2024-06-25 11:11:07 -07:00

35 lines
765 B

scratch/main> builtins.merge
We had bugs in the calling conventions for both send and terminate which would
cause pattern matching on the resulting (Right ()) would cause a runtime error.
use builtin.io2.Tls newClient send handshake terminate
frank: '{IO} ()
frank = do
socket = assertRight (clientSocket.impl "example.com" "443")
config = ClientConfig.default "example.com" 0xs
tls = assertRight (newClient.impl config socket)
() = assertRight (handshake.impl tls)
() = assertRight (send.impl tls 0xs)
() = assertRight (terminate.impl tls)
assertRight : Either a b -> b
assertRight = cases
Right x -> x
Left _ -> bug "expected a right but got a left"
scratch/main> add
scratch/main> run frank