Text.take/drop/words, Vector.dedup-adjacent

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-10-04 20:37:59 -04:00
parent d18364fa84
commit e3e134cb83
5 changed files with 62 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Type (Type)
import Unison.Typechecker.Context (remoteSignatureOf)
import Unison.Util.Logger (Logger)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
@ -258,6 +258,35 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
in (r, Just (string2' (Term.ref r) (>=)), textCompareTyp, prefix "Text.>=")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.Order"
in (r, Nothing, unsafeParseType "Order Text", prefix "Text.Order")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.lowercase"
op [Term.Text' txt] = pure $ Term.text (Text.toLower txt)
op _ = error "Text.lowercase unpossible"
typ = "Text -> Text"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Text.lowercase")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.uppercase"
op [Term.Text' txt] = pure $ Term.text (Text.toUpper txt)
op _ = error "Text.uppercase unpossible"
typ = "Text -> Text"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Text.lowercase")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.take"
op [Term.Number' n, Term.Text' txt] = pure $ Term.text (Text.take (floor n) txt)
op _ = error "Text.take unpossible"
typ = "Number -> Text -> Text"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Text.take")
, let r = R.Builtin "Text.drop"
op [Term.Number' n, Term.Text' txt] = pure $ Term.text (Text.drop (floor n) txt)
op _ = error "Text.drop unpossible"
typ = "Number -> Text -> Text"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Text.drop")
, -- todo: rather special purpose, remove this in favor of more generic regex
let r = R.Builtin "Text.words"
op [Term.Text' txt] = pure $
let words = map stripPunctuation $ Text.split Char.isSpace txt
stripPunctuation word = Text.dropAround (not . Char.isAlphaNum) word
in Term.vector (map Term.text . filter (not . Text.null) $ words)
op _ = error "Text.words unpossible"
typ = "Text -> Vector Text"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Text.words")
-- Pair
, let r = R.Builtin "Pair"
@ -501,7 +530,7 @@ makeBuiltins logger whnf =
extractKey :: Term V -> [Either Double Text]
extractKey (Term.App' _ t1) = go t1 where
go (Term.Builtin' u) = []
go (Term.Builtin' _) = []
go (Term.App' (Term.Text' t) tl) = Right t : go tl
go (Term.App' (Term.Number' n) tl) = Left n : go tl
go (Term.App' (Term.Builtin' b) tl) = Right b : go tl

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@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ alias = do
bindings :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v) -> Parser (S v) [(v, Term v)]
bindings p = do s0 <- get; some (binding <* semicolon) <* set s0 where
binding = do
_ <- optional alias
_ <- many alias
typ <- optional (typedecl <* semicolon)
(name, args) <- ( (\arg1 op arg2 -> (op,[arg1,arg2]))
<$> prefixVar <*> infixVar <*> prefixVar)

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
, t "Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty [[1],[2],[3,4],[5]]"
, t "Vector.fold-balanced (+) 0 [1,2,3]" "6"
, t "Vector.dedup-adjacent (==_Number) [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,4,4,5]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.range 0 10" "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]"
, t "Vector.range 0 0" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-left (+) 0 (Vector.replicate 5 1)" "5"

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@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ Vector.fold-balanced plus zero vs =
go plus zero vs;;
Vector.fold-balanced1 : ∀ a . (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a -> Optional a;
Vector.fold-balanced1 f v = Vector.fold-balanced (Optional.lift-or f) None (Vector.map Some v);
Optional.lift-or : ∀ a . (a -> a -> a) -> Optional a -> Optional a -> Optional a;
Optional.lift-or f = a1 a2 ->
a1 |> Optional.fold a2 (a1 -> Optional.fold None (a2 -> Some (f a1 a2)) a2);
Vector.all? : ∀ a . (a -> Boolean) -> Vector a -> Boolean;
Vector.all? f vs = Vector.fold-balanced and True (Vector.map f vs);
@ -79,6 +86,22 @@ Vector.sort ok f v = Vector.sort-keyed (f `and-then` Order.key ok) v;
Vector.sort' : ∀ a . Order a -> Vector a -> Vector a;
Vector.sort' o = Vector.sort o identity;
Vector.last : ∀ a . Vector a -> Optional a;
Vector.last v = Vector.at (Vector.size v - 1) v;
Vector.1st : ∀ a . Vector a -> Optional a;
Vector.1st = Vector.at 0;
Vector.dedup-adjacent : ∀ a . (a -> a -> Boolean) -> Vector a -> Vector a;
Vector.dedup-adjacent eq v =
(v1 v2 ->
if Optional.map2 eq (Vector.last v1) (Vector.1st v2) |> Optional.get-or False
then Vector.concatenate v1 (Vector.drop 1 v2)
else Vector.concatenate v1 v2)
(Vector.map Vector.pure v);
Remote.map : ∀ a b . (a -> b) -> Remote a -> Remote b;
Remote.map f = Remote.bind (f `and-then` Remote.pure);

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@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Index.from-unsafe f ind = let
alias IndexedTraversal k v =
( Remote (Optional k)
, k -> Remote (Optional v)
, k -> Remote (Optional k));
( Remote (Optional k) -- first key
, k -> Remote (Optional v) -- lookup the value for a key
, k -> Remote (Optional k)); -- increment a key
IndexedTraversal.1st-key : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k);
IndexedTraversal.1st-key t = 1st t;
@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ IndexedTraversal.take n t =
else IndexedTraversal.1st-entry t |> Remote.map (Optional.map step);;
IndexedTraversal.take-keys : ∀ k v . Number -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Vector k);
IndexedTraversal.take-keys n t = IndexedTraversal.take n t |> Remote.map (Vector.map 1st);
Http.get-url : Text -> Remote (Either Text Text);
Http.get-url url = Remote.map Http.get-url# (Remote.pure url);