Greg Pfeil 0031542faf
Add a space before code block info strings
This is for consistency with the `cmark` style. Now the blocks we still
pretty-print ourselves will match the bulk of them that `cmark`
2024-07-10 13:56:07 -06:00

144 lines
3.6 KiB

``` unison
id x = x
structural ability Stream a where
emit : a -> ()
Stream.foldl : (x ->{g} a ->{g} x) -> x -> '{g, Stream a} r -> '{g} x
Stream.foldl f z str _ =
h acc = cases
{ emit x -> k } -> handle !k with h (f acc x)
{ _ } -> acc
handle !str with h z
Stream.range : Nat -> Nat -> '{Stream Nat} ()
Stream.range m n = do
f : Nat ->{Stream Nat} ()
f k = if k < n then emit k ; f (k+1) else ()
f m
unique type Fold' g a b x = Fold' (x -> {g} a -> {g} x) x (x -> {g} b)
unique type Fold g a b = Fold (∀ g2 r. (∀ x. Fold' g a b x -> {g2} r) -> {g2} r)
Fold.fromFold' : Fold' g a b x -> Fold g a b
Fold.fromFold' fold = Fold.Fold (f -> f fold)
Fold.mkFold : (t -> {g} a -> {g} t) -> t -> (t -> {g} b) -> Fold g a b
Fold.mkFold step init extract =
Fold.fromFold' (Fold'.Fold' step init extract)
folds.all : (a -> {g} Boolean) -> Fold g a Boolean
folds.all predicate =
Fold.mkFold (b -> a -> b && (predicate a)) true id
Fold.Stream.fold : Fold g a b -> '{g, Stream a} r -> '{g} b
Fold.Stream.fold =
run: Fold' g a b x -> '{g, Stream a} r -> '{g} b
run =
cases Fold'.Fold' step init extract ->
stream -> _ -> extract !(foldl step init stream)
Fold f -> stream -> f (f' -> run f' stream)
> folds.all.tests.stream =
pred = n -> (Nat.gt n 2)
res : 'Boolean
res = Fold.Stream.fold (folds.all pred) (Stream.range 1 5)
!res Universal.== false
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
type Fold g a b
type Fold' g a b x
structural ability Stream a
Fold.Stream.fold : Fold g a b
-> '{g, Stream a} r
-> '{g} b
Fold.fromFold' : Fold' g a b x -> Fold g a b
Fold.mkFold : (t ->{g} a ->{g} t)
-> t
-> (t ->{g} b)
-> Fold g a b
Stream.foldl : (x ->{g} a ->{g} x)
-> x
-> '{g, Stream a} r
-> '{g} x
Stream.range : Nat -> Nat -> '{Stream Nat} ()
folds.all : (a ->{g} Boolean) -> Fold g a Boolean
id : x -> x
Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
`>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.
44 | pred = n -> (Nat.gt n 2)
Tests some capabilities for catching runtime exceptions.
``` unison
catcher : '{IO} () ->{IO} Result
catcher act =
handle tryEval act with cases
{ raise _ -> _ } -> Ok "caught"
{ _ } -> Fail "nothing to catch"
tests _ =
[ catcher do
_ = 1/0
, catcher '(bug "testing")
, handle tryEval (do 1+1) with cases
{ raise _ -> _ } -> Fail "1+1 failed"
{ 2 } -> Ok "got the right answer"
{ _ } -> Fail "got the wrong answer"
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
catcher : '{IO} () ->{IO} Result
tests : ∀ _. _ ->{IO} [Result]
``` ucm
scratch/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
catcher : '{IO} () ->{IO} Result
tests : ∀ _. _ ->{IO} [Result]
scratch/main> io.test tests
New test results:
1. tests ◉ caught
◉ caught
◉ got the right answer
✅ 3 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.