2024-06-25 11:11:07 -07:00

103 lines
1.7 KiB

scratch/main> builtins.mergeio
{{ # Doc
This is a *doc*!
term link {x}
type link {type Optional}
x :
-> Nat
x y =
x = 1 + 1
x + y
-- Should keep comments after
-- symbolyDefinition
(<|>) : Nat -> Nat -> (Nat, Nat)
(<|>) a b = (a, b)
symbolyEndOfBlock =
x = 1
-- Test for a previous regression that added extra brackets.
oneLiner = {{ one liner }}
-- After
-- Before
explicit.doc = {{
# Here's a top-level doc
With a paragraph
Or two
-- After
{{ A doc before an ability }}
ability Thing where
more : Nat -> Text -> Nat
doThing : Nat -> Int
{{ Ability with single constructor }}
structural ability Ask a where
ask : {Ask a} a
-- Regression test for: https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4666
provide : a -> '{Ask a} r -> r
provide a action =
h = cases
{ask -> resume} -> handle resume a with h
{r} -> r
handle !action with h
A Doc before a type
structural type Optional a = More Text
| Some
| Other a
| None Nat
{{ A doc before a type with no type-vars }}
type Two = One Nat | Two Text
-- Regression for https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4669
multilineBold = {{
**This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines
with a strike-through block**
_This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines
with a strike-through block_
~This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines
with a strike-through block~
scratch/main> debug.format
Formatter should leave things alone if the file doesn't typecheck.
brokenDoc = {{ hello }} + 1
scratch/main> debug.format