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synced 2025-01-05 21:36:03 +03:00
Test restore API
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@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ restoreSnapshot
-> m Reply
restoreSnapshot (SnapshotRepoName repoName)
(SnapshotName snapName)
SnapshotRestoreSettings {..} = bindM2 put url (return (Just body))
SnapshotRestoreSettings {..} = bindM2 post url (return (Just body))
url = addQuery params <$> joinPath ["_snapshot", repoName, snapName, "_restore"]
params = [("wait_for_completion", Just (boolQP snapRestoreWaitForCompletion))]
@ -429,6 +429,8 @@ restoreSnapshot (SnapshotRepoName repoName)
, ("rename_pattern" .=) <$> snapRestoreRenamePattern
, ("rename_replacement" .=) . renderTokens <$> snapRestoreRenameReplacement
, Just ("include_aliases" .= snapRestoreIncludeAliases)
, ("index_settings" .= ) <$> snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides
, ("ignore_index_settings" .= ) <$> snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings
renderTokens (t :| ts) = mconcat (renderToken <$> (t:ts))
renderToken (RRTLit t) = t
@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Types
, RRGroupRefNum
, rrGroupRefNum
, mkRRGroupRefNum
, RestoreIndexSettings(..)
, Aggregation(..)
, Aggregations
@ -3979,8 +3980,16 @@ data SnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases :: Bool
-- ^ Should the restore also restore the aliases captured in the
-- snapshot.
, snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides :: Maybe RestoreIndexSettings
-- ^ Settings to apply during the restore process.
, snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
-- ^ This type could be more rich but it isn't clear which
-- settings are allowed to be ignored during restore, so we're
-- going with including this feature in a basic form rather than
-- omitting it. One example here would be
-- "index.refresh_interval". Any setting specified here will
-- revert back to the server default during the restore process.
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
--TODO: temporary settings changes
-- | Regex-stype pattern, e.g. "index_(.+)" to match index names
newtype RestoreRenamePattern = RestoreRenamePattern { rrPattern :: Text }
@ -4030,6 +4039,8 @@ mkRRGroupRefNum i
-- * snapRestoreRenameReplacement Nothing
-- * snapRestorePartial False
-- * snapRestoreIncludeAliases True
-- * snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides Nothing
-- * snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings Nothing
defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings :: SnapshotRestoreSettings
defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
snapRestoreWaitForCompletion = False
@ -4040,4 +4051,20 @@ defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement = Nothing
, snapRestorePartial = False
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases = True
, snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides = Nothing
, snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings = Nothing
-- | Index settings that can be overridden. The docs only mention you
-- can update number of replicas, but there may be more. You
-- definitely cannot override shard count.
data RestoreIndexSettings = RestoreIndexSettings {
restoreOverrideReplicas :: Maybe ReplicaCount
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable)
instance ToJSON RestoreIndexSettings where
toJSON RestoreIndexSettings {..} = object prs
prs = catMaybes [("index.number_of_replicas" .=) <$> restoreOverrideReplicas]
@ -1488,7 +1488,39 @@ main = hspec $ do
Left e -> expectationFailure (show e)
describe "snapshot restore" $ do
it "can restore a snapshot that we create" pending
it "can restore a snapshot that we create" $ withTestEnv $ do
let r1n = SnapshotRepoName "bloodhound-repo1"
withSnapshotRepo r1n $ \_ -> do
let s1n = SnapshotName "example-snapshot"
withSnapshot r1n s1n $ do
let settings = defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings { snapRestoreWaitForCompletion = True }
-- have to close an index to restore it
resp1 <- closeIndex testIndex
liftIO (validateStatus resp1 200)
resp2 <- restoreSnapshot r1n s1n settings
liftIO (validateStatus resp2 200)
it "can restore and rename" $ withTestEnv $ do
let r1n = SnapshotRepoName "bloodhound-repo1"
withSnapshotRepo r1n $ \_ -> do
let s1n = SnapshotName "example-snapshot"
withSnapshot r1n s1n $ do
let pat = RestoreRenamePattern "bloodhound-tests-twitter-(\\d+)"
let replace = RRTLit "restored-" :| [RRSubWholeMatch]
let expectedIndex = IndexName "restored-bloodhound-tests-twitter-1"
let overrides = RestoreIndexSettings { restoreOverrideReplicas = Just (ReplicaCount 0) }
let settings = defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings { snapRestoreWaitForCompletion = True
, snapRestoreRenamePattern = Just pat
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement = Just replace
, snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides = Just overrides
-- have to close an index to restore it
let go = do
resp <- restoreSnapshot r1n s1n settings
liftIO (validateStatus resp 200)
exists <- indexExists expectedIndex
liftIO (exists `shouldBe` True)
go `finally` deleteIndex expectedIndex
describe "Enum DocVersion" $ do
it "follows the laws of Enum, Bounded" $ do
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