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Nickel Language Server

NLS is a language server for the nickel programming language. Making use of the interpreter libraries directly, allows nls to offer error messages, type hints, and autocompletion right in your favorite lsp-enabled editor.


To be editor independent nls is made up of two components the server and possible lsp-client configurations that talk to the server directly. Hence, the server has to be installed separately to the client configuration.


The easiest way to install nls is using nix. nls is installed in the same installation as nickel:

To enter a shell with nickel and nls run

nix shell github:tweag/nickel


Different clients have varying ways to install lsp clients:

VS Code

Until nls is available through the vscode marketplace, it can be built using nix:

Either using the command line

code --install-extension $(nix build ./\#vscodeExtension --no-link --json | jq ".[0].outputs.vsix")

or in two steps, by first building the extension

nix build github:tweag/nickel#vscodeExtension.vsix

then installing it using Extension: Install from VSIX in the vscode command palette and choosing ./result-vsix/nls-client.vsix.


The VS Code extension offers three configuration options:

  • "nls.server.path": Path to nickel language server
  • "nls.server.trace": "Enables performance tracing to the given file"


After installing nickel and nls nls is supported in nvim-lspconfig. Using nvim-lspconfig setup nls like all your other LSP servers as described by the nvim-lspconfig ReadMe.

require('lspconfig')["nickel_ls"].setup {}

Neo(Vim) with Coc.nvim

Add the nickel_ls JSON object to your :CocConfig/coc-settings.json.

  "languageserver": {
    "nickel_ls": {
      "command": "nls",
      "rootPatterns": [
      "filetypes": [