2024-08-27 10:53:23 +03:00

394 lines
6.4 KiB

This file contains programs with parse errors and type errors, for visual inspection of error message quality and to check for regressions or changes to error reporting.
## Parse errors
Some basic errors of literals.
### Floating point literals
``` unison
x = 1. -- missing some digits after the decimal
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 1. -- missing some digits after the decimal
I was expecting some digits after the `.` , for example: `1.0`
or `1.1e37`.
``` unison
x = 1e -- missing an exponent
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 1e -- missing an exponent
I was expecting some digits for the exponent, for example:
``` unison
x = 1e- -- missing an exponent
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 1e- -- missing an exponent
I was expecting some digits for the exponent, for example:
``` unison
x = 1E+ -- missing an exponent
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 1E+ -- missing an exponent
I was expecting some digits for the exponent, for example:
### Hex, octal, binary, and bytes literals
``` unison
x = 0xoogabooga -- invalid hex chars
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 0xoogabooga -- invalid hex chars
I was expecting only hexidecimal characters (one of
0123456789abcdefABCDEF) after the 0x.
``` unison
x = 0o987654321 -- 9 and 8 are not valid octal char
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 0o987654321 -- 9 and 8 are not valid octal char
I was expecting only octal characters (one of 01234567) after
the 0o.
``` unison
x = 0b3201 -- 3 and 2 are not valid binary chars
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This number isn't valid syntax:
1 | x = 0b3201 -- 3 and 2 are not valid binary chars
I was expecting only binary characters (one of 01) after the
``` unison
x = 0xsf -- odd number of hex chars in a bytes literal
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This bytes literal isn't valid syntax: 0xsf
1 | x = 0xsf -- odd number of hex chars in a bytes literal
I was expecting an even number of hexidecimal characters (one
of 0123456789abcdefABCDEF) after the 0xs.
``` unison
x = 0xsnotvalidhexchars -- invalid hex chars in a bytes literal
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This bytes literal isn't valid syntax: 0xsnotvalidhexchars
1 | x = 0xsnotvalidhexchars -- invalid hex chars in a bytes literal
I was expecting an even number of hexidecimal characters (one
of 0123456789abcdefABCDEF) after the 0xs.
### Layout errors
``` unison
foo = else -- not matching if
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found a closing 'else' here without a matching 'then'.
1 | foo = else -- not matching if
``` unison
foo = then -- unclosed
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found a closing 'then' here without a matching 'if'.
1 | foo = then -- unclosed
``` unison
foo = with -- unclosed
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found a closing 'with' here without a matching 'handle' or 'match'.
1 | foo = with -- unclosed
### Matching
``` unison
-- No cases
foo = match 1 with
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
Pattern match doesn't cover all possible cases:
2 | foo = match 1 with
Patterns not matched:
* _
``` unison
foo = match 1 with
2 -- no right-hand-side
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I got confused here:
3 |
I was surprised to find an end of section here.
I was expecting one of these instead:
* ","
* case match
* pattern guard
``` unison
-- Mismatched arities
foo = cases
1, 2 -> ()
3 -> ()
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
Not all the branches of this pattern matching have the same
number of arguments. I was assuming they'd all have 2
arguments (based on the previous patterns) but this one has
1 arguments:
4 | 3 -> ()
``` unison
-- Missing a '->'
x = match Some a with
None ->
Some _
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I got confused here:
7 |
I was surprised to find an end of section here.
I was expecting one of these instead:
* ","
* blank
* case match
* false
* pattern guard
* true
``` unison
-- Missing patterns
x = match Some a with
None -> 1
-> 2
-> 3
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I got confused here:
4 | -> 2
I was surprised to find a -> here.
I was expecting one of these instead:
* end of input
* newline or semicolon
``` unison
-- Guards following an unguarded case
x = match Some a with
None -> 1
| true -> 2
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I got confused here:
4 | | true -> 2
I was surprised to find a '|' here.
I was expecting one of these instead:
* end of input
* newline or semicolon
### Watches
``` unison
-- Empty watch
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I expected a non-empty watch expression and not just ">"
2 | >
### Keywords
``` unison
use.keyword.in.namespace = 1
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
The identifier `namespace` used here is a reserved keyword:
1 | use.keyword.in.namespace = 1
You can avoid this problem either by renaming the identifier
or wrapping it in backticks (like `namespace` ).
``` unison
-- reserved operator
a ! b = 1
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
This looks like the start of an expression here
2 | a ! b = 1
but at the file top-level, I expect one of the following:
- A binding, like a = 42 OR
a : Nat
a = 42
- A watch expression, like > a + 1
- An `ability` declaration, like unique ability Foo where ...
- A `type` declaration, like structural type Optional a = None | Some a