Greg Pfeil 0031542faf
Add a space before code block info strings
This is for consistency with the `cmark` style. Now the blocks we still
pretty-print ourselves will match the bulk of them that `cmark`
2024-07-10 13:56:07 -06:00

16 KiB

Hashing and HMAC builtins

Unison has cryptographic builtins for hashing and computing HMACs (hash-based message authentication codes). This transcript shows their usage and has some test cases.

scratch/main> ls builtin.Bytes

  1.  ++                    (Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes)
  2.  at                    (Nat -> Bytes -> Optional Nat)
  3.  decodeNat16be         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  4.  decodeNat16le         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  5.  decodeNat32be         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  6.  decodeNat32le         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  7.  decodeNat64be         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  8.  decodeNat64le         (Bytes -> Optional (Nat, Bytes))
  9.  drop                  (Nat -> Bytes -> Bytes)
  10. empty                 (Bytes)
  11. encodeNat16be         (Nat -> Bytes)
  12. encodeNat16le         (Nat -> Bytes)
  13. encodeNat32be         (Nat -> Bytes)
  14. encodeNat32le         (Nat -> Bytes)
  15. encodeNat64be         (Nat -> Bytes)
  16. encodeNat64le         (Nat -> Bytes)
  17. flatten               (Bytes -> Bytes)
  18. fromBase16            (Bytes -> Either Text Bytes)
  19. fromBase32            (Bytes -> Either Text Bytes)
  20. fromBase64            (Bytes -> Either Text Bytes)
  21. fromBase64UrlUnpadded (Bytes -> Either Text Bytes)
  22. fromList              ([Nat] -> Bytes)
  23. gzip/                 (2 terms)
  24. indexOf               (Bytes -> Bytes -> Optional Nat)
  25. size                  (Bytes -> Nat)
  26. take                  (Nat -> Bytes -> Bytes)
  27. toBase16              (Bytes -> Bytes)
  28. toBase32              (Bytes -> Bytes)
  29. toBase64              (Bytes -> Bytes)
  30. toBase64UrlUnpadded   (Bytes -> Bytes)
  31. toList                (Bytes -> [Nat])
  32. zlib/                 (2 terms)

Notice the fromBase16 and toBase16 functions. Here's some convenience functions for converting Bytes to and from base-16 Text.

API overview

Here's a few usage examples:

ex1 = fromHex "2947db"
        |> crypto.hashBytes Sha3_512
        |> hex

ex2 = fromHex "02f3ab"
        |> crypto.hashBytes Blake2b_256
        |> hex

mysecret : Bytes
mysecret = fromHex "237be2"

ex3 = fromHex "50d3ab"
        |> (crypto.hmacBytes Sha2_256 mysecret)
        |> hex

f x = x

ex4 = crypto.hash Sha2_256 f |> hex

ex5 = crypto.hmac Sha2_256 mysecret f |> hex

> ex1
> ex2
> ex3
> ex4
> ex5

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      ex1      : Text
      ex2      : Text
      ex3      : Text
      ex4      : Text
      ex5      : Text
      f        : x -> x
        (also named id)
      mysecret : Bytes
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

    22 | > ex1
    23 | > ex2
    24 | > ex3
    25 | > ex4
    26 | > ex5

And here's the full API:

scratch/main> find-in builtin.crypto

  1.  type CryptoFailure
  2.  Ed25519.sign.impl : Bytes
                          -> Bytes
                          -> Bytes
                          -> Either Failure Bytes
  3.  Ed25519.verify.impl : Bytes
                            -> Bytes
                            -> Bytes
                            -> Either Failure Boolean
  4.  hash : HashAlgorithm -> a -> Bytes
  5.  builtin type HashAlgorithm
  6.  HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_256 : HashAlgorithm
  7.  HashAlgorithm.Blake2b_512 : HashAlgorithm
  8.  HashAlgorithm.Blake2s_256 : HashAlgorithm
  9.  HashAlgorithm.Md5 : HashAlgorithm
  10. HashAlgorithm.Sha1 : HashAlgorithm
  11. HashAlgorithm.Sha2_256 : HashAlgorithm
  12. HashAlgorithm.Sha2_512 : HashAlgorithm
  13. HashAlgorithm.Sha3_256 : HashAlgorithm
  14. HashAlgorithm.Sha3_512 : HashAlgorithm
  15. hashBytes : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> Bytes
  16. hmac : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> a -> Bytes
  17. hmacBytes : HashAlgorithm -> Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes
  18. Rsa.sign.impl : Bytes -> Bytes -> Either Failure Bytes
  19. Rsa.verify.impl : Bytes
                        -> Bytes
                        -> Bytes
                        -> Either Failure Boolean

Note that the universal versions of hash and hmac are currently unimplemented and will bomb at runtime:

> hash Sha3_256 (fromHex "3849238492")

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  scratch.u changed.
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

    1 | > hash Sha3_256 (fromHex "3849238492")

Hashing tests

Here are some test vectors (taken from here and here) for the various hashing algorithms:

ex alg input expected = checks [hashBytes alg (ascii input) == fromHex expected]

test> sha3_512.tests.ex1 =
  ex Sha3_512

test> sha3_512.tests.ex2 =
  ex Sha3_512

test> sha3_512.tests.ex3 =
  ex Sha3_512

test> sha3_512.tests.ex4 =
  ex Sha3_512

test> sha3_256.tests.ex1 =
  ex Sha3_256

test> sha3_256.tests.ex2 =
  ex Sha3_256

test> sha3_256.tests.ex3 =
  ex Sha3_256

test> sha3_256.tests.ex4 =
  ex Sha3_256

test> sha2_512.tests.ex1 =
  ex Sha2_512

test> sha2_512.tests.ex2 =
  ex Sha2_512

test> sha2_512.tests.ex3 =
  ex Sha2_512

test> sha2_512.tests.ex4 =
  ex Sha2_512

test> sha2_256.tests.ex1 =
  ex Sha2_256

test> sha2_256.tests.ex2 =
  ex Sha2_256

test> sha2_256.tests.ex3 =
  ex Sha2_256

test> sha2_256.tests.ex4 =
  ex Sha2_256

test> sha1.tests.ex1 =
  ex Sha1

test> sha1.tests.ex2 =
  ex Sha1

test> sha1.tests.ex3 =
  ex Sha1

test> sha1.tests.ex4 =
  ex Sha1

test> blake2s_256.tests.ex1 =
  ex Blake2s_256

test> blake2b_512.tests.ex1 =
  ex Blake2b_512

test> blake2b_512.tests.ex2 =
  ex Blake2b_512
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

test> blake2b_512.tests.ex3 =
  ex Blake2b_512
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dof"

-- check that hashing positive numbers that fit in both Nat and
-- Int yields the same answer
test> crypto.hash.numTests =
        t n =
          i = Int.fromRepresentation n
          hash Blake2b_256 n == hash Blake2b_256 i
        checks (List.map t (range 0 20))
scratch/main> test

  Cached test results (`help testcache` to learn more)
    1.  blake2b_512.tests.ex1   ◉ Passed
    2.  blake2b_512.tests.ex2   ◉ Passed
    3.  blake2b_512.tests.ex3   ◉ Passed
    4.  blake2s_256.tests.ex1   ◉ Passed
    5.  crypto.hash.numTests    ◉ Passed
    6.  sha1.tests.ex1          ◉ Passed
    7.  sha1.tests.ex2          ◉ Passed
    8.  sha1.tests.ex3          ◉ Passed
    9.  sha1.tests.ex4          ◉ Passed
    10. sha2_256.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    11. sha2_256.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    12. sha2_256.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    13. sha2_256.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    14. sha2_512.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    15. sha2_512.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    16. sha2_512.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    17. sha2_512.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    18. sha3_256.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    19. sha3_256.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    20. sha3_256.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    21. sha3_256.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    22. sha3_512.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    23. sha3_512.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    24. sha3_512.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    25. sha3_512.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
  ✅ 25 test(s) passing
  Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.

HMAC tests

These test vectors are taken from RFC 4231.

ex' alg secret msg expected = checks [hmacBytes alg (fromHex secret) (ascii msg) == fromHex expected]

test> hmac_sha2_256.tests.ex1 =
  ex' Sha2_256
    "Hi There"
test> hmac_sha2_512.tests.ex1 =
  ex' Sha2_512
    "Hi There"

test> hmac_sha2_256.tests.ex2 =
  ex' Sha2_256
    "what do ya want for nothing?"

test> hmac_sha2_512.tests.ex2 =
  ex' Sha2_512
    "what do ya want for nothing?"

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      ex'                     : HashAlgorithm
                                -> Text
                                -> Text
                                -> Text
                                -> [Result]
      hmac_sha2_256.tests.ex1 : [Result]
      hmac_sha2_256.tests.ex2 : [Result]
      hmac_sha2_512.tests.ex1 : [Result]
      hmac_sha2_512.tests.ex2 : [Result]
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

    4 |   ex' Sha2_256
    ✅ Passed Passed
    9 |   ex' Sha2_512
    ✅ Passed Passed
    15 |   ex' Sha2_256
    ✅ Passed Passed
    21 |   ex' Sha2_512
    ✅ Passed Passed

MD5 tests

Test vectors here pulled from Wikipedia's writeup.

ex alg input expected = checks [hashBytes alg (ascii input) == fromHex expected]

test> md5.tests.ex1 =
  ex Md5

test> md5.tests.ex2 =
  ex Md5
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

test> md5.tests.ex3 =
  ex Md5
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⊡ Previously added definitions will be ignored: ex
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      md5.tests.ex1 : [Result]
      md5.tests.ex2 : [Result]
      md5.tests.ex3 : [Result]
  Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
  `>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.

    4 |   ex Md5
    ✅ Passed Passed
    9 |   ex Md5
    ✅ Passed Passed
    14 |   ex Md5
    ✅ Passed Passed

scratch/main> test

  Cached test results (`help testcache` to learn more)
    1.  blake2b_512.tests.ex1   ◉ Passed
    2.  blake2b_512.tests.ex2   ◉ Passed
    3.  blake2b_512.tests.ex3   ◉ Passed
    4.  blake2s_256.tests.ex1   ◉ Passed
    5.  crypto.hash.numTests    ◉ Passed
    6.  md5.tests.ex1           ◉ Passed
    7.  md5.tests.ex2           ◉ Passed
    8.  md5.tests.ex3           ◉ Passed
    9.  sha1.tests.ex1          ◉ Passed
    10. sha1.tests.ex2          ◉ Passed
    11. sha1.tests.ex3          ◉ Passed
    12. sha1.tests.ex4          ◉ Passed
    13. sha2_256.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    14. sha2_256.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    15. sha2_256.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    16. sha2_256.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    17. sha2_512.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    18. sha2_512.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    19. sha2_512.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    20. sha2_512.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    21. sha3_256.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    22. sha3_256.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    23. sha3_256.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    24. sha3_256.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
    25. sha3_512.tests.ex1      ◉ Passed
    26. sha3_512.tests.ex2      ◉ Passed
    27. sha3_512.tests.ex3      ◉ Passed
    28. sha3_512.tests.ex4      ◉ Passed
  ✅ 28 test(s) passing
  Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.