2017-08-01 20:50:28 +03:00

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The goal of the library is to provide a type-safe transport layer for serializing and validating JSON. It can be thought of as a subset of json-schema, which is basically a specification of a JSON document. The other goal is getting as much as possible from this specification for free. Right now the following bits are prototyped:

  • All the instantiations of transport types are structurally follow the schema provided by user
  • Serializers are generic, so they follow from the type-level schema and the're supposed to have roundtrip property by implementation.
  • Runtime value validators are generated from the schema. Validation errors are reported as a pairs of a json-path to the element and an error message.
  • There are migrations. It's possible to describe a series of migrations to the schema and have all the machinery deserialize a user specified version of the schema if there's a few versions.


  • Describing versioned http endpoints
  • Schema pretty-printing
  • More validators
  • Overall user friendliness

Be aware that library is experimental and subject to change a lot. The current state can be viewed as a prototype.


$ stack install schematic

Basic Examples

type SchemaExample
  = SchemaObject
    '[ '("foo", SchemaArray '[AEq 1] (SchemaNumber '[NGt 10]))
     , '("bar", SchemaOptional (SchemaText '[TEnum '["foo", "bar"]]))]
  • This schema says that's structurally it's a JSON object which has two field:
    • field "foo" contains an of numeric values
    • field "bar" contains an optional textual value
  • It also allows you to validate the JSON:
    • an array in "foo" must contain exactly one element
    • that element must be strictly greater than 10
    • value of bar must be either "foo" or "bar" if presented

This one is valid for example

schemaJson :: ByteString
schemaJson = "{\"foo\": [13], \"bar\": null}"

Also valid

schemaJson :: ByteString
schemaJson = "{\"foo\": [13], \"bar\": \"bar\"}"

it can be parsed and validated like this:

decodeAndValidateJson schemaJson :: ParseResult (JsonRepr SchemaExample)

ParseResult type encodes three possible situations:

  • json is structurally consistent with schema and runtime validations passed
  • json source is malformed or doesn't correspond to schema structurally
  • some of the runtime validations failed, but it's structurally correct

I t's build a transport layer representation of that data that can be tranversed and transformed to whatever internal types user has. Transport layer represetation looks like this. Type parameter is the schema itself.

jsonExample :: JsonRepr SchemaExample
jsonExample = ReprObject $
  FieldRepr (ReprArray [ReprNumber 12])
    :& FieldRepr (ReprOptional (Just (ReprText "bar")))
    :& RNil


It's possible to represent schema changes as a migration, which describes a series of json-path/change pairs. Migrations can be applied in succession.

This piece of code will apply a migration to the schema, then decodes and validates the latest version.

type SchemaExample
  = SchemaObject
    '[ '("foo", SchemaArray '[AEq 1] (SchemaNumber '[NGt 10]))
     , '("bar", SchemaOptional (SchemaText '[TEnum '["foo", "bar"]]))]

type TestMigration =
  'Migration "test_revision"
    '[ 'Diff '[ 'PKey "bar" ] ('Update ('SchemaText '[]))
     , 'Diff '[ 'PKey "foo" ] ('Update ('SchemaNumber '[])) ]

type VS = 'Versioned SchemaExample '[ TestMigration ]

schemaJsonTopVersion :: ByteString
schemaJsonTopVersion = "{ \"foo\": 42, \"bar\": \"bar\" }"

It's possible to decode the latest version like this:

decodeAndValidateJson schemaJsonTopVersion :: ParseResult (JsonRepr (TopVersion (AllVersions VS)))