Merge pull request #27 from unisonweb/topic/views

Support for document-formatted operators (DFOs)
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-08-13 12:42:13 -04:00
commit 451e777ee8
10 changed files with 429 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -217,6 +217,6 @@ prefixes s = Metadata Metadata.Term
main :: IO ()
main = do
store <- "store" :: IO (Store IO (Symbol.Symbol (Maybe ())))
store <- "store" :: IO (Store IO (Symbol.Symbol ()))
node <- makeNode store
S.server 8080 node

View File

@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ isFreeIn v t = Set.member v (freeVars t)
annotate :: a -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
annotate a (Term fvs _ out) = Term fvs a out
vmap :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Ord v2) => (v -> v2) -> Term f v a -> Term f v2 a
vmap f (Term _ a out) = case out of
Var v -> annotatedVar a (f v)
Tm fa -> tm' a (fmap (vmap f) fa)
Cycle r -> cycle' a (vmap f r)
Abs v body -> abs' a (f v) (vmap f body)
-- | Modifies the annotations in this tree
instance Functor f => Functor (Term f v) where
fmap f (Term fvs a sub) = Term fvs (f a) (fmap (fmap f) sub)

View File

@ -9,16 +9,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Doc where
import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree(..)) -- (:<)
import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree(..), unwrap) -- (:<)
import Control.Comonad (extract)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Functor
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Unison.Path (Path)
import qualified Unison.Path as Path
import qualified Data.Text as Text
data Padded e r =
Padded { top :: e, bottom :: e, left :: e, right :: e, element :: r } deriving Functor
@ -136,6 +140,52 @@ preferredWidth width (p :< d) = case d of
root :: Cofree f p -> p
root (p :< _) = p
-- | The embedded elements of this document
elements :: Doc e p -> [e]
elements d = go (unwrap d) [] where
one a = (a:)
many xs tl = foldr (:) tl xs
go (Append d1 d2) = go (unwrap d1) . go (unwrap d2)
go (Group d) = go (unwrap d)
go (Nest e d) = one e . go (unwrap d)
go (Breakable e) = one e
go (Embed e) = one e
go (Pad (Padded t b l r inner)) = many [t, b, l, r] . go (unwrap inner)
go _ = id
-- | Map over all `e` elements in this `Doc e p`.
emap :: (e -> e2) -> Doc e p -> Doc e2 p
emap f (p :< d) = p :< case d of
Append d1 d2 -> Append (emap f d1) (emap f d2)
Group d -> Group (emap f d)
Nest e d -> Nest (f e) (emap f d)
Breakable e -> Breakable (f e)
Embed e -> Embed (f e)
Pad (Padded t b l r inner) -> Pad (Padded (f t) (f b) (f l) (f r) (emap f inner))
Linebreak -> Linebreak
Empty -> Empty
-- | Substitute all `e` elements in this `Doc e p`. The
-- function must return an `embed e2` when targeting elements
-- embedded in a `nest` or `pad`, otherwise the substitution fails
-- with `Nothing`.
ebind :: (e -> Doc e2 p) -> Doc e p -> Maybe (Doc e2 p)
ebind f (p :< d) = case d of
Embed e -> Just (f e)
d -> (p :<) <$> case d of
Embed _ -> error "GHC can't figure out this is not possible"
Append d1 d2 -> Append <$> ebind f d1 <*> ebind f d2
Group d -> Group <$> ebind f d
Nest e d -> Nest <$> e2 e <*> ebind f d
Breakable e -> Breakable <$> e2 e
Pad (Padded t b l r inner) -> Pad <$> (Padded <$> e2 t <*> e2 b <*> e2 l <*> e2 r <*> ebind f inner)
Linebreak -> Just Linebreak
Empty -> Just Empty
e2 e = case unwrap (f e) of
Embed e2 -> Just e2
_ -> Nothing
-- | The empty document
empty :: Path p => Doc e p
empty = Path.root :< Empty
@ -179,7 +229,7 @@ nest :: Path p => e -> Doc e p -> Doc e p
nest e (p :< d) = p :< Nest e (Path.root :< d)
-- | Specify that layout may insert a line break at this point in the document.
-- If a line break is not inserts, the given `e` is inserted instead.
-- If a line break is not inserted, the given `e` is inserted instead.
breakable :: Path p => e -> Doc e p
breakable e = breakable' Path.root e
@ -267,10 +317,17 @@ renderString = render' (Renderer' concat "\n") id
formatString :: Int -> Doc String p -> String
formatString availableWidth d = renderString (layout length availableWidth d)
formatText :: Int -> Doc Text p -> String
formatText availableWidth d =
formatString availableWidth (emap Text.unpack d)
docs :: Path p => [Doc e p] -> Doc e p
docs [] = empty
docs ds = foldr1 append ds
embeds :: Path p => [e] -> Doc e p
embeds = docs . map embed
delimit :: Path p => Doc e p -> [Doc e p] -> Doc e p
delimit d = docs . intersperse d
@ -281,3 +338,8 @@ sep delim ds = group (foldr1 combine ds)
sep' :: Path p => e -> [e] -> Doc e p
sep' delim ds = sep delim (map embed ds)
parenthesize :: (IsString s, Path p) => Bool -> Doc s p -> Doc s p
parenthesize b d =
let r = root d
in if b then docs [embed' r "(", d, embed' r ")"] else d

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
module Unison.Path where
import Control.Applicative
-- | Satisfies:
-- * `extend root p == p` and `extend p root == p`
-- * `extend` is associative, `extend (extend p1 p2) p3 == extend p1 (extend p2 p3)`
@ -23,8 +25,19 @@ class Path p where
lca :: Path p => p -> p -> p
lca p p2 = fst (factor p p2)
instance Eq a => Path (Maybe a) where
root = Nothing
extend = (<|>)
factor p1 p2 | p1 == p2 = (p1, (Nothing, Nothing))
factor p1 p2 = (Nothing, (p1,p2))
instance Eq a => Path [a] where
root = []
extend = (++)
factor p1 p2 = (take shared p1, (drop shared p1, drop shared p2))
where shared = length (zipWith (==) p1 p2)
instance Path () where
root = ()
extend _ _ = ()
factor u _ = (u,(u,u))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Unison.Symbol where
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Var (Var(..))
import Unison.View (View)
import qualified Unison.View as View
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -18,9 +20,13 @@ freshId (Symbol id _ _) = id
annotation :: Symbol a -> a
annotation (Symbol _ _ a) = a
instance Var (Symbol (Maybe a)) where
annotate :: a -> Symbol b -> Symbol a
annotate a (Symbol id name _) = Symbol id name a
instance View op => Var (Symbol op) where
name (Symbol _ n _) = n
named n = Symbol 0 n Nothing
named n = Symbol 0 n View.prefix
clear (Symbol id n _) = Symbol id n View.prefix
qualifiedName s = name s `Text.append` (Text.pack (show (freshId s)))
freshIn vs s | Set.null vs = s -- already fresh!
freshIn vs s | Set.notMember s vs = s -- already fresh!
@ -36,14 +42,14 @@ instance Eq (Symbol a) where
instance Ord (Symbol a) where
Symbol id1 name1 _ `compare` Symbol id2 name2 _ = (id1,name1) `compare` (id2,name2)
instance Show (Symbol (Maybe a)) where
instance View op => Show (Symbol op) where
show s | freshId s == 0 = Text.unpack (name s)
show s = Text.unpack (name s) ++ show (freshId s)
symbol :: Text -> Symbol ()
symbol n = Symbol 0 n ()
symbol :: View op => Text -> Symbol op
symbol n = Symbol 0 n View.prefix
prefix :: Text -> Symbol ()
prefix :: View op => Text -> Symbol op
prefix name = symbol name
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Symbol

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
@ -22,19 +23,27 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..), Show1(..))
import Text.Show
import Unison.Doc (Doc)
import Unison.Hash (Hash)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as Writer
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Distance as Distance
import qualified Unison.Doc as D
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Type as Type
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import qualified Unison.View as View
-- | Literals in the Unison language
data Literal
@ -73,10 +82,14 @@ pattern Text' s <- Lit' (Text s)
pattern Blank' <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm Blank)
pattern Ref' r <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Ref r))
pattern App' f x <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (App f x))
pattern Apps' f args <- (unApps -> Just (f, args))
pattern AppsP' f args <- (unApps' -> Just (f, args))
pattern Ann' x t <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Ann x t))
pattern Vector' xs <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Vector xs))
pattern Lam' v body <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Lam (ABT.Term _ _ (ABT.Abs v body))))
pattern LamsP' vs body <- (unLams' -> Just (vs, body))
pattern Let1' v b e <- (ABT.out -> ABT.Tm (Let b (ABT.Abs' v e)))
pattern Lets' bs e <- Let' bs e _ False
pattern Let' bs e relet rec <- (unLets -> Just (bs,e,relet,rec))
pattern LetRec' bs e <- (unLetRec -> Just (bs,e))
@ -171,6 +184,30 @@ unLet t = fixup (go t) where
fixup ([], _) = Nothing
fixup bst = Just bst
unApps :: Term v -> Maybe (Term v, [Term v])
unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
go (App' i o) acc = go i (o:acc)
go fn args = fn:args
unApps' :: Term v -> Maybe ((Term v,Path), [(Term v,Path)])
unApps' t = addPaths <$> unApps t
addPaths (f,args) = case appPaths (length args) of
(fp,ap) -> ((f,fp), args `zip` ap)
appPaths :: Int -> (Path, [Path])
appPaths numArgs = (fnp, argsp)
fnp = replicate numArgs Fn
argsp = take numArgs . drop 1 $ iterate (Fn:) [Arg]
unLams' :: Term v -> Maybe ([(v, Path)], (Term v, Path))
unLams' (Lam' v body) = case unLams' body of
Nothing -> Just ([(v, [])], (body, [Body])) -- todo, need a path for forall vars
Just (vs, (body,bodyp)) -> Just ((v, []) : vs, (body, Body:bodyp))
unLams' _ = Nothing
dependencies' :: Ord v => Term v -> Set Reference
dependencies' t = Set.fromList . Writer.execWriter $ ABT.visit' f t
where f t@(Ref r) = Writer.tell [r] *> pure t
@ -190,6 +227,7 @@ data PathElement
| Body -- ^ Points at the body of a lambda or let
| Binding !Int -- ^ Points at a particular binding in a let
| Index !Int -- ^ Points at the index of a vector
| Annotation Type.Path -- ^ Points into the type of an `Ann`
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type Path = [PathElement]
@ -207,6 +245,7 @@ focus1 (Binding i) (LetRec bs body) =
>>= \b -> Just (b, \b -> LetRec (take i bs ++ [b] ++ drop (i+1) bs) body)
focus1 (Index i) (Vector vs) =
vs !? i >>= \v -> Just (v, \v -> Vector (Vector.update vs (Vector.singleton (i,v))))
focus1 (Annotation pt) (Ann e t) = Just (e, \e -> Ann e t) -- todo: revisit
focus1 _ _ = Nothing
-- | Return the list of all prefixes of the input path
@ -262,6 +301,70 @@ betaReduce :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
betaReduce (App' (Lam' n body) arg) = ABT.subst arg n body
betaReduce e = e
type ViewableTerm = Term (Symbol View.DFO)
toString :: ViewableTerm -> String
toString t = D.formatText 80 (view Type.defaultSymbol t)
view :: (Reference -> Symbol View.DFO) -> ViewableTerm -> Doc Text Path
view ref t = go no View.low t where
no = const False
sym v = D.embed ( v)
op t = case t of
Lit' l -> Symbol.annotate View.prefix . (\r -> Symbol.prefix r :: Symbol ()) . Text.pack . show $ l
Var' v -> v
_ -> Symbol.annotate View.prefix (Symbol.prefix "" :: Symbol ())
formatBinding :: Path -> Symbol View.DFO -> ViewableTerm -> Doc Text Path
formatBinding path name body = case body of
LamsP' vs (body,bodyp) ->
let lhs = fmap fixup $ go no View.low (apps (var name) (map (var . fst) vs))
fixup _ = [] -- todo, could use paths to individual variables
rhs = D.sub' bodyp $ go no View.low body
in . D.sub' path $ [lhs, D.embed " =", D.breakable " ", D.nest " " rhs]
_ -> D.sub' path $ [sym name, D.embed " =", D.breakable " ", D.nest " " $ go no View.low body ]
go :: (ViewableTerm -> Bool) -> View.Precedence -> ViewableTerm -> Doc Text Path
go inChain p t = case t of
Lets' bs e ->
pe = replicate (length bs) Body
bps = tail (tails pe)
formattedBs = [ formatBinding bp name b | ((name,b), bp) <- bs `zip` bps ]
in $ [D.embed "let", D.breakable " "] `D.append`
D.nest " " (D.delimit (D.breakable "; ") formattedBs) `D.append` [D.embed "in", D.breakable " ", D.sub' pe . D.nest " " $ go no View.low e ]
LetRec' bs e ->
bps = map Binding [0 .. length bs - 1]
formattedBs = [ formatBinding [bp] name b | ((name,b), bp) <- bs `zip` bps ]
in $ [D.embed "let rec", D.breakable " "] `D.append`
D.nest " " (D.delimit (D.breakable "; ") formattedBs) `D.append` [D.embed "in", D.breakable " ", D.sub Body . D.nest " " $ go no View.low e ]
AppsP' (fn,fnP) args ->
Symbol.Symbol _ name view = op fn
(taken, remaining) = splitAt (View.arity view) args
fmt (child,path) = (\p -> D.sub' path (go (fn ==) p child), path)
applied = fromMaybe unsaturated (View.instantiate view fnP name (map fmt taken))
unsaturated = D.sub' fnP $ go no View.high fn
(if inChain fn then id else $ case remaining of
[] -> applied
args -> D.parenthesize (p > View.high) . . $
[ applied, D.breakable " "
, D.nest " " . . D.delimit (D.breakable " ") $
[ D.sub' p (go no (View.increase View.high) s) | (s,p) <- args ] ]
LamsP' vs (body,bodyp) ->
if p == View.low then D.sub' bodyp (go no p body)
else D.parenthesize True . $
D.delimit (D.embed " ") (map (sym . fst) vs) `D.append` [D.embed "", D.breakable " ", D.nest " " $ D.sub' bodyp (go no View.low body)]
Ann' e t -> . D.parenthesize (p /= View.low) $ [ go no p e, D.embed " :", D.breakable " "
, D.nest " " $ (\p -> [Annotation p]) <$> Type.view ref t ]
Var' v -> sym v
Lit' _ -> D.embed ( $ op t)
_ -> error $ "layout match failure"
-- mostly boring serialization code below ...
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Literal

View File

@ -12,19 +12,27 @@ module Unison.Type where
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..))
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude.Extras (Eq1(..),Show1(..))
import Unison.Doc (Doc)
import Unison.Note (Noted)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol(..))
import Unison.Var (Var)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Doc as D
import qualified Unison.Hash as Hash
import qualified Unison.JSON as J
import qualified Unison.Kind as K
import qualified Unison.Reference as Reference
import qualified Unison.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Unison.Var as Var
import qualified Unison.View as View
-- | Type literals
data Literal
@ -87,6 +95,7 @@ pattern Apps' f args <- (unApps -> Just (f, args))
pattern AppsP' f args <- (unApps' -> Just (f, args))
pattern Constrain' t u <- ABT.Tm' (Constrain t u)
pattern Forall' v body <- ABT.Tm' (Forall (ABT.Abs' v body))
pattern ForallsP' vs body <- (unForalls' -> Just (vs, body))
pattern Existential' v <- ABT.Tm' (Existential (ABT.Var' v))
pattern Universal' v <- ABT.Tm' (Universal (ABT.Var' v))
@ -101,6 +110,12 @@ unArrows' :: Type v -> Maybe [(Type v,Path)]
unArrows' t = addPaths <$> unArrows t
where addPaths ts = ts `zip` arrowPaths (length ts)
unForalls' :: Type v -> Maybe ([(v, Path)], (Type v, Path))
unForalls' (Forall' v body) = case unForalls' body of
Nothing -> Just ([(v, [])], (body, [Body])) -- todo, need a path for forall vars
Just (vs, (body,bodyp)) -> Just ((v, []) : vs, (body, Body:bodyp))
unForalls' _ = Nothing
unApps :: Type v -> Maybe (Type v, [Type v])
unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
@ -177,44 +192,67 @@ data PathElement
| Input -- ^ Points at the left of an `Arrow`
| Output -- ^ Points at the right of an `Arrow`
| Body -- ^ Points at the body of a forall
deriving (Eq,Ord)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type Path = [PathElement]
layout :: (Var v, ToJSON v) => (Reference -> v) -> Type v -> D.Doc Text Path
layout ref t = go (0 :: Int) t
type ViewableType = Type (Symbol View.DFO)
defaultSymbol :: Reference -> Symbol View.DFO
defaultSymbol (Reference.Builtin t) = Symbol.prefix t
defaultSymbol (Reference.Derived h) = Symbol.prefix (Text.cons '#' $ short h)
(<>) = D.append
lit l = case l of
Number -> "Number"
Text -> "Text"
Vector -> "Vector"
Distance -> "Distance"
Ref r -> (ref r) -- no infix type operators at the moment
paren b d =
let r = D.root d
in if b then D.embed' r "(" <> d <> D.embed' r ")" else d
arr = D.breakable " " <> D.embed ""
sp = D.breakable " "
short h = Text.take 8 . Hash.base64 $ h
toString :: ViewableType -> String
toString t = D.formatText 80 (view defaultSymbol t)
view :: (Reference -> Symbol View.DFO) -> ViewableType -> Doc Text Path
view ref t = go no View.low t
no = const False
sym v = D.embed ( v)
go p t = case t of
Lit' l -> D.embed (lit l)
op :: ViewableType -> Symbol View.DFO
op t = case t of
Lit' (Ref r) -> ref r
Lit' l -> Symbol.annotate View.prefix . (\r -> Symbol.prefix r :: Symbol ()) . Text.pack . show $ l
Universal' v -> v
Existential' v -> v
_ -> Symbol.annotate View.prefix (Symbol.prefix "" :: Symbol ())
go :: (ViewableType -> Bool) -> View.Precedence -> ViewableType -> Doc Text Path
go inChain p t = case t of
ArrowsP' spine ->
paren (p > 0) . . D.delimit arr $ [ D.sub' p (go 1 s) | (s,p) <- spine ]
let arr = D.breakable " " `D.append` D.embed ""
in D.parenthesize (p > View.low) . . D.delimit arr $
[ D.sub' p (go no (View.increase View.low) s) | (s,p) <- spine ]
AppsP' (fn,fnP) args ->
paren (p > 9) . . $
[ D.sub' fnP (go 9 fn)
, D.breakable " "
, D.nest " " . . D.delimit sp $ [ D.sub' p (go 10 s) | (s,p) <- args ] ]
Constrain' t _ -> go p t
Symbol _ name view = op fn
(taken, remaining) = splitAt (View.arity view) args
fmt (child,path) = (\p -> D.sub' path (go (fn ==) p child), path)
applied = fromMaybe unsaturated (View.instantiate view fnP name (map fmt taken))
unsaturated = D.sub' fnP $ go no View.high fn
(if inChain fn then id else $ case remaining of
[] -> applied
args -> D.parenthesize (p > View.high) . . $
[ applied, D.breakable " "
, D.nest " " . . D.delimit (D.breakable " ") $
[ D.sub' p (go no (View.increase View.high) s) | (s,p) <- args ] ]
ForallsP' vs (body,bodyp) ->
if p == View.low then D.sub' bodyp (go no p body)
else D.parenthesize True . $
D.embed "" `D.append`
D.delimit (D.embed " ") (map (sym . fst) vs) `D.append` [D.embed ".", D.breakable " ", D.nest " " $ D.sub' bodyp (go no View.low body)]
Constrain' t _ -> go inChain p t
Ann' t _ -> go inChain p t -- ignoring kind annotations for now
Universal' v -> sym v
Existential' v -> D.embed ("'" `mappend` v)
Ann' t _ -> go p t -- ignoring kind annotations for now
Forall' v body -> case p of
0 -> D.sub Body (go p body)
_ -> paren True . . $
[D.embed "", sym v, D.embed ".", sp, D.nest " " $ D.sub Body (go 0 body)]
_ -> error $ "layout match failure on: " ++ show (toJSON t)
Lit' _ -> D.embed ( $ op t)
_ -> error $ "layout match failure"
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''PathElement
instance J.ToJSON1 F where
toJSON1 f = toJSON f

View File

@ -4,9 +4,30 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | A class for variables. Variables may have auxiliary information which
-- may not form part of their identity according to `Eq` / `Ord`. Laws:
-- * `name (named n) == n`:
-- `name` returns the name set by `named`.
-- * `Set.notMember (freshIn vs v) vs`:
-- `freshIn` returns a variable not used in the `Set`
-- * `name (freshIn vs v) == name v`:
-- `freshIn` does not alter the name
-- * `Set.notMember (qualifiedName $ freshIn vs v) ( qualifiedName vs)`:
-- `qualifiedName` incorporates all additional id info from freshening into
-- the name of the variable.
-- * `clear (freshIn vs v) === clear (freshIn vs (named (name v)))`:
-- `clear` strips any auxiliary information and returns a variable that behaves
-- as if it has been built solely via calls to `named` and `freshIn`. The `===`
-- is full equality, comparing any auxiliary info as well as qualified name.
-- * `clear v == v`, according to Haskell equality. In other words, no auxiliary
-- info attached to `v` values may participate in the `Eq` or `Ord` instances,
-- it is 'just' metadata.
class (Eq v, Ord v) => Var v where
named :: Text -> v
name :: v -> Text
clear :: v -> v
qualifiedName :: v -> Text
freshIn :: Set v -> v -> v

shared/src/Unison/View.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.View where
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Unison.Doc (Doc)
import Unison.Path (Path)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.Doc as D
import qualified Unison.Path as Path
newtype Precedence = Precedence Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
low :: Precedence
low = Precedence 0
high :: Precedence
high = Precedence 10
increase :: Precedence -> Precedence
increase (Precedence p) = Precedence (p + 1)
-- | `Arg 0` references the name of the operator; `Arg 1`
-- references the first argument it is applied to, `Arg 2`
-- the second argument it is applied to, etc.
newtype Var = Arg Int deriving (Eq,Ord)
data Segment = Slot Var Precedence | Text Text
instance IsString Segment where
fromString s = Text (Text.pack s)
path :: Segment -> Maybe Var
path (Slot v _) = Just v
path _ = Nothing
text :: Text -> Doc Segment (Maybe Var)
text t = D.embed (Text t)
toDoc :: Segment -> Doc Segment (Maybe Var)
toDoc t@(Text _) = D.embed t
toDoc s@(Slot var _) = D.embed' (Just var) s
arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 :: Precedence -> Doc Segment (Maybe Var)
arg0 p = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 0) p
arg1 p = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 1) p
arg2 p = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 2) p
arg3 p = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 3) p
arg4 p = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 4) p
name :: Doc Segment (Maybe Var)
name = toDoc $ Slot (Arg 0) high
-- | The associativity of a binary operator, which controls how / whether
-- parentheses or other indicators of grouping are displayed in chains
-- of operators.
-- * `AssociateL` on an operator, `+`, indicates that `(a + b) + c`
-- may be displayed without parens, as `a + b + c`. `a + (b + c)`
-- should display with parentheses.
-- * `AssociateR` on an operator, `::`, indicates that `a :: (b :: c)`
-- may be displayed without parens, as `a :: b :: c`. `(a :: b) :: c`
-- should display with parentheses.
-- * `Associative` on an operator, `*`, indicates that chains of that
-- operator should always display without parens. So a syntax tree of
-- `a * (b * c)` and `(a * b) * c` would display as `a * b * c`.
-- * `None` indicates that all grouping of the syntax tree should be
-- indicated visually. So `a ++ (b ++ c)` and `(a ++ b) ++ c` would
-- both display with parens if `++` had `None` as its associativity.
data Associativity = AssociateL | AssociateR | Associative | None deriving (Eq,Ord)
class View op where
-- | A prefix operator, of arity 0. This is the only arity 0 operator.
prefix :: op
-- | A postfix operator, of arity 1.
postfix1 :: Precedence -> op
-- | A binary operator, of arity 2.
binary :: Associativity -> Precedence -> op
-- | All operators have an arity, which is the number of subsequent
-- applications they capture for insertion into their layout.
-- `arity prefix == 0` and `arity (binary assoc prec) == 2`.
arity :: op -> Int
-- | The layout is an arbitrary `Doc`, which can refer to both
-- the operator's name, and any arguments captured by its arity.
-- An unsaturated operator (applied to fewer than `arity` arguments)
-- gets displayed as `prefix`.
layout :: op -> Doc Segment (Maybe Var)
-- | The precedence of the operator
precedence :: op -> Precedence
data DFO = DFO (Doc Segment (Maybe Var)) Precedence
mixfix :: Precedence -> [Doc Segment (Maybe Var)] -> DFO
mixfix prec segs = DFO ( segs) prec
instance View () where
arity _ = 0
precedence _ = high
layout _ = name
prefix = ()
postfix1 _ = ()
binary _ _ = ()
instance View DFO where
arity (DFO l _) = maximum $ 0 : [ i | Slot (Arg i) _ <- D.elements l ]
precedence (DFO _ p) = p
layout (DFO l _) = l
prefix = DFO name high
postfix1 prec = DFO ( [arg1 prec, text " ", name]) prec
binary assoc prec =
DFO layout prec
deltaL p | assoc == AssociateL || assoc == Associative = p
deltaL p = increase p
deltaR p | assoc == AssociateR || assoc == Associative = p
deltaR p = increase p
layout =
[ arg1 (deltaL prec), D.breakable " ", name, text " "
, arg2 (deltaR prec) ]
instantiate :: (Path p, View op) => op -> p -> Text -> [(Precedence -> Doc Text p, p)] -> Maybe (Doc Text p)
instantiate op opP name args | arity op == length args =
D.ebind f (fmap g (layout op))
f (Slot (Arg 0) prec) = D.embed name
f (Slot (Arg i) prec) = let (a,_) = args !! (i - 1) in a prec
f (Text t) = D.embed t
g Nothing = Path.root
g (Just (Arg 0)) = opP
g (Just (Arg i)) = snd $ args !! (i - 1)
instantiate _ _ _ _ = Nothing

View File

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