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Version 1.6 (2024-04-25)

Nickel 1.6 is a maintenance release including several bug fixes and improvements, in particular around the features introduced in Nickel 1.5 (enum variants and background evaluation in the LSP).

Core language






Version 1.5 (2024-03-12)

Nickel 1.5 is a major release (albeit not literally), with new core language features and improved LSP. In particular, Nickel 1.5 introduces:

  • Full blown pattern matching. Patterns were previously restricted to destructuring let-bindings. They can now be used within match expressions as well (which only supported simple enum tags before).
  • Enum variants. Enum variants are a new language constructs which are enum tags with associated data (they are applied to an argument). They can be seen as form of algebraic data types (ADT). Patterns, enum types, typechecking and other parts of the language are extended accordingly to support them.
  • Background evaluation in the LSP. The LSP now performs evaluation of the current document in the background to report evaluation errors directly in your editor, and in particular contract errors.
  • A new section of the manual on writing modular configurations.

Core language





Version 1.4

Nickel 1.4 is a maintenance release, at the exception of a breaking change (see below).

Breaking changes

  • The curried dot operator added in Nickel 1.3 was implemented the wrong way: the arguments were flipped, meaning that (.) foo bar was bar."%{foo}" instead of the expected foo."%{bar}". While the initial flipped implementation seems more useful for piping operations using the reverse application operator |>, it's inconsistent with all other curried operators, where (<operator>) is always defined as fun x y => x <operator> y. To ensure consistency, and because the initial behavior was an oversight and not a conscious design decision, we decided to change the definition of (.) to match the other curried operator by flipping its arguments.

    To fill the gap, Nickel 1.4 introduces std.record.get with the same definition as the (.) introduced in Nickel 1.3. To migrate from 1.3 to 1.4, you can either flip the arguments of the curried dot as a function (.) whenever possible, or you can just replace it with the new std.record.get.

    (implemented by @yannham in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1752)


Core language


Version 1.3

Version 1.3 includes several new optimizations following reports of long evaluation time for medium-sized codebase. The command-line interface (CLI) has been reworked to be more user-friendly, at the cost of breaking changes: see below. Finally, the LSP has seen continuous improvement as well.

Breaking changes

  • @vkleen improved the CLI UX in numerous ways in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1632
    • The file argument is now argument positional. That is, instead of running nickel export -f config.ncl, now use nickel export config.ncl instead.
    • Every command which can take a file argument can now take several of them. The program parsed from the files are then merged before applying the action. For example, the new nickel export config1.ncl config2.ncl config3.ncl is the equivalent of the previous: nickel export <<< '(import "config1.ncl") & (import "config2.ncl") & (import "config3.ncl")'
    • Evaluation is now an explicit subcommand, instead of being the default action. Instead of running nickel -f config.ncl to evaluate a file, use nickel eval config.ncl instead.
  • Not a breaking change per se, because the customize mode is experimental, but @yannham introduced a new syntax for customize mode in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1709. Instead of dynamically generating a CLI where arguments are field paths, the new customize mode CLI directly take assignments written in a Nickel-like syntax as positional arguments. For example, in 1.2, the command nickel eval -f confing.ncl -- \ --input.field1 '"Value"' --input.flag false \ --override output.bar 0 now becomes nickel eval config.ncl -- \ 'input.field1="Value"' input.flag=false \ --override output.bar=0





New Contributors

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 comes with several improvements on the LSP and other components of the Nickel tooling. The new customize mode of the CLI makes it possible to dynamically turn a configuration into a command-line interface, which you can interact with.

Several related long-standing issues and limitations when typechecking polymorphic functions are also finally fixed.

Core language





Version 1.1

This version mostly includes bugfixes and stdlib improvement since 1.0.

IMPORTANT: The main crate nickel-lang has been split between nickel-lang-cli (the binary) and nickel-lang-core (the library). If you're using cargo to install Nickel, please uninstall the previous crate by running cargo uninstall nickel-lang, and from now one use cargo install nickel-lang-cli to install 1.1 and do further updates.




Version 1.0

This is the 1.0 release! The syntax and the semantics of the core language have been stabilized and shouldn't evolve as much in the future.

  • The core semantics of the language have been reworked and stabilized, in particular (but not limited to) merging, types and contracts with the implementation of RFC005
  • The stdlib has been augmented with many new functions
  • Parts of the syntax and some builtin symobls (types, stdlib functions, and so on) have been improved and made consistent
  • New features for the LSP, and in particular code completion

Breaking changes

  • Various functions from the stdlib have been renamed for better discoverability, and the stdlib got a lot of new additions. Please refer to the documentation of the stdlib.
  • String functions are now unicode-aware, and operate on the Unicode grapheme cluster abstraction instead of the character abstraction (string.length, string.is_match, etc.)
  • The switch keyword has been replaced by match, and can now be used as a standalone function (doesn't need to be applied right away)
  • The Num and Str builtin types have been renamed to Number and String by @yannham in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1164
  • The num and str stdlib modules have been renamed to number and string
  • The builtin.typeof function now returns 'Number, 'String, 'Function instead of respectively 'Num, 'Str, and 'Fun
  • The builtin.is_num, builtin.is_str and builtin.to_str functions have been renamed to is_number, is_string and to_string
  • The string.to_num and string.from_num functions have been renamed to to_number and from_number
  • All the stdlib modules array, string, record, etc. have been put under a std namespace. They must now be accessed as std.array, std.string and so on.
  • RFC005 was implemented, which changes the semantics of contract annotations and merging. See the RFC content for more details. Most notably, metadata annotation (default values, optional, documentation, etc.) can only appear next to a record field. Contract and type annotations can still appear anywhere. Documentation can still appear on let-bindings.
  • Use static dictionary types for record.fields and record.values by @matthew-healy in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1024
  • Make type annotations to not propagate through merging by @yannham in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1271
  • Change to dictionary contracts and introduction of a separate dictionary contract (in addition to dictionary type):
  • Stdlib string.Stringingable -> string.Stringable by @vkleen in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1180
  • Fix the type of array.elem by @yannham in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1223
  • Change the enum tag start delimiter from backtick to single-quote by @vkleen in https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1279
  • import is now a statement, import "foo.ncl" arg1 arg2 requires parenthesis now: (import "foo.ncl") arg1 arg2, see https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/1293

Language features




Version 0.3.1 (2022-12-15)


Version 0.3 (2022-12-07)


Language features




Version 0.2 (2022-07-29)

Breaking changes

  • Using a contract as part of a static type annotation will in most cases fail with an appropriate error message. This is a temporary limitation in order to fix previously unsound behavior in the typechecker. This restriction will likely be lifted in the upcoming 0.3.x release. For more details, see issues #701 and #724


  • Fix unnecessarily restricted record contract for record.update
  • Fix wrong interpretation of long interpolation-like sequences %..%{ in strings
  • Fix panic when evaluating a switch in specific cases
  • Fix fields without definition being assigned to null, instead of just being marked as undefined

Language features

  • Merging null values together gives null, and merging empty lists together gives an empty list, instead of failing with error: non mergeable terms
  • Add recursive let-bindings (let rec)
  • Add type wildcards. Use _ in place of a type to let the typechecker fill the gap. Example: let foo : _ = array.all ((==) 2) [1,2,3]
  • Add builtin.to_str and string.from to convert generic values to a string
  • Re-introduce an official syntax for enum types


  • Add the nickel pprint-ast command to pretty print a parsed program (mostly debugging purpose)
  • Add the nickel doc command to produce markdown documentation from the in-code doc metadata


  • Fix various typos and remove use of deprecated syntax in the user manual

Version 0.1 (2022-03-10)

First release! The main focus has been the design of the Nickel language itself.

Language features

  • Gradual type system with row types, polymorphism and type inference
  • Contract system for data validation
  • Merge system for recursive records that supports one level of overriding
  • Metadata annotations (default values, documentation, etc.)
  • Unified syntax for terms, types and contracts (RFC002)
  • Record destructuring


  • The main binary supports the following subcommands:

    • nickel query to show metadata and documentation of library functions, the field of a configuration, etc.
    • nickel export to serialize to JSON, YAML, or TOML
    • nickel repl to launch an REPL
    • nickel typecheck to do typechecking without evaluating
  • An LSP-server is included


  • User manual sections on syntax, correctness (types and contracts), and merging
  • The standard library has been documented in-code (use nickel query/:query to retrieve it)

Known limitations

  • The roadmap for overriding and the merge system (RFC001) has not been implemented fully yet.

  • Performance has not been prioritized.

  • Due to the use of reference counting as a memory management strategy, mutually recursive record fields are currently leaking memory. This shouldn't be an issue in a standard workflow.

  • Standard library APIs and language features are subject to change. There is no backward compatibility guarantees for this version. In general, this release is meant for experimenting and getting user feedback, but isn't intended to be used in production.