Use optparse-applicative for all argument parsing

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2021-07-30 23:27:08 -06:00
parent 40bf6e8d7b
commit c9423e2f7f
7 changed files with 392 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ library:
- aeson
- ansi-terminal
- ansi-wl-pprint
- async
- base
- base16 >=
@ -73,8 +72,8 @@ library:
- network
- network-simple
- nonempty-containers
- optparse-applicative >=
- openapi3
- optparse-applicative
- pem
- process
- primitive
@ -132,6 +131,7 @@ executables:
- lens
- megaparsec
- mtl
- optparse-applicative >=
- safe
- shellmet
- template-haskell

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- The Options module defines the command line options available when invoking unison
-- It is built using
-- which has a pretty good guide that should explain everything in this module
module Unison.CommandLine.ArgParse where
import Control.Applicative ((<**>), (<|>), some)
import Options.Applicative
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ((<$$>), (<+>), (</>), Doc, bold, hardline)
import Data.Foldable
-- Unfortunately we can't use a global --codebase option so we have
-- to add it to all Commands that needs it
-- see
type Codebase = Maybe FilePath
data Command
= Launch Codebase
| Version
| Init Codebase
| Run Codebase (Maybe FilePath) Stdin String
| Transcript Codebase Fork SaveCodebase [FilePath]
deriving (Show)
newtype Stdin = Stdin Bool
deriving (Show)
newtype Fork = Fork Bool
deriving (Show)
newtype SaveCodebase = SaveCodebase Bool
deriving (Show)
options :: ParserInfo Command
options = info (options' <**> helper) (progDescDoc unisonHelp)
unisonHelp :: Maybe Doc
unisonHelp =
Just $
"Usage instructions for the Unison Codebase Manager"
<> hardline
<> hardline
<> "To get started just run " <+> bold "unison" <+> "to enter interactive mode"
<$$> mempty
</> "Unison has various sub-commands (see Available commands) but by default will run in interactive mode"
</> "Use" <+> bold "unison command --help" <+> "to show help for a command"
<> hardline
<> hardline
<> "Most commands take the option" <+> bold "--codebase" <+> "which expects a path to a unison codebase"
</> "If none is provided then the home directory is used"
codebaseHelp :: Maybe Doc
codebaseHelp = Just "The path to the codebase, defaults to the home directory"
options' :: Parser Command
options' =
hsubparser commands <|> launchCommand
commands =
fold [ versionCommand
, initCommand
, runCommand
, transcriptCommand
versionCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
versionCommand = command "version" (info (pure Version) (progDesc "print the version of unison"))
initCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
initCommand = command "init" (info (Init <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))) (progDesc initHelp))
initHelp = "Initialise a unison codebase"
runCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
runCommand = command "run" (info run (progDescDoc runHelp))
runHelp = Just "Execute a definition from a file, stdin or the codebase"
transcriptCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
transcriptCommand = command "transcript" (info transcript (progDesc transcriptHelp <> footerDoc transcriptFooter))
transcriptHelp = "Execute transcript markdown files"
transcriptFooter =
Just $
"For each transcript file provided this executes the transcript and creates"
<+> bold ""
<+> "if successful."
</> "Exits after completion, and deletes the temporary directory created."
</> "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence"
<+> "starting from the same codebase."
launchCommand :: Parser Command
launchCommand = (Launch <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp)))
run :: Parser Command
run =
Run <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))
<*> optional (strOption (long "file" <> helpDoc fileHelp))
<*> (Stdin <$> switch (long "stdin" <> helpDoc pipeHelp))
<*> strArgument (help mainHelp <> metavar ".mylib.mymain")
fileHelp = Just $ "the file containing" <+> bold ".mylib.mymain" <+> "- if not provided then the codebase will be used"
pipeHelp = Just $ "read the definition from stdin, usefull for piping to unison"
mainHelp = "the main method"
transcript :: Parser Command
transcript =
Transcript <$> optional (strOption (long "codebase" <> helpDoc codebaseHelp))
<*> (Fork <$> switch (long "fork" <> helpDoc forkHelp))
<*> (SaveCodebase <$> switch (long "save-codebase" <> helpDoc saveHelp))
<*> some (strArgument (metavar "transcriptfiles..."))
forkHelp = Just "if set the transcript is executed in a copy of the current codebase"
saveHelp = Just "if set the resulting codebase will be saved to a new directory, otherwise it will be deleted"

View File

@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ library
@ -181,7 +180,6 @@ library
, aeson
, ansi-terminal
, ansi-wl-pprint
, async
, base
, base16 >=
@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ library
, network-simple
, nonempty-containers
, openapi3
, optparse-applicative
, optparse-applicative >=
, pem
, primitive
, process
@ -420,6 +418,8 @@ executable transcripts
executable unison
main-is: Main.hs
@ -450,6 +450,7 @@ executable unison
, lens
, megaparsec
, mtl
, optparse-applicative >=
, safe
, shellmet
, template-haskell

View File

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | This module handles parsing CLI arguments into 'Command's.
-- See the excellent documentation at
module ArgParse where
import Options.Applicative
( optional,
Alternative(some, (<|>)),
ParserPrefs, fullDesc, headerDoc )
import Options.Applicative.Help ( (<+>), bold )
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable(fold) )
import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as P
import qualified Unison.PrettyTerminal as PT
import qualified Data.List as List
import Unison.Util.Pretty (Width(..))
-- The name of a symbol to execute.
type SymbolName = String
-- | Valid ways to provide source code to the run command
data RunSource =
RunFromPipe SymbolName
| RunFromSymbol SymbolName
| RunFromFile FilePath SymbolName
deriving (Show)
data ShouldForkCodebase
= UseFork
| DontFork
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ShouldSaveCodebase
= SaveCodebase
| DontSaveCodebase
deriving (Show, Eq)
data IsHeadless = Headless | WithCLI
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Command
= Launch IsHeadless
| PrintVersion
| Init
| Run RunSource
| Transcript ShouldForkCodebase ShouldSaveCodebase [FilePath]
| UpgradeCodebase
deriving (Show)
data CodebaseFormat
= V1
| V2
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GlobalOptions = GlobalOptions
{ codebasePath :: Maybe FilePath
, codebaseFormat :: CodebaseFormat
} deriving (Show)
rootParserInfo :: String -> String -> ParserInfo (GlobalOptions, Command)
rootParserInfo progName version =
info ((,) <$> globalOptionsParser <*> commandParser <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> headerDoc (Just $ unisonHelp progName version))
type UsageRenderer =
Maybe String -- ^ Optional sub-command to render help for
-> String
parseCLIArgs :: String -> String -> IO (UsageRenderer, GlobalOptions, Command)
parseCLIArgs progName version = do
(Width cols) <- PT.getAvailableWidth
let parserInfo = rootParserInfo progName version
let preferences = prefs $ showHelpOnError <> columns cols
(globalOptions, command) <- customExecParser preferences parserInfo
let usage = renderUsage progName parserInfo preferences
pure $ (usage, globalOptions, command)
renderUsage :: String -> ParserInfo a -> ParserPrefs -> Maybe String -> String
renderUsage programName pInfo preferences subCommand =
let showHelpFailure = parserFailure preferences pInfo (ShowHelpText subCommand) mempty
(helpText, _exitCode) = renderFailure showHelpFailure programName
in helpText
commandParser :: Parser Command
commandParser =
hsubparser commands <|> launchParser
commands =
fold [ versionCommand
, initCommand
, runSymbolCommand
, runFileCommand
, runPipeCommand
, transcriptCommand
, transcriptForkCommand
, upgradeCodebaseCommand
, launchHeadlessCommand
globalOptionsParser :: Parser GlobalOptions
globalOptionsParser = do -- ApplicativeDo
codebasePath <- codebasePathParser
codebaseFormat <- codebaseFormatParser
pure GlobalOptions{..}
codebasePathParser :: Parser (Maybe FilePath)
codebasePathParser =
optional . strOption $
long "codebase"
<> metavar "path/to/codebase"
<> help "The path to the codebase, defaults to the home directory"
codebaseFormatParser :: Parser CodebaseFormat
codebaseFormatParser =
flag' V1 (long "old-codebase" <> help "Use a v1 codebase on startup.")
<|> flag' V2 (long "new-codebase" <> help "Use a v2 codebase on startup.")
<|> pure V2
launchHeadlessCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
launchHeadlessCommand =
command "headless" (info launchHeadlessParser (progDesc headlessHelp))
headlessHelp = "Runs the codebase server without the command-line interface."
versionCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
versionCommand = command "version" (info versionParser (fullDesc <> progDesc "Print the version of unison you're running"))
initCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
initCommand = command "init" (info initParser (progDesc initHelp))
initHelp = "Initialise a unison codebase"
runSymbolCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
runSymbolCommand =
command "run" (info runSymbolParser (fullDesc <> progDesc "Execute a definition from the codebase"))
runFileCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
runFileCommand =
command "run.file" (info runFileParser (fullDesc <> progDesc "Execute a definition from a file"))
runPipeCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
runPipeCommand =
command "run.pipe" (info runPipeParser (fullDesc <> progDesc "Execute code from stdin"))
transcriptCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
transcriptCommand =
command "transcript" (info transcriptParser (fullDesc <> progDesc transcriptHelp <> footerDoc transcriptFooter))
transcriptHelp = "Execute transcript markdown files"
transcriptFooter =
Just . fold . List.intersperse P.line $
[ "For each <transcript>.md file provided this executes the transcript and creates" <+> bold "<transcript>" <+> "if successful."
, "Exits after completion, and deletes the temporary directory created, unless --save-codebase is provided"
, "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence" <+> "starting from the same codebase."
transcriptForkCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
transcriptForkCommand =
command "transcript.fork" (info transcriptForkParser (fullDesc <> progDesc transcriptHelp <> footerDoc transcriptFooter))
transcriptHelp = "Execute transcript markdown files in a sandboxed codebase"
transcriptFooter =
Just . fold . List.intersperse P.line $
[ "For each <transcript>.md file provided this executes the transcript in a sandbox codebase and creates" <+> bold "<transcript>" <+> "if successful."
, "Exits after completion, and deletes the temporary directory created, unless --save-codebase is provided"
, "Multiple transcript files may be provided; they are processed in sequence" <+> "starting from the same codebase."
upgradeCodebaseCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
upgradeCodebaseCommand =
command "upgrade-codebase" (info (pure UpgradeCodebase) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Upgrades a v1 codebase to a v2 codebase"))
launchParser :: Parser Command
launchParser = pure (Launch WithCLI)
launchHeadlessParser :: Parser Command
launchHeadlessParser = pure (Launch Headless)
initParser :: Parser Command
initParser = pure Init
versionParser :: Parser Command
versionParser = pure PrintVersion
runSymbolParser :: Parser Command
runSymbolParser =
Run . RunFromSymbol <$> strArgument (metavar "SYMBOL")
runFileParser :: Parser Command
runFileParser = do -- ApplicativeDo
pathTofile <- strArgument (metavar "path/to/file")
symbolName <- strArgument (metavar "SYMBOL")
pure $ Run (RunFromFile pathTofile symbolName)
runPipeParser :: Parser Command
runPipeParser =
Run . RunFromPipe <$> strArgument (metavar "SYMBOL")
saveCodebaseFlag :: Parser ShouldSaveCodebase
saveCodebaseFlag = flag DontSaveCodebase SaveCodebase (long "save-codebase" <> help saveHelp)
saveHelp = "if set the resulting codebase will be saved to a new directory, otherwise it will be deleted"
filesArgument :: Parser [FilePath]
filesArgument = some (strArgument ( metavar "FILES..."
<> action "file" -- Autocomplete file names
transcriptParser :: Parser Command
transcriptParser = do -- ApplicativeDo
shouldSaveCodebase <- saveCodebaseFlag
files <- filesArgument
pure (Transcript DontFork shouldSaveCodebase files)
transcriptForkParser :: Parser Command
transcriptForkParser = do -- ApplicativeDo
shouldSaveCodebase <- saveCodebaseFlag
files <- filesArgument
pure (Transcript UseFork shouldSaveCodebase files)
unisonHelp :: String -> String -> P.Doc
unisonHelp (P.text -> executable) (P.text -> version) =
fold . List.intersperse P.line $
[ P.empty
, "🌻"
, P.empty
, P.bold "Usage instructions for the Unison Codebase Manager"
, "You are running version:" <+> version
, P.empty
, "To get started just run" <+> P.bold executable
, P.empty
, "Use" <+> P.bold (executable <+> "[command] --help") <+> "to show help for a command."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Compat where
import Control.Concurrent (mkWeakThreadId, myThreadId)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException (UserInterrupt), throwTo)
import System.Mem.Weak (deRefWeak)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import qualified GHC.ConsoleHandler as WinSig
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Sig
installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
main_thread <- myThreadId
wtid <- mkWeakThreadId main_thread
let interrupt = do
r <- deRefWeak wtid
case r of
Nothing -> return ()
Just t -> throwTo t UserInterrupt
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
let sig_handler WinSig.ControlC = interrupt
sig_handler WinSig.Break = interrupt
sig_handler _ = return ()
_ <- WinSig.installHandler (WinSig.Catch sig_handler)
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigQUIT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigINT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
return ()

View File

@ -1,34 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Main where
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import qualified GHC.ConsoleHandler as WinSig
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Sig
import Control.Concurrent (mkWeakThreadId, myThreadId, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Error.Safe (rightMay)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException (UserInterrupt), throwTo)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.Configurator.Types (Config)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified GHC.Conc
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp
import System.Mem.Weak (deRefWeak)
import qualified System.Path as Path
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
@ -53,80 +45,49 @@ import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import qualified Version
import qualified Unison.Codebase.Conversion.Upgrade12 as Upgrade12
installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
main_thread <- myThreadId
wtid <- mkWeakThreadId main_thread
let interrupt = do
r <- deRefWeak wtid
case r of
Nothing -> return ()
Just t -> throwTo t UserInterrupt
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
let sig_handler WinSig.ControlC = interrupt
sig_handler WinSig.Break = interrupt
sig_handler _ = return ()
_ <- WinSig.installHandler (WinSig.Catch sig_handler)
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigQUIT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
_ <- Sig.installHandler Sig.sigINT (Sig.Catch interrupt) Nothing
return ()
data CodebaseFormat = V1 | V2 deriving (Eq)
import Compat
import ArgParse
cbInitFor :: CodebaseFormat -> Codebase.Init IO Symbol Ann
cbInitFor = \case V1 -> FC.init; V2 -> SC.init
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
progName <- getProgName
-- hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- cool
void installSignalHandlers
option <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) Options.options
-- We need to know whether the program was invoked with -codebase for
-- certain messages. Therefore we keep a Maybe FilePath - mcodepath
-- rather than just deciding on whether to use the supplied path or
-- the home directory here and throwing away that bit of information
let (mcodepath, restargs0) = case args of
"-codebase" : codepath : restargs -> (Just codepath, restargs)
_ -> (Nothing, args)
(fromMaybe V2 -> cbFormat, restargs) = case restargs0 of
"--new-codebase" : rest -> (Just V2, rest)
"--old-codebase" : rest -> (Just V1, rest)
_ -> (Nothing, restargs0)
cbInit = case cbFormat of V1 -> FC.init; V2 -> SC.init
(renderUsageInfo, globalOptions, command) <- parseCLIArgs progName Version.gitDescribe
let GlobalOptions{codebasePath=mcodepath, codebaseFormat=cbFormat} = globalOptions
let cbInit = cbInitFor cbFormat
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
configFilePath <- getConfigFilePath mcodepath
config <-
catchIOError (watchConfig configFilePath) $ \_ ->
Exit.die "Your .unisonConfig could not be loaded. Check that it's correct!"
case restargs of
[version] | isFlag "version" version ->
putStrLn $ progName ++ " version: " ++ Version.gitDescribe
[help] | isFlag "help" help -> PT.putPrettyLn (usage progName)
["init"] -> Codebase.initCodebaseAndExit cbInit "main.init" mcodepath
"run" : [mainName] -> do
case command of
PrintVersion ->
putStrLn $ progName ++ " version: " ++ Version.gitDescribe
Init ->
Codebase.initCodebaseAndExit cbInit "main.init" mcodepath
Run (RunFromSymbol mainName) -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
runtime <- RTI.startRuntime
execute theCodebase runtime mainName
"run.file" : file : [mainName] | isDotU file -> do
e <- safeReadUtf8 file
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
Right contents -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
rt <- RTI.startRuntime
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack file) contents
launch currentDir config rt theCodebase [Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName, Right Input.QuitI]
"run.pipe" : [mainName] -> do
Run (RunFromFile file mainName)
| not (isDotU file) -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
| otherwise -> do
e <- safeReadUtf8 file
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
Right contents -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
rt <- RTI.startRuntime
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack file) contents
launch currentDir config rt theCodebase [Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName, Right Input.QuitI]
Run (RunFromPipe mainName) -> do
e <- safeReadUtf8StdIn
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I had trouble reading this input."
@ -138,39 +99,32 @@ main = do
currentDir config rt theCodebase
[Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName, Right Input.QuitI]
"transcript" : args' ->
case args' of
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbFormat False True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbFormat False False mcodepath args'
"transcript.fork" : args' ->
case args' of
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbFormat True True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbFormat True False mcodepath args'
["upgrade-codebase"] -> upgradeCodebase mcodepath
args -> do
let headless = listToMaybe args == Just "headless"
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
runtime <- RTI.startRuntime
Server.start runtime theCodebase $ \token port -> do
let url =
"" <> show port <> "/" <> URI.encode (unpack token)
when headless $
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines
["I've started the codebase API server at" , P.string $ url <> "/api"]
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines
["The Unison Codebase UI is running at", P.string $ url <> "/ui"]
if headless then do
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.string "Running the codebase manager headless with "
<> P.shown GHC.Conc.numCapabilities
<> " "
<> plural' GHC.Conc.numCapabilities "cpu" "cpus"
<> "."
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
takeMVar mvar
else do
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.string "Now starting the Unison Codebase Manager..."
launch currentDir config runtime theCodebase []
Transcript shouldFork shouldSaveCodebase transcriptFiles ->
runTranscripts renderUsageInfo cbFormat shouldFork shouldSaveCodebase mcodepath transcriptFiles
UpgradeCodebase -> upgradeCodebase mcodepath
Launch isHeadless -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
runtime <- RTI.startRuntime
Server.start runtime theCodebase $ \token port -> do
let url =
"" <> show port <> "/" <> URI.encode (unpack token)
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines
["The Unison Codebase UI is running at", P.string $ url <> "/ui"]
case isHeadless of
Headless -> do
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines
["I've started the codebase API server at" , P.string $ url <> "/api"]
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.string "Running the codebase manager headless with "
<> P.shown GHC.Conc.numCapabilities
<> " "
<> plural' GHC.Conc.numCapabilities "cpu" "cpus"
<> "."
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
takeMVar mvar
WithCLI -> do
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.string "Now starting the Unison Codebase Manager..."
launch currentDir config runtime theCodebase []
upgradeCodebase :: Maybe Codebase.CodebasePath -> IO ()
upgradeCodebase mcodepath =
@ -189,21 +143,22 @@ upgradeCodebase mcodepath =
<> "but there's no rush. You can access the old codebase again by passing the"
<> P.backticked "--old-codebase" <> "flag at startup."
prepareTranscriptDir :: CodebaseFormat -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath
prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat inFork mcodepath = do
prepareTranscriptDir :: CodebaseFormat -> ShouldForkCodebase -> Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath
prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat shouldFork mcodepath = do
tmp <- Temp.getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory >>= (`Temp.createTempDirectory` "transcript")
let cbInit = cbInitFor cbFormat
if inFork then
getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath >> do
path <- Codebase.getCodebaseDir mcodepath
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines [
P.wrap "Transcript will be run on a copy of the codebase at: ", "",
P.indentN 2 (P.string path)
Path.copyDir (Codebase.codebasePath cbInit path) (Codebase.codebasePath cbInit tmp)
else do
PT.putPrettyLn . P.wrap $ "Transcript will be run on a new, empty codebase."
void $ Codebase.openNewUcmCodebaseOrExit cbInit "main.transcript" tmp
case shouldFork of
UseFork -> do
getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
path <- Codebase.getCodebaseDir mcodepath
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines [
P.wrap "Transcript will be run on a copy of the codebase at: ", "",
P.indentN 2 (P.string path)
Path.copyDir (Codebase.codebasePath cbInit path) (Codebase.codebasePath cbInit tmp)
DontFork -> do
PT.putPrettyLn . P.wrap $ "Transcript will be run on a new, empty codebase."
void $ Codebase.openNewUcmCodebaseOrExit cbInit "main.transcript" tmp
pure tmp
@ -245,32 +200,34 @@ runTranscripts' codebaseFormat mcodepath transcriptDir args = do
pure False
:: CodebaseFormat
-> Bool
-> Bool
:: UsageRenderer
-> CodebaseFormat
-> ShouldForkCodebase
-> ShouldSaveCodebase
-> Maybe FilePath
-> [String]
-> IO ()
runTranscripts cbFormat inFork keepTemp mcodepath args = do
runTranscripts renderUsageInfo cbFormat shouldFork shouldSaveTempCodebase mcodepath args = do
progName <- getProgName
transcriptDir <- prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat inFork mcodepath
transcriptDir <- prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat shouldFork mcodepath
completed <-
runTranscripts' cbFormat (Just transcriptDir) transcriptDir args
when completed $ do
unless keepTemp $ removeDirectoryRecursive transcriptDir
when keepTemp $ PT.putPrettyLn $
P.callout "🌸" (
P.lines [
"I've finished running the transcript(s) in this codebase:", "",
P.indentN 2 (P.string transcriptDir), "",
P.wrap $ "You can run"
<> P.backticked (P.string progName <> " -codebase " <> P.string transcriptDir)
<> "to do more work with it."])
unless completed $ do
unless keepTemp $ removeDirectoryRecursive transcriptDir
PT.putPrettyLn (usage progName)
Exit.exitWith (Exit.ExitFailure 1)
case shouldSaveTempCodebase of
DontSaveCodebase -> removeDirectoryRecursive transcriptDir
SaveCodebase ->
if completed
PT.putPrettyLn $
P.callout "🌸" (
P.lines [
"I've finished running the transcript(s) in this codebase:", "",
P.indentN 2 (P.string transcriptDir), "",
P.wrap $ "You can run"
<> P.backticked (P.string progName <> " -codebase " <> P.string transcriptDir)
<> "to do more work with it."])
else do
putStrLn (renderUsageInfo $ Just "transcript")
Exit.exitWith (Exit.ExitFailure 1)
initialPath :: Path.Absolute
initialPath = Path.absoluteEmpty

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ extra-deps:
- Cabal-
- fuzzyfind-3.0.0
- monad-validate-,3505
- optparse-applicative- # We need some features from the most recent revision
# All packages