Greg Pfeil 179b8d1bb7
Terminate API code blocks correctly
They were missing trailing newlines, so as you can see in the diff, some
transcripts had invalid output.
2024-07-10 14:09:11 -06:00

516 lines
17 KiB

# Get Definitions Test
``` unison
nested.names.x.doc = {{ Documentation }}
nested.names.x = 42
``` api
-- Should NOT find names by suffix
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=x
"missingDefinitions": [
"termDefinitions": {},
"typeDefinitions": {}
-- Term names should strip relativeTo prefix.
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=names.x&relativeTo=nested
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8": {
"bestTermName": "x",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "42"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Documentation",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
-- Should find definitions by hash, names should be relative
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=%23qkhkl0n238&relativeTo=nested
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8": {
"bestTermName": "x",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "42"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Documentation",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
``` unison
doctest.thing.doc = {{ The correct docs for the thing }}
doctest.thing = "A thing"
doctest.thingalias.doc = {{ Docs for the alias, should not be displayed }}
doctest.thingalias = "A thing"
doctest.otherstuff.thing.doc = {{ A doc for a different term with the same name, should not be displayed }}
doctest.otherstuff.thing = "A different thing"
Only docs for the term we request should be returned, even if there are other term docs with the same suffix.
``` api
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=thing&relativeTo=doctest
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#jksc1s5kud95ro5ivngossullt2oavsd41s3u48bch67jf3gknru5j6hmjslonkd5sdqs8mr8k4rrnef8fodngbg4sm7u6au564ekjg": {
"bestTermName": "doctest.thing",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TextLiteral"
"segment": "\"A thing\""
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "The",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "correct",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "docs",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "for",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "the",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "thing",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
If we request a doc, the api should return the source, but also the rendered doc should appear in the 'termDocs' list.
``` api
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=thing.doc&relativeTo=doctest
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#t9qfdoiuskj4n9go8cftj1r83s43s3o7sppafm5vr0bq5feieb7ap0cie5ed2qsf9g3ig448vffhnajinq81pnnkila1jp2epa7f26o": {
"bestTermName": "doctest.thing.doc",
"defnTermTag": "Doc",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1lsjade71dojr25phk9bbom9rdks6dltolos5tjivakujcriqe02npba53n9gd7tkh8bmv08ttjb9t35lq2ch5heshqcs0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Doc2"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing.doc",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing.doc"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1lsjade71dojr25phk9bbom9rdks6dltolos5tjivakujcriqe02npba53n9gd7tkh8bmv08ttjb9t35lq2ch5heshqcs0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Doc2"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing.doc",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing.doc"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DocDelimiter"
"segment": "{{"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "The"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "correct"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "docs"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "for"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "the"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "thing"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DocDelimiter"
"segment": "}}"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "The",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "correct",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "docs",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "for",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "the",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "thing",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}