.

It's worth mentioning that V8 already has experimental support for the BigInt proposal, so Integers should ideally be powered by bigints under the hood.

Support tables-next-to-code

Of course, we know the WebAssembly standard separates data and code, so something like tables-next-to-code won't work; but come to think of it, at link time we already know the absolute addresses of "code", so we can cheat a little bit here..

If we support both integer-gmp and tables-next-to-code, we can stop requiring users to set up a custom GHC first, and can distribute asterius as a vanilla package.